Specialty Programs

 Various specialty programs are offered at different times throughout the year. The following describes each of the programs that have previously been offered. Please email Amanda Rehm at arehm@uca.edu for further information regarding availability.

Brain Fitness: Research shows that active participation in learning and social activities is helpful for maintaining healthy brain function. This program is designed to:

  • Teach participants how to improve and sustain language and cognitive function
  • Improve education on healthy brain habits
  • Actively participate in group activities and social situations
  • Use functional strategies to assist with organization and memory

Read to Succeed: This Program is designed to provide intensive reading instruction for children in third through fifth grade, who are experiencing difficulties with reading and/or spelling. Read to Succeed can provide training in sound symbol association, phonological awareness, syllable instruction, oral reading fluency, and written text comprehension. 

Specialty Diagnostic Resource CenterThe Specialty Diagnostic Resource Center (SDRC) is Arkansas’s resource in differential diagnosis for fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD). FASD is a condition caused by prenatal exposure to alcohol and affects 1 in 20 individuals, although less than 1% receive a diagnosis. The SDRC consists of the following primary professions: speech-language pathology, social work, genetic counseling, and nursing. This is also a training clinic, which means that students of many different disciplines are trained to evaluate individuals with a variety of standardized and individualized assessments. Information about SDRC and FASD can be found at www.ArkSDRC.org.

Smooth Sailing: This summer program is designed to provide speech services to school-age children who stutter. It is specifically geared toward children who need to manage their stuttering and enhance fluency in both learning and recreational activities. The program features individual and group therapy sessions, fluency assessment and recommendations for home programs, fluency enhancing activities, and recreational activities to help transfer fluency skills outside of the clinical environment. 

Voice ClinicThe Voice Clinic is a comprehensive program that provides clinical assessment, videostroboscopy, and voice therapy for all types of disorders of the voice including hoarseness, chronic laryngitis, post-Covid respiration issues, and vocal cord dysfunction. Assessment and treatment are available for disorders caused by structure issues such as vocal cord swelling or vocal nodules, as well as neurologic disorders such as vocal tremor, vocal fold paralysis, or spasmodic dysphonia. Voice disturbances that are the result of vocal overuse/trauma, muscle tension, stroke, Parkinson’s disease, and brain injury can also be evaluated and treated in our clinic.