Box 1

File 1 – Dr. James W. Brodman – Curriculum Vitae

File 2 – Newspapers – Dr. James W. Brodman’s Career – 1991-2009

File 3 – James W. Brodman – Selective Service/Draft – 1967-1971

File 4 – Correspondence – 1960’s

File 5 – Correspondence – 1970’s

File 6 – Correspondence – 1980’s

File 7 – Correspondence – 1990’s

File 8 – Correspondence – 2000’s

File 9 – Notebook – Prof. Julian Bishko’s History I class – History of Spain and Portugal – University of Virginia – 1967-68

File 10 – Notebook – Prof. Julian Bishko’s History II class – History of Spain and Portugal – University of Virginia – Spring 1968

File 11 – Notebook – Prof. Julian Bishko’s Frontier Seminar class (History 137) – University of Virginia – Fall 1968

File 12 – Notebook – Prof. Julian Bishko’s Frontier Seminar class (History 138) – University of Virginia – Fall 1968

File 13 – Certificates – 1967-2007

File 14 – Faculty Annual Reports – 1977 – 2009

File 15 – Sabbatical – 1981, 1990, 2000, 2010

File 16 – Retirement reflections – October 2011

File 17 – Statement of Scholarly Interests by James W. Brodman – undated

File 18 – National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) Grants – 1976

File 19 – National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) Seminar – “Religious Life in the Middle Ages” – Washington D.C., 1979

File 20 – Reassignment – Time and sabbatical leave application – 1990, 1992, 1994, 1996, 1997, 1998, 2000

File 21 – Smithsonian Study Tour – “Carmona Lecture” – Spain 2001

File 22 – Tenure Committee – 1995

End of Box 1


Box 2

File 1 – Course Syllabus – History – 1988-2011

File 2 – History Department – Mission, Goals, Evaluation, Website, and other documents – 1990-2011

File 3 – Faculty Handbook – 1979-1983

File 4 – Faculty Handbook – 1996

File 5 – Publication and papers index of James W. Brodman

File 6 – University of Pennsylvania Press – Correspondence – “The Brothers of Ransom” – 1984-1986

File 7 – Project – “Colloquia in International Studies” – presented to the Board of Higher Education, State of Arkansas – Sponsored by the Department of History of the University of Central Arkansas and the Department of History and Political Science of Hendrix College – March 1984

File 8 – Manuscript – “Charity and Religion in Medieval Europe” – Chapters 1-2 by James Brodman – 1998

File 9 – Manuscript – “Charity and Religion in Medieval Europe” – Chapters 3-5 by James Brodman – 1998

File 10 – Manuscript – “Charity and Religion in Medieval Europe” – Chapters 6-7 by James Brodman – 1998

File 11 – The Catholic University of America Press Catalog and Correspondence for “Charity and Religion in Medieval Europe”

File 12 – Manuscript – “Charity and Welfare:  Hospitals and the Poor in Medieval Catalonia” – Chapters 1-6 by James Brodman

File 13 – Manuscript – “Charity and Welfare:  Hospitals and the Poor in Medieval Catalonia” – Chapter 7, Appendix, Notes, Bibliography & Index by James Brodman

File 14 – Reviews for “Charity and Welfare:  Hospitals and the Poor in Medieval Catalonia”

File 15 – University of Pennsylvania Press – Correspondence on “Charity and Welfare:  Hospitals and the Poor in Medieval Catalonia” – 1996-2003

End of Box 2


Box 3

File 1 – Book – L’orde de la Mercé: El Rescat de Captius a l’Espanya de les Croades, Traduccio de Jordi Ainaud, Quaderns Crema (The Order of Mercy: The Rescue of Hostages in Crusader Spain translated by Jordi Ainaud) – August 1990 by James William Brodman

File 2 – Manuscript and Book jacket – Ransoming Captives in Crusader Spain by James Brodman – 1986

File 3 – Ransoming Captives in Crusader Spain Correspondence – 1985 – 2002

File 4 – Book Reviews – Ransoming Captives in Crusader Spain – 1986-1991

File 5 – Self-published booklet – “A User’s Guide to the Internet and LAN (DOS-Windows Edition)” – Prepared by James W. Brodman, Professor of History & Edited/Illustrated by Beryline Temples – Fall 1996

File 6 – Book – Perceptions of Reality:  A Sourcebook for the Social History of Western Civilization by Edward Anson, James Brodman, and Thomas Kaiser – 1980

File 7 – Kendal/Hunt Publishing Co. – Correspondence on Perceptions of Reality – 1978-1981

