Service-Learning Faculty Fellows Application Faculty InformationName* First Last Email* Phone*College*Department*Experience and GoalsHave you ever incorporated a service-learning project into a course?*YesNoNot sureIf yes, which course(s) and when?Please provide a brief statement of your teaching philosophy that addresses the value of service-learning.*Explain why you are interested in participating in the service-learning institute.*Describe the course that you propose to develop or modify, including clearly defined course objectives to be met with service-learning.*How many students do you expect to enroll in the targeted course, and how often will it be offered?*Expectations for UCA Service-Learning Faculty FellowsExpectations for UCA Service-Learning Faculty Fellows*Please read through the following program descriptions. By checking each box, you agree to fulfill the expectations for the Service-Learning Faculty Fellows Program as stated below. Attend all sessions of the Service-Learning Faculty Fellows Institute (including the asynchronous coursework leading up to the institute) Develop a plan for integrating service-learning pedagogy into a course, and share that plan in a PowerPoint, poster, or Prezi at the end of the institute Teach designed service-learning course in the fall or spring semesters following the institute Participate in evaluation and assessment of the Service-Learning Program Work in partnership with a community, civic, or nonprofit organization in creation of the service-learning course Promote service-learning on campus and share ways of utilizing service-learning pedagogy with fellow faculty, including through Center for Excellence in Teaching and Academic Leadership (CETAL) programs Work with the Director of Experiential & Community-Engaged Learning as a partner for coordination, logistical development, and tracking of service-learning courses and hours