Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry

Chair and Associate Professor: K. Dooley (PhD), 450-5936
Professor: P. Desrochers (PhD), L. Isom (PhD), M. Kelley (PhD), R. Mauldin (PhD), W. Taylor (PhD), R. Tarkka (PhD)
Associate Professor: N. Carter (PhD), T. Dunlap (PhD), G. Naumiec (PhD), L. Yang (PhD)
Assistant Professor: K. Barnett (PhD), M. Long (PhD), M. Massey (PhD), A. Qamar (PhD)
Senior Lecturer: F. Yarberry (PhD)

[1] Purposes

The Department of Chemistry  and Biochemistry curriculum provides a broad range of instruction in chemistry. It includes a general education course and lower-division courses in general chemistry and organic chemistry for students with a wide variety of career goals such as a major in one of the natural sciences, pre-healing arts (nursing, medicine, dentistry, veterinary medicine), engineering, or secondary school teaching.

Students majoring in chemistry receive instruction in the fundamental areas of chemistry subsequently supplemented by more advanced courses in appropriate areas. Laboratory instruction is emphasized at all levels, and students are encouraged to participate in collaborative laboratory research with faculty members. Students completing a chemistry major program of study are prepared for careers as professional chemists as well as for graduate study in chemistry or other postgraduate professional schools.

The chemistry department curriculum is approved by the Committee on Professional Training of the American Chemical Society.

[2] Honors in Chemistry

Students who major in Chemistry and who demonstrate exceptional ability may be invited to enter the Honors in the Major Program. For details, see Honors in the Major Program.

To jump directly to a particular program of study, use these links:

Degree programs: BS, Chemistry | BSE, Science and Technology, Chemistry Track
Concentrations: ACS Certified – Standard Track | ACS Certified – Biochemistry Track | Non-ACS Certified
Minor program: Chemistry

[3] Bachelor of Science

The degree of Bachelor of Science, with a major described below, requires successful completion of 120 hours, including (1) the UCA Core: complete 38 hours to meet lower-division UCA Core requirements and complete upper-division UCA Core requirements using major, minor, or elective courses (see the UCA Core requirements); (2) degree requirements; and (3) major and minor requirements in chemistry listed below.

Mathematics Pathways: First-time, first-year students majoring in Chemistry enter the College Algebra Mathematics Pathway and must enroll in MATH 1390 during their first year of study, unless they have been awarded credit for MATH 1390. Students with an ACT Math subscore between 22 and 26 should enroll in MATH 1486 Calculus Preparation. Students with an ACT Math subscore of 27 or greater should enroll in MATH 1496 Calculus I.

[3.1] Major in Chemistry (ACS-certified)

[3.1.1] Standard Track (48 hours)

Required Chemistry Courses
CHEM 1450 College Chemistry I
CHEM 1451 College Chemistry II
CHEM 2401 Organic Chemistry I
CHEM 3411 Organic Chemistry II
CHEM 3211 Organic Spectroscopy
CHEM 3520 Quantitative Analysis
CHEM 4320 Biochemistry I (BIOL 1440 is a prerequisite for this course.)
CHEM 4380 Advanced Inorganic Chemistry
CHEM 3150 Advanced Inorganic Laboratory
CHEM 4450 Physical Chemistry I
CHEM 4451 Advanced Analytical Chemistry
CHEM 4460 Physical Chemistry II
CHEM 4112 Seminar [UD UCA Core: Z]A minimum of two credit hours of research

One course from the following:
CHEM 3360 Intermediate Inorganic Chemistry or
CHEM 4335 Biochemistry II or
CHEM 4351 Environmental Chemistry or
CHEM 4385 Topics in Advanced Chemistry

CHEM 4301 Laboratory Management is excluded from the ACS-certified major.

Other Required Courses
MATH 1496 Calculus I
MATH 1497 Calculus II
MATH 2471 Calculus III
MATH 3331 Ordinary Differential Equations I
PHYS 1441 University Physics 1
PHYS 1442 University Physics 2

No minor required.

[3.1.2] Biochemistry Track (44 hours)

Required Chemistry Courses
CHEM 1450 College Chemistry I
CHEM 1451 College Chemistry II
CHEM 2401 Organic Chemistry I
CHEM 3411 Organic Chemistry II
CHEM 3211 Organic Spectroscopy
CHEM 3520 Quantitative Analysis
CHEM 4320 Biochemistry I
CHEM 4335 Biochemistry II
CHEM 4121 Biochemistry Laboratory
CHEM 4450 Physical Chemistry I
CHEM 4460 Physical Chemistry II
CHEM 3360 Intermediate Inorganic Chemistry or CHEM 4380 Advanced Inorganic Chemistry
A minimum of two credit hours of research
CHEM 4112 Seminar [UD UCA Core: Z]

NOTE: CHEM 4301, Laboratory Management, is excluded from the ACS-certified major.

