Physics and Astronomy (PHYS)

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[1] Courses for Non-Majors (PHYS)

1400 PHYSICAL SCIENCE FOR GENERAL EDUCATION Part of the lower-division UCA core (general education) program. Introduces the student to the principles of elementary physics, chemistry, and astronomy. Lecture and laboratory. [ACTS: PHSC1004]

1401 DESCRIPTIVE ASTRONOMY Part of the lower-division UCA core (general education) program. An introduction to the changing appearance of the night sky, to the solar system, and to the stars. Lecture and laboratory. [ACTS: PHSC1204]

1405 APPLIED PHYSICS For health science students. Introduces the student to forces, energy, fluids, sound, heat, light, electricity, and radioactivity, with applications to the health sciences. (Not open to students who have completed PHYS 1410 or 1441 unless specifically required for major. May not be applied toward a major or minor together with PHYS 1410, 1420, 1441, or 1442.) Lecture and laboratory. Prerequisite: High school or college algebra.

1410 COLLEGE PHYSICS 1 For biology, health science, pre-medical, pre-dental, and other students needing a basic introduction to physics. Forms a two-semester sequence with College Physics 2. Introduces the student to mechanics (kinematics, force, work, energy, momentum, rotational motion, elasticity), fluids, heat, and thermodynamics, mechanical waves, and sound. Lecture and laboratory. Prerequisite: High school trigonometry and grade of C or better in MATH 1390 or equivalent. [ACTS: PHYS2014]

1420 COLLEGE PHYSICS 2 Continuation of College Physics 1. Introduces the student to electricity, magnetism, light, and selected topics in modern physics. Lecture and laboratory. Prerequisite: PHYS 1410 (C or better). [ACTS: PHYS2024]

2311 STATICS For pre-engineering students. A study of stresses, strains, and equilibrium in a plane and in space; analysis of structures, friction, centroids, and moments of inertia. Problem oriented with applications emphasized. Lecture. Prerequisite: PHYS 1441. Co-/prerequisite: MATH 1497.

2411 COLLEGE ASTRONOMY A lower division elective intended for science majors and minors. An introduction to astronomy, including light and other radiation, celestial mechanics, stellar structure and evolution, galaxies, and cosmology. Lecture and Laboratory. Prerequisites: High school trigonometry and a grade of C or better in MATH
1390 or equivalent.

2421 OBSERVATIONAL ASTRONOMY A lower-division elective. Field work with telescopes and other equipment; methods for making celestial observations. Prerequisite: PHYS 1401 or 2411.

3315 WOMEN AND MINORITIES IN STEM This course is designed to explore the unique positions women and members of minority populations hold within the scientific domain, the historical and global contributions of women and minorities to scientific advancement, and the continued challenges women and minorities face as scientists. Students will be exposed to content that will challenge their pre-existing concepts of what science is, who has contributed to science, and how knowledge is generated. This course will satisfy the upper-division UCA Core Diversity requirement. Prerequisite: Completion of the lower-division UCA Core physical science and life science requirements. [UD UCA Core: D]

4301 CONCEPTS OF PHYSICAL SCIENCE 1 For elementary, junior-high, and high school teachers. Forms a two-semester sequence with Concepts of Physical Science 2. Introduces the student to the basic concepts of physical science. Laboratory format. Prerequisite: Consent of instructor.

4302 CONCEPTS OF PHYSICAL SCIENCE 2 Continuation of PHYS 4301. Laboratory format. Prerequisite: Consent of instructor.

[2] Courses for Departmental Majors (PHYS)

1100 PROJECTS IN PHYSICS A lower-division elective. Introductory physics projects involving laboratory work, library research, and/or problem solving. Written reports and oral presentations may be required. Prerequisite: Consent of department.

1301 INTRODUCTION TO PHYSICS Introduction to Physics is part of the physics major core and a required course for all BS Physics students. This course introduces three important components of the physics curriculum: Computation, Experimentation, and Research and Career Planning. All of these will be reinforced throughout the lower- and upper-division course work required to complete the major. All incoming students are required to take this course in their first semester.

