Vision, Mission, & Values


In accordance with the University vision, the Compliance Office for Finance & Administration is focused on ensuring adherence to applicable regulations and policies while maximizing available resources to support the goal of providing excellent educational opportunities to our students.


Our mission is to ensure operational compliance standards and procedures are established and followed, to assist with the implementation and enhancement of internal controls, and to support an ethical work environment to effectively contribute to the pursuit of the University mission.


In keeping with the core values of the University, this office is directed by the following values:

Respect – we treat others equitably and support thoughtfulness and inclusion

Integrity – we exhibit honesty and ethics in our work and interactions with others

Consistency – we work diligently to serve constituents and process requests in a similar manner

Efficiency – we strive to ensure processes and workflows are streamlined to the extent possible

Knowledge – we seek to stay informed of relevant issues to better serve our constituents