Art of the Drum Set for Feb. 27

The University of Central Arkansas will welcome the Japanese drumming sensation, TAO's Art of the Drum, to the Donald W. Reynolds Performance Hall on Monday, Feb. 27 at 7:30 p.m. The event is part of UCA Public Appearances' Night Out Series. "Although there are lots of YouTube and live concert videos of Japanese drumming groups available, there is nothing like experiencing them live," said … [Read more...]

Application Deadline for Doctoral Program in Leadership Studies Approaches

The application deadline for the second class of the University of Central Arkansas’s doctoral program in Leadership Studies is March 1. The interdisciplinary doctor of philosophy in the field of leadership is the only degree program of its kind in Arkansas and is unique to the region. The curriculum focuses on those skills that are most relevant to today’s leaders, including communications, … [Read more...]

UCA to Host Arkansas Political Science Association Meeting

The UCA Political Science Department is sponsoring the annual meeting of the Arkansas Political Science Association on Feb. 24 - 25. The event begins at noon on Friday, Feb. 24 at the Brewer-Hegeman Conference Center. The meeting will draw approximately 100 political scientists and students from Arkansas and surrounding states. Participants will discuss a variety of topics including the 2012 … [Read more...]

Festival to Celebrate State’s Literary Voice

The University of Central Arkansas Department of Writing will host the annual literary festival ArkaText Feb. 20-24. All events of the festival, which celebrates Arkansas's literary voice as well as student writers from UCA, are free and open to the public. The purpose of the festival is to celebrate all the great writing that gets done within the borders of this state and to commemorate … [Read more...]

“Moving Toward Health” Project Comes to UCA

CORE Performance Company, a professional dance company led by Sue Schroeder, will premiere its "Moving Toward Health" project, a collaborative effort with the University of Central Arkansas, during National Eating Disorders Awareness Week Feb. 20-24. The week of events will include company dancers meeting with students, faculty and staff of UCA and Hendrix College; students, teachers and … [Read more...]

Students to Present Undergraduate Research to State Legislators

Nearly 80 students from Arkansas four-year public and private colleges and universities will gather at the State Capitol Rotunda on Feb. 15 to present cutting-edge undergraduate research to state legislators. Students will share their work in the areas of natural sciences, computer science, engineering and mathematics. The research will be on display between 10 a.m. and noon in the … [Read more...]

Walker Foundation Endows UCA Science Education Scholarship

The Willard and Pat Walker Charitable Foundation, Inc. has given $50,000 to endow a science education scholarship at the University of Central Arkansas. The Willard and Pat Walker Bachelor's in Science Education Scholarship Fund will aid the College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics in recruiting and retaining students who wish to become science teachers. Students who plan to teach in the … [Read more...]

Amphitheater Project Moves to Bid Phase

The University of Central Arkansas Board of Trustees authorized the administration to proceed with bid requests for the construction of an amphitheater during a teleconference on Monday. The 200-seat amphitheater will be located between the Student Center and Ida Waldran Auditorium. UCA officials plan to have the project completed by the opening of the fall semester. The design included an … [Read more...]

Beijing Art Troupe to Perform Feb. 7

The University of International Business and Economics (UIBE) Students Art Troupe, one of the leading University Performance Troupes in Beijing, will perform at the University of Central Arkansas on Feb. 7 at 7 p.m. in Reynolds Performance Hall. The "Chinese Spring Festival Gala" features a dazzling variety of traditional Chinese performance arts, including Chinese folk musical instruments, … [Read more...]

Rev. Jesse Jackson to Speak Feb. 23

The Rev. Jesse Jackson will continue the Log Cabin Democrat Lecture Series at the University of Central Arkansas on Thursday, Feb. 23. Jackson, president and founder of the Rainbow/PUSH Coalition, one of America's foremost political figures, will speak at the Donald W. Reynolds Performance Hall at 7:30 p.m. on the University of Central Arkansas campus. "Jesse Jackson is one of those people … [Read more...]