NEWS RELEASE UNIVERSITY OF CENTRAL ARKANSAS DEC. 12, 2011 Contact: Lawana Hawkins, Coordinator of Community Education UCA, Outreach and Community Engagement, at 501.450.5811 SPRING REGISTRATION OPEN FOR UCA COMMUNITY EDUCATION CONWAY - Registration is now open for Spring 2012 Community Education courses offered through Outreach and Community Engagement at the University of Central … [Read more...]
Arkansas Council of Teachers of English Language Arts Names 2011 Teachers of the Year
NEWS RELEASE UNIVERSITY OF CENTRAL ARKANSAS DEC. 12, 2011 CONTACT: Kristy Carter, Interim Executive Director Outreach & Community Engagement, at (501) 450- 3139 or at Arkansas Council of Teachers of English Language Arts Names 2011 Teachers of the Year Little Rock – The Arkansas Council of Teachers of English Language Arts (ACTELA) named four teachers of … [Read more...]
UCA, Conway Emergency Personnel Hold Disaster Exercise
The University of Central Arkansas and the City of Conway emergency personnel took part in an exercise to review the university's emergency operations plans. More than 70 UCA faculty, staff, and administrators participated in "Natural Disaster 2011," a table top exercise designed to generate discussion among UCA officials and Conway fire and police about the university's response to a natural … [Read more...]
PrivacyStar Announces Partnership with UCA’S EPIC Residential College
PrivacyStar,maker of the smartphone application that enables users to manage their mobile device with industry leading privacy features, today announced its participation in the Entrepreneurship, Public Scholarship, Innovation, & Community Engagement (EPIC) Residential College program at University of Central Arkansas(UCA). PrivacyStar will serve as a catalyst to a growing entrepreneurial … [Read more...]
Percussion Ensemble set for Dec. 8 performance
By Andrew McClain College of Fine Arts and Communication Media Office CONWAY — The University of Central Arkansas Percussion Ensemble will perform in the Snow Fine Arts Center Recital Hall at 7:30 p.m. on Thursday, Dec. 8. The ensemble, consisting of percussion majors and minors, will perform four pieces for percussion instruments: “Stained Glass,” a work for large percussion ensemble by … [Read more...]
Pat Boone set for holiday concert at Reynolds Performance Hall
CONWAY — Pat Boone will be in concert for A Holiday Celebration with the Central Arkansas Children’s Choir at the University of Central Arkansas. The concert at the Donald W. Reynolds Performance Hall is set for 2 p.m. Sunday, Dec. 11. Boone, perhaps best known as the white-shoed rock ‘n’ roll singer of the 1950s, had a run of chart success during that decade that rivaled Elvis Presley’s. … [Read more...]
Pat Boone to Perform Holiday Concert
Pat Boone will be in concert for A Holiday Celebration with the Central Arkansas Children's Choir at the University of Central Arkansas. The concert at the Donald W. Reynolds Performance Hall is set for 2 p.m. Sunday, Dec. 11. Boone, perhaps best known as the white-shoed rock'n'roll singer of the 1950s, had a run of chart success during that decade that rivaled Elvis Presley's. Among his hits … [Read more...]
Network Outage Scheduled for Nov. 30
All systems - email, Banner, myUCA, network, internet -will be down at 5:30 p.m. on Wednesday, Nov. 30 due to repairs to the university's datacenter. Information Technology staff plan to have systems back up by midnight. A vital part of the university's emergency power for the datacenter was lost as a result of the campus power outage that occurred on Nov. 9. All power has to be removed from … [Read more...]
Lecture Exams Sustainability Theory and Practice
Brian Campbell, an assistant professor of anthropology at the University of Central Arkansas, will give a lecture Thursday, Dec. 1 on Sustainability Theory and Practice. The lecture will begin at 6 p.m. in the College of Business Room 105. Campbell will discuss the key components of sustainable ecological systems and how those ideas apply to our contemporary human society. He will touch on … [Read more...]
UCA Theatre to Present Festival of One Act Plays
UCA THEATRE TO PRESENT FESTIVAL OF ONE ACT PLAYS UCA Theatre will present the Festival of One Act Plays on December 6-8 at 7:30 pm in the Bridges/Larson Theatre of the Snow Fine Arts Center on the UCA campus, 201 Donaghey in Conway. The festival has become one of the most popular events at UCA Theatre and involves over fifty cast and crew members. Three to … [Read more...]