The University of Central Arkansas Department of Writing and the College of Fine Arts and Communication will hold a “First to Know” gathering at the UCA President’s Home on April 27 for the creation of The C.D. Wright Women Writers conference. The gathering is set for 6:30-8 p.m. at 140 Donaghey Ave., across the street from the main part of campus. The conference, named after C.D. Wright, an … [Read more...]
Day at the Capitol
The UCA Student Government Association will attend “Day at the Capitol” on Friday, April 8. The event brings Arkansas college students from universities across the state to the State Capitol to voice their concerns about higher education. Student leaders from Arkansas universities will speak on the importance of higher education and scholarships. The student representatives will also visit with … [Read more...]
Students to ‘yarn bomb’ public art installation
University of Central Arkansas students rom the Department of Art’s Fibers class will install their own artwork on Patrick Dougherty’s The Big Naturals on Thursday, April 7, 2016 from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. The installation is titled, In Jest, and will be a collaborative crochet project, colloquially know as a ‘yarn bomb.’ Dr. Deborah Kuster, curator of Finding Shelter: An Exhibition of … [Read more...]
Police open a new training center for campus
The University of Central Arkansas Police Department recently opened an Outreach Center to host educational training and programming for the UCA community. The next training event is a self-defense class for personnel in the Office of Human Resources at 4:30 p.m., Thursday, April 7. The facility will be used for in-service training for UCAPD personnel. A major use of the building will be … [Read more...]
New Wellness Coordinator
The University of Central Arkansas announces the hiring of Lindsey Green as the new wellness coordinator for the university. Green’s primary responsibility will be creating a wellness program for the university. “I am eager to work closely with our Wellness Committee to develop a robust and well-rounded program. We are in a unique position, as we have so many dynamic campus resources at our … [Read more...]
UCA Theatre’s Youth Theatre to host summer program
The Youth Theatre of Central Arkansas (YTCA) will host its annual Summer Intensive Program for young people ages 10-18. It will run from Monday through Friday June 6, through July 16, in the Snow Fine Arts Center. The YTCA Summer Intensive Program includes the Junior Theatre Intensive for students ages 10-13 from 9:00 AM until 12:00 PM, the Senior Theatre Intensive for students ages 14-18 from … [Read more...]
CFAC dean to celebrate National Poetry Month on KUAR’s Arts & Letters
CONWAY — To celebrate National Poetry Month, Terry Wright, professor of Creative Writing and dean of the College of Fine Arts and Communication at the University of Central Arkansas, will be a guest on KUAR's Arts & Letters Thursday, April 7 and Thursday, April 28, at 8:30 p.m. on KUAR 89.1 FM. Wright’s latest poetry chapbooks are Graphs, published by Kairos Editions in 2011, and Fractal … [Read more...]
Tuba, euphonium concert set for April 5
By Audrey Roberts College of Fine Arts and Communication Media Office CONWAY — The University of Central Arkansas’s Student Government Association will host the Tuba and Euphonium Spring Fling concert featuring Dr. Gail Robertson’s students and tuba guest artist Scott Watson on Tuesday, April 5. The 7:30 p.m. concert in the Snow Fine Arts Center Recital Hall is free and open to the … [Read more...]
Percussion Ensemble to perform April 12
By Carley Conrad College of Fine Arts and Communication Media Office CONWAY — The University of Central Arkansas Department of Music will host an April 12 concert featuring the students of Dr. Blake Tyson and the Percussion Ensemble. The 7:30 p.m. concert in the Snow Fine Arts Center Recital Hall is free and open to the public. The UCA percussionists will make music using traditional and … [Read more...]
University Chorus to perform April 18
By Amanda Nettles College of Fine Arts and Communication Media Office CONWAY—The University of Central Arkansas University Chorus will be in concert Monday, April 18, at 6:30 p.m. in the Snow Fine Arts Center Recital Hall. The event is free and open to the public. This non-auditioned choir is a mixture of music majors and non-music majors and will feature one graduate and four … [Read more...]