File 8 – Article and correspondence – “Captives of Prisoners:  Society and Obligation in Medieval Iberia” by James W. Brodman – Anuario de Historia de la Iglesia – Volume 20 – 2011

File 9 – Article – “Charity and Law in Thirteenth-Century Castile” by James Brodman

File 10 – Article – “Crisis in Charity:  Centrifugal and Centripetal Influences upon Late Medieval Charity” by James W. Brodman

File 11 – Article – “New Perspectives on the Creation of the Mercedarian Order” by James William Brodman

File 12 – Article – “Hospitals in the Middle Ages” by James William Brodman

File 13 – Article – “Community Identity and the Redemption of Captives: Comparative Perspective Across the Mediterranean” by James William Brodman

File 14 – Article – “Unequal in Charity?: Women and Hospitals in Medieval Catalonia” by James W. Brodman – Medieval Encounters:  Jewish, Christian and Muslim Culture in Confluence and Dialogue – Volume 12, No. 1, 2006 – page 27

File 15 – Article – “Religion and Discipline in the Hospitals of Thirteenth-Century France” by James W. Brodman

File 16 – Article – “Rule and Identity: The Case of the Military Order” by James W. Brodman – The Catholic Historical Review – Vol. LXXXVII, No. 3, July 2001- pg 383

File 17 – Article – “The Rhetoric of Ransoming:  A Contribution to the Debate over Crusading in Medieval Iberia” by James W. Brodman

File 18 – Article in newsletter – “E-Publishing:  Prospects, Promises and Pitfalls” by James William Brodman – Perspectives: American Historical Association Newsletter – Volume 28, No. 2, February 2000 – pg 30

File 19 – Article – “Fable and Royal Power: The Origins of the Mercedarian Foundation Story” by James William Brodman – Journal of Medieval History – Volume 25, No. 3, 1999 – pg 229-241

File 20 – Article – “Shelter and Segregation: Lepers in Medieval Catalonia” by James W. Brodman – Offprint of On the Social Origins of Medieval Institutions:  Essays in Honor of Joseph F. O’Callaghan – 1998

File 21 – Article – “Ransomers or Royal Agents:  The Mercedarians and the Aragonese Crown in the Fourteenth Century” by James W. Brodman – Offprint of Iberia and the Mediterranean World of the Middle Ages:  Essays in Honor of Robert I. Burns S.J. – Volume II – 1996

File 22 – Project Proposal – “Hospitallerism in Medieval Catalunya” submitted by James W. Brodman – Spring 1988

File 23 – Article – “The Origins of Hospitallerism in Medieval Catalonia” by James W. Brodman – Offprint of Iberia and the Mediterranean World of the Middle Ages:  Essays in Honor of Robert I. Burns S.J. – Volume I – 1995

End of Box 3


Box 4

File 1a – 3 Journals – TVI Report:  Comprehensively Reporting Terrorism, Violence, Insurgency Worldwide including the following articles: “TVI Special Report on Right-Wing Terrorism in America” by various authors (Vol. 8, No. 1, 1988, pg 15), “The Lessons of Waco” by Brian Michael Jenkins (Vol. 11, No. 1, 1993, pg 22), “Captivity and Ransoming Along the Christian-Islamic Frontier of Medieval Spain” by James W. Brodman (Vol. 11, No. 3, 1995, pg 6)

File 1b – Article – “Brian Jenkins’s Excellent Adventures” by Dick Adler (1991) & various correspondences between Brian Jenkins and James Brodman

File 2 – Article – “What is a Soul Worth?  Pro anima in the Municipal  Legislation of Reconquest Spain” by James Broadman – Medievalia et Humanistica – No. 20 – 1993

File 3 – Article – “Sheltering the Homeless:  Hospitals in Medieval Catalonia” by James W. Brodman – Journal of the Rocky Mountain Medieval and Renaissance Association – Volume 14, 1993

File 4 – Article – “Exceptis militibus et sanctis:  Restrictions upon Ecclesiastical Ownership of Land in the Foral Legislation of Medieval Castile and Valencia” by James W. Brodman – En la España Medieval – 1992

File 5 – Article – “Charity and Captives on the Medieval Spanish Frontier” by James W. Brodman – Anuario Medieval – 1989

File 6 – Article – “Municipal Ransoming Law on the Medieval Spanish Frontier” by James W. Brodman – Offprint of Speculum: A Journal of Medieval Studies – Vol. 60, No.2, April 1985

File 7 – Article – “The Mercedarian Order:  The Problem of Royal Patronage during the Reign of James I” by James W. Brodman – Saragossa – 1982

