The collection consists of the original 532 page manuscript of Earl Leroy Higgins’ Source Readings in Arkansas History which was published by Pioneer Press of Little Rock in 1964.  The book is a thorough collection of source documents from the major time periods in the state’s history, beginning with the explorations of Hernando De Soto in 1539 and progressing through the election of Governor Orval Faubus in 1962.

This collection also contains information on the French Revolution including diaries dating back to the 1790s.  Several older books dating back to the 17 and 18 Century in both French and German can be found in this collection.

Mr. Higgins was born in 1896 near Sheldon and Lamar, Missouri to Lanora Violia (Couch) and Walker Ellis Higgins.  After serving in the U.S. Army and completing graduate and post-graduate studies he came to Conway to teach.  His first position was as an assistant professor of foreign languages at Hendrix College.  In 1923 he moved to Arkansas State Teachers College to serve as an associate professor and then professor in the History Department.  Professor Higgins retired in 1962.

Other works:  The French Revolution as Told by Contemporaries, 1938; Nicolas De Vigrau, c.1940, typescript; and several book reviews in “Arkansas Historical Quarterly” and “American Historical Review”.

In addition, Higgins translated several books by the German adventure writer Friedrich Gerstaecker.  Typescripts of these translations are on file at the UCA Archives.

For information regarding French language materials, see the Rare Books, Manuscripts, and Cultural Artifacts in French collection and Collection Highlights.

NOTE: When requesting materials, please specify collection number [M89-22], box and file number.


Box 1

File 1 – Manuscript: Chapter 1-3

File 2 – Manuscript: Chapter 4-7

File 3 – Manuscript: Chapters 8-10

File 4 – Manuscript: Chapters 11-13

File 5 – Manuscript: Chapters: 14-17

File 6 – Manuscript: Bibliography and Index

File 7 – The Regulators in Arkansas Manuscript

File 8 – The Regulators in Arkansas By Friedrich Gerstaecher Translated by E. L. Higgins

File 9 – Index to Source Readings in Arkansas

File 10- Source Readings in Arkansas History Book

File 11- Early Arkansas History and Years of the Civil War Articles published in the Chronicles of Arkansas

File 12- How Hot Springs became America’s First National Park

File 13- Primary Source Collection, Arkansas History

File 14- Chronological History of Arkansas

File 15- Battle of Pea Ridge, Facts and Correspondence of Service men

File 16- Manuscript describing Early New Orleans (Pre-1800)

File 17- “Life in New Orleans in the Spanish Period” The Louisiana Historical Quarterly Vol. 22,  No.3, July 1939

File 18- Handwritten French Diary of Early New Orleans (Possibly Berquin-Duvallon)

File 19- Translated French Diary of Early New Orleans 1788

File 20- Oral History of Robert L. Witt. Told by Fred Clark “Pioneer Days of an Ark. Village” Dec. 1943

File 21- Arkansas Gazette, (Arkansas Traveler) “The Naming of Faulkner County” March 3,1946

File 22- Arkansas Gazette “Chronicles of Arkansas” Description of Conway in Late 1880’s Sunday November 1, 1959

File 23- “Early Days in Conway” by Lieut. Mason E. Mitchell

File 24- Log Cabin Democrat Centennial Additions, Faulkner County History (1873-1973)

File 25- Central High Crisis

File 26- Handwritten Outline and Arkansas History, Information and facts

End of Box 1


Box 2

File 1 – E. L. Higgins Personal Information and Recommendations

File 2 – Miscellaneous Income and War Bond Materials

File 3 – Newspaper Clippings Regarding Veterans Benefits

File 4 – Summary of Rights and Benefits, Provided for service men of the two world wars (1947)

File 5 – Correspondence with War Department regarding re-enlistment for World War II

File 6 – Miscellaneous Articles of Interest to E. L. Higgins

File 7A- Newspaper clippings

Env 1 – Obituaries

Env 2 – UCA Employees

Env 3 – Women’s liberation 1970’s

Env 4 – Miscellaneous Newspaper Clippings

File 7B- Correspondence with French Government

File 8 – Correspondence Regarding Book Publishers

File 9 – Correspondence with UCA Library and Archives

File 10- Correspondence with Universities

File 11- Copy Right Laws Regarding Foreign Publications (Office of the Register of Copy Rights)

File 12- Poems by E. L. Higgins

File 13- Book of Poems written by E. L. Higgins

File 14- Copyright Statements 1940-1973.

File 15- Invoices Concerning Book Binding

File 16- Outline of Translated French Stories

File 17- Nicolas De Vignau by E. L. Higgins

File 18- Nicolas De Vignau by E. L. Higgins

File 19- The 13th Vendemiaire by E. L. Higgins

File 20- Hebert by E. L. Higgins

File 21- Memorirs Sur La Convention Et Le Directoire, Par A. C. Thibaudeau 1824

File 22- The Wolf Bell story by Friedrich Translated by E. L. Higgins

File 23- Die Wolfsglocke Handwritten Manuscript

File 24- Handwritten Essays and Manuscripts by E. L Higgins

File 25- Handwritten Essays, Manuscripts, and Transcription

File 26- E. L. Higgins collection of University Exams

File 27- Five pieces of Art work

File 28- Interview questions Written in German Language

File 29- Five posters from Metropolitan Museum of Art

End of Box 2


Box 3

File 1 – Fall of the Monarchy P301-642

File 2 – The River Pirates of the Mississippi by Friedrich Gerstaecker Translated by E. L. Higgins

