Gifted and Talented Education (GATE)

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[1] Courses in Gifted and Talented Education (GATE)

Note: Courses bearing the GATE subject prefix were designated ECSE through Summer 2015.

6353 INTRODUCTION TO GIFTED EDUCATION This course explores the characteristics of the gifted, talented, and creative child. Emphasis is placed on (a) historical development of the field, (b) characteristics and identification, (c) K-12 programming options and models pertaining to the field of gifted education, and (d) educational programs and interventions.

6355 CURRICULUM AND INSTRUCTION FOR GIFTED LEARNERS This course teaches candidates how to design differentiated curricula and the strategies necessary to effectively provide appropriate experiences, materials, and environments conducive to optimum learning and development of the gifted and talented.

6357 CREATIVITY, INNOVATION, AND TRENDS IN GIFTED EDUCATION This course explores current trends and issues in gifted education, including meeting the needs of creative students, talent development and innovation, and identifying and serving promising underrepresented groups.

6358 AFFECTIVE STRATEGIES FOR THE GIFTED AND TALENTED This course examines the strategies necessary to address psycho-social needs related to personality, maturity, giftedness, and creativity. Concrete strategies for managing students’ emotional needs are provided, as well as appropriate experiences, materials, and environments conducive to optimum learning/development of the gifted and talented.

6391 ADVANCED PRACTICUM: EDUCATIONAL PRACTICE IN GIFTED EDUCATION Learning experiences are provided which incorporate skills in classroom organization, management, planning, and teaching in a field setting. Candidates will complete an advanced practicum experience in one of two ways: (1) face-to-face using an instructor-selected differentiated curriculum to be implemented in an intensive summer field-based experience which requires teaching at the university’s community-based engineering-focused kids camp, or (2) virtually over the course of a semester using differentiated curriculum and instructional strategies developed in the Curriculum and Instruction course (Note: the virtual option is for candidates living more than 100 miles from campus·by program coordinator approval only). Enrollment restricted to GT teacher candidates. Prerequisites must be completed BEFORE (not simultaneously with) the practicum course. Prerequisites: GATE 6357, 6353, 6355, and 6358.