File 8 – Article – “Military Redemptionism and the Castilian Reconquest, 1180-1250” by James W. Brodman – Military Affairs: The Journal of Military History, including Theory and Technology – Vol. XLIV, No. 1, February 1980

File 9 – Article – “The Origins of the Mercedarian Order:  A Reassessment” by J.W. Brodman – STVDIA MONASTICA – Vol. 19, Fasc.2 – 1977

File 10 – Encyclopedia articles – “Boabdil,” “Castile of Aragon,” “The Cid,” and “Moors” as edited by James W. Brodman for the World Book Encyclopedia – 1996

File 11 – Articles – “The Mercedarian Order” & “Petrus Nolascus” by Prof. J.W. Brodman – Lexikon des Mittel Alters (Lexicon of the Middle Ages) – 1994

File 12 – Article – “Religious Orders” by James Brodman – Encyclopedia of Medieval Iberia – 2003

File 13 – Article – “Mercedarians” by James W. Brodman – Encyclopedia of Monasticism – 1998-1999

File 14 – Articles – “Merci (Ordre de la)” and Trinite (Ordre de) – European Dictionary of Military Orders in the Middle Ages – 2005

File 15 – Articles – “Medieval Caritative Orders” and “Medieval Hospitals” by James W. Brodman – International Encyclopedia for the Middle Ages – 2005

File 16 – Articles – “Charity v. Christianity” by James W. Brodman – Encyclopedia of the Bible and It’s Reception – 2009

File 17 – Articles – “Privilege to the Confraternity of Belchite,” “Donation of Calatrava,” “The Brothers of Avila and the Order of Santiago,” and “The Treaty of Cazola” – translated from latin by J.W. Brodman – Medieval Iberia:  Readings from Christian, Muslim and Jewish Sources – 1997

File 18 – Article – “The Sixth Council of Toledo” translated by James W. Brodman – Classical Folia: Studies in the Christian Perpetuation of the Classics – Vol. 33, No. 1 – 1979

File 19 – Book Review of The Hospitallers in the Medieval Kingdom of Hungary, c. 1150-1387 by Zsolt Hunyadi as reviewed by James Brodman in The Medieval Review – June 2010

File 20 – Book Review of Indulgence in Late Medieval England:  Passports to Paradise by R.N. Swanson as reviewed by James Brodman in The Medieval Review – July 2009

File 21 – Book Review of War, Government, and Society in the Medieval Crown of Aragon by Donald J. Kagay as reviewed by James William Brodman in Association for Spanish and Portuguese Historical Studies Bulletin – Vol. 35, No. 1 – 2009

File 22 – Book Review of Los Adelantodos Mayores de la Frontera O Andalucia by Braulio Vazquez Campos as reviewed by James Brodman in Speculum – 2007

File 23 – Book Review of Poverty and Charity in the Jewish Community of Medieval Egypt by Mark R. Cohen as reviewed by James Brodman in Shofar – Vol. 25, No. 2 – 2007

File 24 – Book Review of Medicina y Enfermedad en la Corte de Carlos III el Noble de Navarra (1387-1425) by Fernando Serráno Larrayoz as reviewed by James Brodman in Mediterranean Historical Review – Vol. 21, No. 2 – December 2006

End of Box 4



Box 5

File 1 – Book Review of Medicine in the Crusades:  Warfare, Wounds, and the Medieval Surgeon by Piers D. Mitchell as reviewed by James Brodman in Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences – 2006

File 2 – Book Review of Reconquest and Crusade in Medieval Spain by Joseph F. O’Callaghan as reviewed by James Brodman in The Catholic Historical Review

File 3 – Book Review of Encounters between Enemies:  Captivity and Ransom in the Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem by Yvonne Friedman as reviewed by James Brodman in Medieval Encounters – 2003

File 4 – Book Review of Diplomatarium of the Crusader Kingdom of Valencia:  The Registered Charters of its Conqueror, James I, 1257-1276, Volume III (Documents 501-1000):  Transition in Crusader Valencia:  Years of Triumph, Years of War, 1264-1270 edited by Robert I. Burns, S.J. as reviewed by James Brodman in The Catholic Historical Review, Vol. 88, No. 2 – April 2002

File 5 – Book Review of La Liberazione del “Captivi” tra Christianita e Islam. Oltre la Crociata e il Gilhad:  Tolleranza e Servizio Umanitario edited by Guilio Cipollone as reviewed by James Brodman in Medieval Encounters – Vol. 8, No. 1 – 2002

