Advanced Year Criteria

1. Proximity to Central Arkansas

The selected community must be within a two hour driving distance from the Little Rock Metro area to allow Advanced Year participants to spend as much time as possible working on the community assessment rather than driving.

2. Support/Interest of the Community’s Leadership

The leadership of the selected community must demonstrate support and interest in the advanced year project.

3. Population

The population of the selected community will range from approximately 2,000 – 10,000 residents.

4. Administrative Support

The selected community should be willing and able to provide administrative and logistical support during the advanced year visit. The selected community should also designate a primary Point of Contact for the duration of the assessment.

5. Need

The selected community should be able to articulate current or potential community goals and/or projects in which assistance is needed.

6. Funding Availability

The selected community should be willing to bear some of the costs associated with the community assessment (such as lunch for participants). Costs would be minimal.

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