Voice and Resonance Therapy

A voice disorder occurs when voice quality, pitch, and loudness differ or are inappropriate for an individual’s age, gender, cultural background, or geographic location (American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, n.d.).


Voice therapy “is designed to

  • capitalize on strengths and address weaknesses related to underlying structures and functions that affect voice production
  • facilitate the individual’s activities and participation by assisting the person in acquiring new communication skills and strategies
  • modify contextual factors to reduce barriers and enhance facilitators of successful communication and participation, and to provide appropriate accommodations and other supports, as well as training in how to use them” (American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, n.d.).

Additional Resource

ASHA: Voice Disorders

ASHA: FAQ Voice Therapy


American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (n.d.). Voice Disorders. (Practice Portal). Retrieved November 30, 2021, from www.asha.org/Practice-Portal/Clinical-Topics/Voice-Disorders/