1441 UNIVERSITY PHYSICS 1 Part of the major core. Forms a three-semester calculus-based survey of physics sequence with University Physics 2 and 3. Introduction to mechanics. Lecture and laboratory. Pre- or corequisite: MATH 1496. [ACTS: PHYS2034]

1442 UNIVERSITY PHYSICS 2 Part of the major core. Continuation of PHYS 1441. Introduction to waves, thermodynamics, and electromagnetism. Lecture and laboratory. Prerequisite: PHYS 1441 (C or better). Pre- or corequisite: MATH 1497. [ACTS: PHYS2044]

2320 INTRODUCTORY COMPUTATIONAL PHYSICS A lower-division course for physics majors and minors. Introduces students to the numerical/computational toolbox that vastly increases the range and complexity of problems that can be solved. Students will write self-contained programs using a variety of techniques and code in an efficient manner. Students will also be introduced to software for creating plots and graphics. Prerequisite: PHYS 1442 (C or better).

2430 COLLEGE PHYSICS 3 For physics majors with a College Physics background. Continuation of PHYS 1420. Introduction to wave optics, the special theory of relativity, the foundations of quantum theory with examples and applications, atomic structure, and subatomic physics. Lecture and laboratory. Prerequisite: PHYS 1420 (C or better); pre-/corequisite: MATH 1497.

2443 UNIVERSITY PHYSICS 3 Part of the major core. Continuation of PHYS 1442. Introduction to optics, the special theory of relativity, the foundations of quantum theory with examples and applications, atomic structure, and subatomic physics. Lecture and laboratory. Prerequisite: PHYS 1442 (C or better); pre- or corequisite: MATH 2471.

3210 EXPERIMENTS IN PHYSICS 1 Part of the major core. A laboratory course that expands the experimental skills introduced in the University Physics sequence. Classic experiments, for example those involving the determination of physical constants, will be performed. Involves student presentations. Pre-/corequisites: PHYS 2443, WRTG 3310.

3220 EXPERIMENTS IN PHYSICS 2 Part of the major core. A laboratory course that further expands the laboratory, analysis, and presentation skills learned in PHYS 3210. Classic experiments, for example those involving the determination of physical constants, will be performed. Involves student presentations. Prerequisites: PHYS 3210, or approval of the department chair.

3341 MATHEMATICAL METHODS IN PHYSICS A study of vector calculus, matrices, complex variables, series solutions to differential equations, special functions, and other areas of mathematics that are important for physics. Emphasis in all areas is placed on problems encountered in physics and their solutions. Lecture. Prerequisites: PHYS 1442 or 1420 and MATH 2471, 3320.

3342 MECHANICS General principles of classical mechanics with an introduction to Hamilton’s principle, Lagrange’s equation, and the Hamilton-Jacobi equation. Lecture. Prerequisites: PHYS 1441 or 1410 and MATH 2471, 3331.

3343 THERMAL PHYSICS The fundamental principles of thermodynamics and statistical physics. Lecture. Prerequisites: PHYS 2443 or 2430 and MATH 2471.

3345 OPTICS A study of geometrical and physical optics. Topics include reflection, refraction, wave, equation, interference, diffraction, polarization, absorption, and coherence. Lecture. Prerequisites: PHYS 2443 or 2430, and MATH 2471.

3353 QUANTUM THEORY 1 The physical foundation and mathematics of quantum theory; matrix and operator formalisms. Lecture. Prerequisites: PHYS 2443 or 2430, 3341.

3354 QUANTUM THEORY 2 Continuation of PHYS 3353. Approximation methods, perturbation theory, and applications to quantum systems. Lecture. Prerequisite: PHYS 3353.

3360 ELECTROMAGNETISM 1 The fundamental principles of electricity and magnetism are presented through the theory of fields. Electric and magnetic fields, their interaction with matter, and their behavior as expressed by Maxwell’s equations are explored. Lecture. Prerequisites: PHYS 1442 or 1420 and MATH 2471.