File 6 – Book Review of The New Cambridge Medieval History, V, c. 900- c. 1024 edited by David Abulafia as reviewed by James Brodman in The American Academy of Research Historians of Medieval Spain Reviews

File 7 – Book Review of Structures of Reform:  The Mercedarian Order in the Spanish Golden Age by Bruce Taylor as reviewed by James Brodman in Medieval Encounters – Vol. 7, No. 2 – 2001

File 8 – Book Review of Carmel in Medieval Castilla by Jill R. Webster as reviewed by James Brodman in Medieval Encounters – Vol. 7, No.1 – 2001

File 9 – Book Review of The Kingdom of Leon-Castilla under King Alfonso VII by Bernard F. Reilly as reviewed by James Brodman in The Catholic Historical Review

File 10 – Book Review of La Orden de Santiago en el Siglo XV: La Provincia de Castillo by Pedro Andres Porras Arboledas as reviewed by James Brodman in Speculum – 1999

File 11 – Book Review of Per Déu o per diners:  Els mendicants i el Clergat al País Valencià by Jill R. Webster as reviewed by James Brodman in The Catholic Hisotorical Review – January 1999

File 12 – Book Review of Religion and Society in Spain by John Edwards as reviewed by James Brodman in The Catholic Historical Review – April 1997

File 13 – Book Review of The Learned King:  The Reign of Alfonso X of Castile by Joseph F. O’Callaghan as reviewed by James Brodman in The American Historical Review – Vol. 100, no. 1 – Feb 1995

File 14 – Book Review of  Christianitá-Islam:  Cattività e Liberazione in Nome di Dio.  Il tempo di Innocenzo III dopo ‘il 1187 by Giulio Cipollone as reviewed by James Brodman in The Catholic Historical Review – Vol. 80, No. 1 – January 1994

File 15 – Book Review of The Origins of Peasant Servitude in Medieval Catalonia by Paul Freedom as reviewed by James Brodman in the American Historical Review – Vol. 97, No. 4 – October 1992

File 16 – Book Review of Christian Martyrs in Muslim Spain by Kenneth Baxter Wolf as reviewed by James Brodman in American Historical Review – October 1989

File 17 – Book Review of La Mensa Capitular de la Iglesia de San Salvador de Zaragoza en el Pontificado de Hugo Mataplana by María Rosa Gutiérrez Iglesias as reviewed by James Brodman in The Catholic Historical Review – July 1983

File 18 – Book Review of Islamic and Christian Spain in the Early Middle Ages:  Comparative Perspectives on Social and Cultural Formation by Thomas F. Glick as reviewed by James Brodman in Hispanic American Historical Review – February 1981

File 19 – Article Review – “Financing a Captive’s Ransom in the Late Medieval Crown of Arágon” – Author unknown – 2002

File 20 – Book and Article Reviews by James Brodman – 1985-2011

File 21 – Paper/Presentation – “Charity and Law in Thirteenth-Century Castile” by James Brodman – October 1, 2010

File 22 – Paper/Presentation – “A Cascade of Hospitals:  Religion and Charity in Medieval Europe” by James W. Brodman – October 20, 2009

File 23 – Paper/Presentation – “Between Two Worlds:  Charity and Religion in Medieval Europe” by James W. Brodman – October 3, 2008

File 24 – Paper/Presentation – “New Perspective on the Creation of the Mercedarian Order” by James W. Brodman – September 19, 2008

File 25 – Paper/Presentation – “Crisis in Charity:  Centrifugal and Centripetal Influences Upon Late Medieval Charity” by James W. Brodman

File 26 – Paper/Presentation – “The Medieval Hospital:  Religious but not Ecclesiastical” by James W. Brodman – April 29, 2006

End of Box 5


Box 6

File 1 – Paper/Presentation – “Pope Innocent III and the Church’s Responsibility Toward the Poor” by James William Brodman – May 8, 2005

File 2 – Paper/Presentation – “Community Identity and the Redemption of Captives:  Comparative Perspectives Across the Mediterranean” by James William Brodman – 2004

File 3 – Paper/Presentation – “Community, Compassion and Captives:  Comparative Perspectives Across the Mediterranean” by James William Brodman

File 4 – Paper/Presentation – “Municipal Hospitals in 13th Century Europe:  How Religious the Model?” by James William Brodman – 2001

File 5 – Paper/Presentation – “Digiting History:  The Library of Iberian Resources Online” by James William Brodman

File 6 – Paper/Presentation – “Medieval Cyberia and the Library of Iberian Resources Online” by James William Brodman

File 7 – Paper/Presentation – “Late Medieval Assistance:  A Religious or Secular Model?” by James William Brodman