File 3 – The River Pirates of the Mississippi by Friedrich Gerstaecker Translated by E. L. Higgins

File 4 – Manuscript of The River Pirates of the Mississippi by Friedrich Gerstaecker Translated  by E. L. Higgins

File 5 – Manuscript Vue De La Colonie Espagnole Du Mississippi and C by Berquin DuVallon

File 6 – Manuscript View of the Spanish Colony of the Mississippi or The Provinces of Louisiana and West Florida in the Year 1802

End of Box 3


Box 4

File 1 – Fall of Monarchy by E. L. Higgins

File 2 – The Insurrection of August 10th by E. L. Higgins

File 3 – Source Papers on the French Revolution

File 4 – The Attack on the Tuileries by Charies Pattillo August 10, 1793

File 5 – Manuscript Hall of Monarchy by E. L. Higgins

File 6 – French Revolution Lesson Exams

File 7 – Miscellaneous Information on the French Revolution

File 8 – Russia and the French Revolution Translations by E .L. Higgins

File 9 – The French Revolution as told by Contemporaries by E. L. Higgins

File 10- The French Revolution s told by Contemporaries by E. L. Higgins

File 11- Algonquin Island by E. L. Higgins

End of Box 4


Box 5

File 1 – Souvenirs du Lieutenant General Comte Mathieu Dumas de 1770-1836 Publies Par Son Fils by Tome Premier

File 2 – Additional Copies of Contents in file 1

File 3 – A Diary of the French Revolution 1789-1793 by Gouverneur Morris (Volume 1 and 2)

File 4 – La Bataille by Claude Farrere

File 5 – Fort –De- France by Pierre Benoit

File 6 – La Vallee Heureuse by Jules Roy Avant-Propos De Pierre Jean Jouve

File 7 – Les Miserables Par Victor Hugo 1908

File 8 – El Terror De 1824 Episodios Nacionales Por B. Perez Galdos

End of Box 5


Box 6

File 1 – Les Metamorphoses D’Ovide, 1628

File 2 – Historique De La Revolution Francoise, Par J. P. Rabaut 1792

File 3 – Chateaubriand Atala, Rene Le Dernier Abencerage 1906

File 4 – MacMillan’s Foreign School Classics Molie’re Le Malade Imaginaire by G. Eugene-Fasnacht

File 5 – Les Plus Belles Lettres Des Meilleurs Auteurs Francois, 1689

File 6 – Contes Français by Douglas Labaree Buffum, Ph, D. 1915

File 7 – Le Voyage De Monsieru Perrichon

File 8 – La Cagnotte Par Labiche et Delacour 1904

File 9 – Memoires De Weber, Frere De Lait De Marie-Antoinette, Reine De France, Par M. Fs. Barriere 1847

File 10- Le Tour De La France Par Deux Enfants Par G. Bruno 1913

File 11- Mon Premier Livre De Français by F. M. S. Batchelor 1925

File 12- Travels In France by Arthur Young 1890

End of Box 6


Box 7

File 1 – Memoires Justificatifs de la Comtesse Devabis De La Motte 1789

File 2 – Opinion de M. Barnave, Prononcee a La Seance Du 15 Juillet Imprimee Par Ordre De L’Assemblee Nationale, 1791

File 3 – Decret De L’assemblee Nationale 1790

File 4 – Opinion de M. Barrere Depute Du Departement Des Hautes pyrenees 1791

File 5 – Plan General D’organisation De L’armee. Arrete Par Le Roi, Le 7 Juillet 1790

File 6 – Rapport Sommaire De La Nouvelle Division Du Royaume, 1790

File 7 – Handwritten Documents from France 1791, 1792, and 1793

File 8 – Considerations Sur Les Gouvernemens ; Et Principalement Sur Celui Qui Conveint A La France Par M. Mounier 1789

End of Box 7


Box 8

This Collection Contains:

Log Cabin Democrat Centennial Edition,

The First Century: An Honored Beginning, April 21, 1973

CENTENNIAL Faulkner County & Conway 1873 to 1973

NOTE:  This Box has been moved to the newspaper collection, and is no longer part of the Higgins Collection.


Box 9

File 1 – Nouveau Petit Larousse French Dictionnaire Encyclopédique 1970

File 2 – M. Gobvinsky, A New Pronouncing Dictionary of the Russian and English Languages

File 3 – The Ne’er-Do-Well Written by Rex Beach.

File 4 – Premiere Etape Basic French Readings, Books 1 to 5 Otto F. Bond, Editor

File 5 – C. Corn Tacitvs Et in Eum M. Z. Box Hornii, and H. Grotii Observations Enetiis, Apud Iuntas, et Baba MDC. XLV 1645

File 6 – Die Regulatoren in Arkansas Roman Aus Dem Waldeben Amerikas Von Friedrich Gerftackea

File 7 – Precis Historique De La Vie, Des Crimes et du Supplice De Robespierre, Et De Ses Principaux Complices Par le Citoyen Desessarts

End of Box 9

End of Collection