B.S. in Exercise Science

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Mission Statement

The University of Central Arkansas Bachelor of Science in Exercise Science Program is committed to educating and preparing students for careers in exercise science and sports performance, cardiac rehabilitation, and exercise programming and management through the obtainment of knowledge, skills and abilities related to health and wellness.

Exercise Science Program Goals

The University of Central Arkansas Bachelor of Science in Exercise Science Program will:

Michael Gallagher, PhD Program Director

  1. Model and promote best practice, professional leadership and ethical conduct as outlined by the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM), the National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA) Standards and Guidelines, and American Association of Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Rehabilitation (AACVPR).
  2. Provide students with innovative and active learning opportunities through participation in classroom, instructional laboratory and experiential learning environments (i.e. service-learning, student research).
  3. Provide learning experiences and activities that require students to develop effective written  and oral communication and develop critical thinking, problem-solving and independent learning skills as members of a professional health-care team.
  4. Expand students’ awareness of the role of kinesiology in health care, sports performance, and fitness leadership.
  5. Promote students’ professional development through participation in educational conferences, meetings and workshops.
  6. Prepare students to pass nationally, accredited certifications, such as but not limited to the Certified Personal Training (CPT), Health-Fitness Specialist (HFS), or Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist (CSCS) examinations.
  7. Assist students with career planning and placement (i.e. employment or graduate school).
  8. Prepare effective entry-level health and fitness professionals for employment.


If you are interested in the Bachelor of Science in Exercise Science Program, please visit the Undergraduate Bulletin or contact the Department of Exercise and Sport Science at 501-450-5701.