File 8 – Paper/Presentation – “Gender and Care:  The Role of Women in Medieval Catalan Hospitals” by James William Brodman

File 9 – Paper/Presentation – “Unequal in Charity?  Women and Hospitals in Medieval Catalonia” by James William Brodman – 31st International Congress on Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo, Michigan – May 10, 1996

File 10 – Paper/Presentation – “Capitular Charity in Medieval Catalonia” by James William Brodman – American Historical Association – Atlanta, Georgia – January 7, 1996

File 11 – Paper/Presentation – “Knights and Hospitallers:  The Paradox of the Twelfth-Century Crusading Orders” by James William Brodman – October 6, 1995

File 12 – Paper/Presentation – “Medieval Conquistadores: Spanish Perspectives on Conquest” by James William Brodman – December 4, 1992

File 13 – Paper/Presentation – “Robert I. Burns and Spanish Ecclesiastical History” by James William Brodman

File 14 – Paper/Presentation – “Ransomers or Royal Agents:  The Mercedarians and the Aragonese Crown in the Fourteenth Century” by James William Brodman – October 25-26, 1991

File 15 – Paper/Presentation – “Exceptis militibus et sanctis:  Restrictions upon Ecclesiastical Ownership of Land in the Foral Legislation of Medieval Castile and Valencia” by James William Brodman

File 16 – Paper/Presentation – “The Origins of Hospitallerism in Medieval Catalunya” by James William Brodman

File 17 – Paper/Presentation – “The Annales School and the History of Medieval Spain” by James William Brodman

File 18 – Paper/Presentation – “Mercedarians and Muslims:  Pragmatic Cooperation on the Medieval Spanish Frontier” by James William Brodman

File 19 – Paper/Presentation – “Sant Marti of Perpignan: A Thirteenth-Century House of Charity” by James William Brodman

File 20 – Paper/Presentation – “Mercedarian Redemption in the Thirteenth Century” by James William Brodman

File 21 – Paper/Presentation – “Those Other Orders and the Medieval Social Gospel” by James William Brodman

File 22 – Paper/Presentation – “The opera charitatis in Twelfth-Century Religious Movements” by James William Brodman

File 23 – Paper/Presentation – “Patrons of Redemption:  Oblates in the Mercedarian Order” by James William Brodman

File 24 – Paper/Presentation – “Charity and Captives on the Medieval Spanish Frontier” by James William Brodman

File 25 – Paper/Presentation – Program from The Academy of American Research Historians on Medieval Spain – Dec. 29, 1976 – Dr. Brodman presented

File 26 – Paper/Presentation – “Redemption and the Military Orders in Twelfth-Century Spain” by James William Brodman – 1 page

File 27 – St. Joseph Church – Conway, Arkansas – Oral History Project – 2003

File 28 – Faulkner County Railroading

File 29 – Mediterranean Studies Association – Correspondence – 1992-1999

File 30 – Bernard F. Reilly – Correspondence – 1997

File 31 – Medieval Academy of America – Correspondence – 2002-2011

File 32 – Newsletters – The Academy of American Research Historians on Medieval Spain – 1974-2004

File 33 – American Academy of Research Historians of Medieval Spain – Tax Exempt Status – 1998-2000

File 34 – American Academy of Research Historians of Medieval Spain – Archive and back-up (1 CD-R) – October 21, 2011

File 35 – American Academy of Research Historians of Medieval Spain – 2 diskettes, website and main files, graphics, newsletters – 1998-2004

End of Box 6


Box 7

File 1 – Library of Iberian Resources On-line (LIBRO) – Mellon Foundation – Grant Application – 1998-2001

File 2 – LIBRO – Proposal, Award Letter and permission form – 1998

File 3 – LIBRO – Contracts – UCA – 1999-2002

File 4 – LIBRO – Archives and Backup

File 5 – LIBRO – Equipment purchase – 1999-2000

File 6 – LIBRO – Publicity – 1998-1999

File 7 – LIBRO – Annual Reports – 1999-2002

File 8 – LIBRO – Permissions – 1998-2006

File 9 – LIBRO – Permissions for Charles Julian Bishko – Variorum Volumes – 2002-2003

File 10 – LIBRO – Server Grant – 2004

File 11 – LIBRO/American Academy of Research Historians of Medieval Spain – Accounts – 1998-2003

File 12 – LIBRO – Invoices – 2001-2004

File 13 – LIBRO – Correspondence – 1999-2003

File 14 – LIBRO – User Logs – 1999-2005

End of Box 7

End of Collection