3361 ELECTROMAGNETISM 2 Continuation of PHYS 3360. Propagation, reflection, refraction, and radiation of electromagnetic waves. Lecture. Prerequisite: PHYS 3360.

3412 INTRODUCTION TO BIOPHYSICS This course will introduce the field of biological physics by examining living systems quantitatively. Biophysical topics covered may include diffusion, friction, low Reynolds-number flow, entropy and free energy, entropic and chemical forces, self-assembly, molecular machines, and membranes. The course is intended to train a broad student audience in mathematical and physical modeling of biological systems. Appropriate for junior/senior undergraduates in physics, chemistry, and biology who have completed calculus and introductory physics courses. Prerequisites: PHYS 1420 or PHYS 1442; and MATH 1491 or MATH 1496.

4V03 SPECIAL PROBLEMS IN PHYSICS (Variable credit: 1-3 credit hours.) May consist of problem solving, library research, and/or laboratory work. Students may register for up to 4 hours per semester. May be repeated with change of content.

4V04 SPECIAL PROBLEMS IN ASTRONOMY (Variable credit: 1-3 credit hours.) May consist of problem solving, library research, and/or laboratory work. Students may register for up to 4 hours per semester. May be repeated with change of content.

4110 SENIOR LABORATORY Part of the major core. A laboratory course that offers diverse laboratory experiences that are more specialized than those of Junior Laboratory. Selection of experiments is adapted to the needs and program of the individual student. Involves student presentations. Requires attendance at department seminar. Prerequisites: PHYS 3110, 3120.

4111 SENIOR CAPSTONE 1 Part of the major core. A course that offers diverse laboratory, theoretical, or computational experiences that are more specialized than those of Classic Experiments in Physics 1 and 2. Senior Capstone 1 involves individual or team work to identify a research question or design goal in collaboration with faculty mentor(s) and to successfully formulate and defend a work plan to address the problem. Selection of projects is adapted to the needs and ability of the individual student or team of students. Involves student presentations and written reports. May require attendance at department seminar. Prerequisite: PHYS 3220.

4211 SENIOR CAPSTONE 2 Part of the major core. A course that offers diverse laboratory, theoretical, or computational experiences that are more specialized than those of Experiments in Physics 1 and 2. Senior Capstone 2 involves performing the experimental, theoretical or computational research proposed by the individual or team in Senior Capstone 1 in collaboration with a mentor. Involves student presentation of results in oral and written form. May require attendance at department seminar. Prerequisite: PHYS 4111. [UD UCA Core: Z]

4250 SCANNING ELECTRON MICROSCOPY AND MICROANALYSIS An elective course for biology and physics majors. Theory and practice of scanning electron microscopy and X-ray microanalysis, with training in sample preparation, examination and analysis, and imaging. Students will complete independent research projects. Prerequisites: PHYS 1420 or 1442, and permission of instructor.

4341 ADVANCED MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS Tensor analysis, integral transforms, solutions to non-linear differential equations, introduction to chaos, and other special topics in mathematical physics. Lecture. Prerequisite: PHYS 3341.

4350 TOPICS IN THEORETICAL PHYSICS Content will vary, depending on interests of faculty and students. Examples: acoustics, astrophysics, atomic physics, condensed matter, cosmology, elementary particles, fluid mechanics, nuclear physics. May be repeated with different content. Lecture. Prerequisite: Consent of instructor.

4351 COMPUTATIONAL PHYSICS A senior level elective course. Builds upon and covers additional and more advanced computational techniques that were introduced in PHYS 2320. Programming projects. Prerequisite: PHYS 2320.

4360 PHYSICS FOR SECONDARY TEACHERS Introduction to secondary-level teaching materials and laboratory techniques. Integrated lecture, discussion, workshop, laboratory format. Prerequisite: Consent of instructor.

4380 INTERNSHIP IN APPLIED PHYSICS An internship consisting of approximately 300 hours of industrial employments in which the student applies the methods of physics to real-world situations. May be repeated. Prerequisites: PHYS 3110 or 3120, GPA in major of 2.5 or better, consent of department.