Mashburn Center for Learning









The Vision

“…to give you the vision that the ultimate goal of true education is to plant the seed of self worth in the heart of each student.”

History of the Mashburn Center 

Dr. and Mrs. J. D. Mashburn had never heard of learning disabilities until two of their four children were born. Despite obvious intelligence, the two youngest children struggled with reading from an early age. The Mashburns eventually discovered that Zack and Molly had learning disabilities related to reading. According to Dr. Mashburn, the children’s struggles with reading nearly devastated their lives as teachers mistook their disabilities for a lack of trying.

Dr. Mashburn decided that helping his children was not enough. Dr. Mashburn has stated emphatically, “I won’t be satisfied until every school in Arkansas has at least one teacher who has been trained in this program and is helping students with learning disabilities.” Dr. and Mrs. Mashburn decided to establish the Christine Greenhaw Mashburn Institute named in honor of Dr. Mashburn’s mother. The institute was designed to bring authorities on learning disabilities to UCA to educate teachers about students with special needs. The Mashburn Center for Learning partnered with Dr. Don Deshler, a nationally recognized authority on learning disabilities from the University of Kansas.

In 1991, the University of Central Arkansas used the cash value of a $1 million life insurance policy the Mashburns purchased to host the Mashburn Center for Learning for the purpose of providing classroom teachers and administrators with research-based instructional strategies for use with students at-risk to fail or fall behind. Nearly 400 educators have successfully participated in the Mashburn Institutes during the past 17 years. Consistent with the vision of Dr. and Mrs. J. D. Mashburn, the academic achievement of thousands of students who struggle with learning in Arkansas schools has been dramatically improved as a result of the skills teachers have acquired through the Mashburn Center for Learning.

Strategic Instruction Model (click here)

The UCA Mashburn Center for Learning works in partnership with The University of Kansas Center for Research on Learning, Arkansas schools, UCA faculty and students, and the AR Division of Elementary and Secondary Education to provide high quality professional development using evidence-based practices.

The Mashburn Voice (click here)

The UCA Mashburn Center for Learning publishes the Mashburn Voice which contains articles written by educators covering a variety of topics, all supporting the dream of Dr. Mashburn, that all Arkansas teachers are equipped with evidence-based methodologies designed to meet the academic and affective needs of all students.


 Contact Information:

Renee Calhoon, Ed.D.
Director, UCA Mashburn Center for Learning
Phone: (501) 852-0282
201 Donaghey Ave.
Mashburn 122
Conway, AR 72035

Fax: (501) 450-5457