UCA PD Officers Learn Sign Language

Members of the University of Central Arkansas Police Department are learning sign language to better communicate with the deaf community. Dr. Jim Thurman and Dr. Byron Ross in the Speech-Language Pathology Department taught nearly a dozen officers functional sign language during classes held recently at the police department. "The UCA community and the visitors to our campus are a very … [Read more...]

Business Students Present Case Study to Target

Students at University of Central Arkansas had the unique opportunity to present their own ideas for how Target can choose the right site for a distribution center. Four teams presented their recommendations to Target executives and UCA Business faculty during the Target Case Study Competition held April 28 at the UCA College of Business. The competition was part of the Financial Management … [Read more...]

UCA Confers 1,121 Degrees During Spring Commencement

University of Central Arkansas officials conferred more than 1,100 degrees Saturday during spring commencement exercises. About 386 graduates walked across the stage to receive their degrees during commencement at the Farris Health and Physical Education Center that morning. A second commencement was held that afternoon, where an additional 451 degrees were conferred. UCA officials conferred … [Read more...]

UCA Board of Trustees Approves Budget, Tuition Increase

The University of Central Arkansas Board of Trustees approved a $159 million operating budget for the 2011-12 fiscal year Friday during its meeting. The budget is a $2.8 million increase from the previous year. State appropriation represents 35.53 percent -- about $56.8 million -- of the total budget revenue, said Diane Newton, vice president of finance and administration. The education and … [Read more...]

Jerald Manion Outstanding Chemistry Student Award Presented

CONWAY -- The University of Central Arkansas presented the first Jerald Manion Outstanding Chemistry Student award to Brian Besel, a senior chemistry major from Rogers. Under the direction of Chemistry Professor Dr. Patrick Desrochers, Besel’s research efforts contributed to two peer-reviewed publications in the internationally-read journal, Inorganic Chemistry (2009 and 2011). Also, he was … [Read more...]

Speech Showcase Honors UCA Professor

A showcase spotlighting UCA freshmen and sophomore students in the Department of Speech and Public Relations was held recently in honor of Olive Hilliard, who served as a professor at UCA from 2003 until her death in 2010. Six finalists competed in the inaugural Olive Hilliard Speech Showcase held April 26 at the University of Central Arkansas. Awards totaling $1,000 were presented to students … [Read more...]

UCA to Host Spring Commencement May 7

Commencement services for the University of Central Arkansas will be held Saturday, May 7 in the Farris Center. More than 1,100 degrees will be conferred during the ceremonies. Exercises are scheduled for 10 a.m. for the College of Health and Behavioral Sciences; 1 p.m. for the College of Education, College of Liberal Arts, the College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics and University College; … [Read more...]

UCA College of Education to Host Annual Pinning Ceremony May 5

Press Release   April 29, 2011   Contact Person:  Jamie Alea, Coordinator of Field Experience, College of Education at jalea@uca.edu or 501-852-2810   UCA College of Education to Host Annual Pinning Ceremony May 5   CONWAY -- The College of Education at the University of Central Arkansas will hold its fifth annual Pinning Ceremony on Thursday, May 5 to honor candidates who are becoming … [Read more...]

Table at Luigi’s Selected for Bare Bones Film Festival

Table at Luigi's, the 2010 feature film by the University of Central Arkansas's Digital Filmmaking program, has been selected for the Bare Bones Film Festival in Muskogee, Okla., named by livability.com as one of the 10 best small film festivals in the country. Table at Luigi's will screen at noon on Saturday, April 30. Table at Luigi's is a modern-day fairy tale about David, "Chef" to his … [Read more...]

Officials Monitoring Storms, Encourage Community To Be Alert

UCA officials will be monitoring weather as another round of severe storms move into the area. The National Weather Service Prediction Center has placed parts of Central Arkansas under a high risk of severe thunderstorms Tuesday afternoon and Tuesday night. Strong to severe thunderstorms are expected to develop initially over southwest Arkansas then push across the state in the evening and into … [Read more...]