Box 1

File 1 – State College of Arkansas – A Faculty Guide To Policies and Procedures, c.1967-1974

File 2 – Attorney General – Opinion #75-62, July 7, 1975

File 3 – Faculty Handbook, 1979

File 4 – Invitations to Join AAUP

File 5 – 21/4” Pin (Red) AAUP

File 6A – Policy Documents and Reports – 1984

File 6B – Athletics – AAUP Statement on Intercollegiate Athletics, 1991-1992

File 7 – Minutes – UCA Chapter, 1992-1994

File 8 – AAUP – Payroll Deduction, 1992-1995

File 9 – Correspondence & Meetings, 1993

File 10- AAUP Membership Development Handbook: A Guide (3) to AAUP Recruiting,1993-1994

File 11- Public Relations, 1994

File 12- Arkansas Conference Fall Meeting, 1994

File 13- Arkansas Legislature, Correspondence, Hearings – Joint Commission Interim, 1994

File 14- UCA Faculty Members – List, Oct. 1994

File 15- Committee W – Status of Women, 1994

File 16- Correspondence – Arkansas Legislators, 1994

File 17- Correspondence – UCA Board of Trustees, 1994-1995

File 18- Correspondence – Faculty Senate- 1990-1994

File 19- Issues/Concerns, 1994-1995

File 20- Committee A – Correspondence, 1994-1995

File 21- Activities, 1994-1995

File 22- AAUP – Net/Gopher, 1995

File 23- New AAUP Members Communication, Nov. 13, 1995

File 24- UCA Response Committee A – Council of Deans – Promotion and Tenure Documents, Oct. 20, 1995

File 25- Correspondence & Meetings, 1995

File 26- Committee A – Correspondence on Tenure, 1995-1996

File 27- Committee T, 1995-1996

File 28- AAUP – Attorney List for Arkansas, April 4, 1996

File 29- Correspondence & Meetings, 1996

File 30- State Conference, 1996

File 31- Three Year Contract Proposed, 1998

File 32- Publication “Issues in Accounting Education” Vol. 13, No. 3, Aug. 1998

File 33- Retirement Committee, 1998

File 34- Investigation, 1998-1999

File 35- Correspondence & Meetings, 1998-1999

File 36- Agency Funds Authorization, Aug. 30, 1999

File 37- UCA Faculty Senate etc.  – Other Issues to Consider, 1999

End of Box 1



Box 2

File 1 – Packets & Info Used In Publicity Against UCA Policies, 1999-2000

File 2 – Treasures Reports, 1999-2000

File 3 – Correspondence from National to UCA – AAUP & State, 1999-2000

File 4 – UCA Board Members Names & Addresses, 1999-2000

File 5 – Correspondence from National to UCA AAUP & State, 1999-2000

File 6 – AAUP Resolution of AR Conference on Treatment of  Part-Time Faculty, 1999-2000

File 7 – Meeting – Washington Office, Feb. 4 & 5, 2000

File 8 – Committee A Meeting – Comments by Becky Williams – UCA to this body – June 2, 2000

File 9 – UCA Chapter By-Laws, 2001

File 10- Book – Policy Documents  & Reports, 2001

File 11- Arkansas Conference – AAUP – Treasure’s Report, 2000

File 12- Meetings & Correspondence, 2002

File 13- Correspondence, 2003

File 14- Correspondence, 2003

File 15- Correspondence, 2004

File 16- Meetings and Minutes, 2000-2004

File 17- Jefferson D. Farris “A Time Life,” 1927-2009 – Eulogy by Norbert O. Schedler

File 18- Miscellaneous

End Box 2



Box 3

File 1 – Arkansas Conference Newsletter – “Bulletin,” 1994-2001

File 2 – Newsletters – “Faculty Voice” – UCA Chapter, 1995

File 3 – “Footnotes” Newsletter of AAUP, 1999

File 4 – State Chapter Newsletters, 1993-1996

File 5 – Newspaper Articles – UCA & AAUP

File 6 – Salary Data, 1999-2000

File 7 – AAUP Signs & Labels

File 8 – Appointment with Tenure, 1994

File 9 – Tenure – Attacks, Calls for Study, 1988 & 1993-1994

File 10- Tenure Defense, 1988 & 1994-1995

File 11- Evaluation of Tenure-Track Faculty

File 12- Post Tenure Review, 1994-1998

File 13- Tenure and Promotion, 1995-1999

File 14- Useful Statements for Tenure, 1996

End of Box 3



Box 4

File 1 – Ernst Benjamin Research + Salary

File 2 – Galucci + Rogers Case, 1994-1995

File 3 – Rusty Rogers Response, 1998 to Boston Globe

File 4 – Sondra Gordy Communication to AAUP and Meeting Agendas, 1999-2000

File 5 – UCA’s Chapter Named – Richard W. Hudson Chapter, 1996

File 6 – John Lammers – Correspondence Concerning His Case, 1994-1997

File 7 – Lammers – Stark Correspondence, Jan. 22, 1997

File 8 – Lammers Case Documents, 1999-2000

File 9 – C. K. McFarland, President – ASU Chapter, 1993-1994

File 10- Chapter Records from Waddy Moore

File 11- Rapp, Dr. Michael W., 1993-1995

File 12- Dean Gary Stark, 1995

File 13- President Thompson – Correspondence, 1992-1993

File 14- Correspondence – UCA President Thompson, 1994

File 15- Thompson – Kurland Correspondence, 1994-1998

File 16- Thompson’s Speeches, Aug. 1998 & Aug. 1999

File 17- Governor Tucker’s Documents, 1995

File 18- Roy Whitehead’s – Post Tenure Policy Paper

File 19- AAUP Censure of UCA Correspondence – 1998

File 20 – Censure and Censure Removal – 1999-2000

File 21 – Censure and Censure Removal – 2002-2003

End of Box 4

End of Collection