COVID-19 Update: Oct. 20, 2021

Update regarding COVID-19 from President Houston Davis to students, faculty, and staff.

Fall break is upon us, and I know that everyone is looking forward to a few moments to rest, relax, and catch up. At times during the semester, it might have felt as if this time would not arrive, but we are here—together. As we approach this break, we know that many of you have plans to travel home to see friends and family or visit a nearby vacation destination. Please remember to continue taking the necessary steps to protect your health and the health and safety of your loved ones and others.

Upon your return from fall break, you will notice some differences on campus. Many of the signs on exterior doors and other locations inside buildings will be replaced with Color Status signs. This new signage outlines the university’s color-coded system and expectations about masking, as well as provides a QR code that individuals may scan to determine the current campus status. We will still send out our weekly emails on Sunday afternoons announcing the campus status for the week, but these signs will provide a visual reminder as you come and go on campus.

Students, faculty, and staff can still receive the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine at the Student Health Clinic on campus, as well as no-cost COVID-19 testing. The clinic can also provide the flu vaccine for students. To receive either of the vaccines visit the Student Health Clinic to make an appointment or call (501) 450-3136.

Your diligence in helping to maintain normal campus operations continues to be evident and has demonstrated the value that our student body and campus community place on in-person experiences. Speaking of which, in-person activities for Homecoming 2021 are largely returning this year. Starting Friday, Oct. 29, we have planned a week of fun and engaging activities for the entire campus and our alumni. From activities like BinGLOW on Wednesday, Nov. 3 to kickoff on Saturday, Nov. 6 when the Bears take on the Texas Wesleyan Rams on the Stripes, UCA Homecoming is a time of excitement, celebration, and gathering. I know we have all looked forward to the return of many of our homecoming traditions.

Enjoy your fall break. I hope that you all take time to relax, reflect, and renew.