General Studies (BGS Degree)

Program Coordinator: Jake Held, PhD, Assistant Provost for Academic Assessment and General Education/Professor of Philosophy, Wingo Hall 214,

Advisor: Heather Lemon, M.A., M.S.,, Thompson Hall 341

[1] Program Purpose and Description

The Bachelor of General Studies (BGS) degree is a flexible, multidisciplinary program that graduates individuals with advanced knowledge and skills that enhance their success in the modern world and workplace based on their interests and needs. Each candidate will explore and synthesize knowledge from two academic disciplines.
The BGS degree is designed for students who have the equivalent of an associate degree with at least 60 hours of college credit including the State Minimum Core but have not completed a bachelor’s degree. Interested students who have not completed the equivalent of an associate degree may be initially enrolled in the Associate of Arts (AA) degree program in General Education and work with an Academic Advisor to complete the State Minimum Core and at least 60 hours of credit. Assuming all appropriate prerequisites have been met, students enrolled in the AA program also may complete courses in fulfillment of the BGS.
BGS students must complete two academic minors with at least a 2.0 GPA in each minor and an overall 2.0 GPA. Students selecting two business minors must have approval of the Dean of the College of Business. BGS students also must complete General Studies Professional Readiness (GEST 3180) and General Studies Capstone (GEST 4380 [UD UCA Core: Z]). BGS students are required to complete all university requirements, including 120 total hours, 40 upper-division credit hours, and UCA upper-division core requirements.

[2] Course Links

For links to the subject course lists, jump to the UBulletin Course Index.