Submitted by: Jessica Underwood, on 08/20/2024
Faculty now have access to a pivotal document titled “Generative AI Adoption Levels Assistance Fall 2024.” As generative artificial intelligence (AI) continues to evolve at an unprecedented pace, it presents both opportunities and challenges in the realm of teaching and learning. To support faculty in navigating these changes, CETAL has developed guidance to help faculty thoughtfully integrate AI tools into courses while maintaining academic integrity, rigor, and transparency.
This document is designed to assist faculty in creating clear and transparent guidelines for students regarding the use of generative AI, such as ChatGPT, within courses. Recognizing that different courses may have varying needs and learning outcomes, CETAL presents three distinct approaches to AI adoption:
1. Full AI Integration: Generative AI use is generally permitted without restrictions.
2. Conditional AI Use: Generative AI is permitted within specified parameters.
3. AI Prohibition: No generative AI use is permitted.
Each approach includes sample syllabus statements to help communicate expectations clearly and align them with the course objectives.
Faculty are encouraged to review the document and consider how best to incorporate its recommendations into their syllabi for the upcoming semester. More information and details on AI can be found on the CETAL website.