Other Required Courses
Three (3) upper division credit hours of CHEM, BIOL, or PHYS courses. (see elective options below)
MATH 1496 Calculus I
MATH 1497 Calculus II
MATH 2471 Calculus III
PHYS 1441 University Physics 1
PHYS 1442 University Physics 2
BIOL 1440 Principles of Biology I
BIOL 1441 Principles of Biology II
BIOL 2490 Genetics

No minor required.
Elective options: Any UD CHEM course (except for CHEM 4301); BIOL 4431, BIOL 4V90 (with department chair’s prior approval), BIOL 3420, BIOL 4425, BIOL 4350, BIOL 4360, BIOL 4414, PHYS 3412

[3.2] Major in Chemistry (non-ACS certified) (38 hours)

Required Chemistry Courses
CHEM 1450 College Chemistry I
CHEM 1451 College Chemistry II
CHEM 2401 Organic Chemistry I
CHEM 3411 Organic Chemistry II
CHEM 3211 Organic Spectroscopy
CHEM 4320 Biochemistry I
CHEM 3360 Intermediate Inorganic Chemistry or CHEM 4380 Advanced Inorganic Chemistry
CHEM 3520 Quantitative Analysis
CHEM 4450 Physical Chemistry I
CHEM 4460 Physical Chemistry II
CHEM 4112 Seminar [UD UCA Core: Z]
Two credit hours of chemical research recommended

Note: CHEM 4301, Laboratory Management, is excluded.

Other Required Courses
MATH 1496 Calculus I
MATH 1497 Calculus II
MATH 2471 Calculus III
PHYS 1441 University Physics 1 [Note 1]
PHYS 1442 University Physics 2 [Note 1]

Minor required.

Note 1

PHYS 1410 and 1420 may be used in place of PHYS 1441 and 1442 if approved in advance by the chair of the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry.

[3.3] Minor in Chemistry (24 hours)

CHEM 1450 College Chemistry I
CHEM 1451 College Chemistry II
CHEM 2401 Organic Chemistry I
Chemistry electives at the 3000-level or above (CHEM 4301 excluded) for a total of at least 24 hours

[3.4] Major in Environmental Science

See Environmental Science – Chemistry Track page (Interdisciplinary Programs).

[3.5] Major in General Science

See the General Science page (Interdisciplinary Programs).

[3.6] Minor in Physical Science

See Department of Physics and Astronomy.

[4] Bachelor of Science Education in Science and Technology, Chemistry Track

The BSE in Science and Technology is awaiting approval by the Arkansas Division of Higher Education and is not yet accepting students.

A BSE degree with a concentration in chemistry requires the successful completion of 120 hours including (1) the UCA Core: complete the lower-division and upper-division UCA Core requirements using major, minor, or elective courses (see the UCA Core requirements); (2) chemistry requirements; (3) and related requirements in biology, math, physics, and education listed below. Students completing this degree will be prepared to teach chemistry in a high school setting.

Chemistry course requirements (27 hours)

CHEM 1450 College Chemistry I
CHEM 1451 College Chemistry II
CHEM 2401 Organic Chemistry I
CHEM 3411 Organic Chemistry II
CHEM 3520 Quantitative Chemical Analysis
CHEM 3360 Intermediate Inorganic
3 hours of elective courses approved by the department chair

Related Mathematics courses (10 hours)

MATH 1496 Calculus I
MATH 1497 Calculus II
MATH 4200 Introduction to Educational Testing and Assessment in STEM (or MSIT 4321 may be substituted for MATH 4200)

Related Biology courses (8 hours)

BIOL 1440 Principles of Biology I
BIOL 1441 Principles of Biology II

Related Physics courses (11 hours)

PHYS 1441 or 1410 University Physics I or College Physics I
PHYS 1442 or 1420 University Physics II or College Physics II
PHYS 3315 Women and Minorities in STEM [UD UCA Core: D, C]

Related Education courses (32 hours)

EDUC 1300 Education as a Profession
EDUC 3322 Diverse Learners in Inclusive Settings
EDUC 4210 Integration of Technology in Teaching
MSIT 3310 Learning and Development [UD UCA Core: D, R]
MSIT 4305 Classroom Management
SCI 4300 Secondary Science Methods & Materials
SCI 4360 Internship I
SCI 4T90 Internship II [UD UCA Core: Z]

Completion of the chemistry and related courses will only partially satisfy the upper-division (UD) UCA Core. Students are encouraged to take the opportunity to explore other areas more deeply by completing courses designed as “C” in areas outside of the sciences.

Required Chemistry Hours (27):
Additional Related Hours (61):

Biology: 8
Mathematics: 10
Physics: 11
Education Related: 32

Total: 88

[5] Courses in Chemistry (CHEM)

Follow this link for CHEM course descriptions: course link.