PRESS RELEASE UNIVERSITY OF CENTRAL ARKANSAS COLLEGE OF FINE ARTS AND COMMUNICATION April 9, 2012 CONTACT: Jerry Biebesheimer, (501) 450-3682; MOSCOW FESTIVAL BALLET TO PERFORM ROMEO AND JULIET By Rachel McAdams College of Fine Arts and Communication Media Office CONWAY — The University of Central Arkansas Public Appearances’ Night Out Series comes to a close … [Read more...]
Panel to Discuss Real Estate Market Reform
The UCA Finance and Investment Club and the UCA Department of Economics, Finance, Insurance and Risk Management are hosting a panel discussion focusing on the real estate market and how it has changed since 2007. "After the Crash: Real Estate Market Reform and Recovery" will be held Thursday, April 19 from 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. in the College of Business Auditorium. The program will take an in … [Read more...]
Verdi’s La Traviata to conclude Met series at UCA
PRESS RELEASE UNIVERSITY OF CENTRAL ARKANSAS COLLEGE OF FINE ARTS AND COMMUNICATION April 5, 2012 CONTACT: Donna Lampkin Stephens, (501) 852-2599; Verdi’s La Traviata to conclude Met series at UCA CONWAY — Verdi’s La Traviata will conclude the 2011-12 season of Captured Live from the Met @ UCA at 2 p.m. on Sunday, April 15. The opera, sung in Italian with Met … [Read more...]
Writers Fennelly and Franklin to be in residence April 17-18
PRESS RELEASE UNIVERSITY OF CENTRAL ARKANSAS COLLEGE OF FINE ARTS AND COMMUNICATION April 6, 2012 CONTACT: Dr. John Vanderslice, (501) 450-3653; WRITERS FENNELLY AND FRANKLIN TO BE IN RESIDENCE APRIL 17-18 By Gavin Douglas Glenn College of Fine Arts and Communication Media Office CONWAY — Novelist Tom Franklin and poet Beth Ann Fennelly will be on the University … [Read more...]
Graduate Film Thesis Screening Set for April 7
The University of Central Arkansas's graduate film thesis screening is set for 7:30 p.m. Saturday, April 7, at the Reynolds Performance Hall. The screening is free and open to the public. Thesis film screening events are a requirement for students seeking their Master of Fine Arts degree in the digital filmmaking program. Students may choose any topic to base their thesis on but must receive … [Read more...]
Final jazz concert of semester scheduled April 19
PRESS RELEASE UNIVERSITY OF CENTRAL ARKANSAS COLLEGE OF FINE ARTS AND COMMUNICATION March 29, 2012 Contact: Larry Jones, 501-450-5018 SEMESTER’S FINAL JAZZ ENSEMBLE CONCERT SET FOR APRIL 19 By Paige Turner College of Fine Arts and Communication Media Office CONWAY — The University of Central Arkansas’s last jazz ensemble concert for the semester will take place … [Read more...]
Trustees Approve Food Vendor Contract, Rates
The University of Central Arkansas Board of Trustees approved a 10-year food service management agreement with Aramark. The agreement calls for a one percent increase to the university for the 2012-13 fiscal year. Trustees voted not to increase the board rate for students. A committee of faculty, staff and students evaluated food service proposals from Aramark and Sodexo. The committee was … [Read more...]
UCA Theatre to Present Taming of the Shrew
UCA Theatre will present Taming of the Shrew by William Shakespeare on April 12, 13, 18, 19 and 20 at 7:30 pm in the Bridges/Larson Theatre of the Snow Fine Arts Center on the UCA campus, 201 Donaghey, in Conway. In this classic Shakespeare comedy, the beautiful Bianca cannot be married until her elder sister, Katharina, is betrothed. But getting someone to tolerate Kate’s … [Read more...]
The Oak Ridge Boys to perform at Reynolds April 16
PRESS RELEASE UNIVERSITY OF CENTRAL ARKANSAS COLLEGE OF FINE ARTS AND COMMUNICATION March 30, 2012 CONTACT: Jerry Biebesheimer, (501) 450-3682; THE OAK RIDGE BOYS TO PERFORM AT UCA By Rachel McAdams College of Fine Arts and Communication Media Office CONWAY — The University of Central Arkansas Public Appearances’ Nostalgia Series comes to a close with The Oak … [Read more...]
James Receives ATE Distinguished Member Award
Dr. Terry James, professor and chair of the Department of Leadership Studies, was honored recently as the 2012 recipient of the Association of Teacher Educators Distinguished Member. The ATE Distinguished Member exemplifies the best of teacher education in this nation, which includes outstanding contributions to the association; outstanding contributions to teacher education; and professional, … [Read more...]