Department of Biology

Chair and Professor: B. Hill (PhD), (501) 450-3146

Professor: G. Adams (PhD), R. Adams (PhD), B. Cash (PhD), D. Dussourd (PhD), M. Gifford (PhD), A. Mukherjee (PhD), K. Naylor (PhD), J. Padberg (PhD), S. Runge (PhD)

Associate Professor: M. Bland (PhD), M. Farris (PhD), T. Haselkorn (PhD), M. McDonald (PhD), R. Noyes (PhD), A. Puri (PhD), B. Rowley (PhD), E. Wiley (PhD)

Assistant Professor: O. Adedoja (PhD), H. Halvorson (PhD), B. Waggoner (PhD), M. Yoder (PhD)

Senior Lecturer: K. Hicks (PhD), S. Karafit (MSc), M. Martin (MD), K. Peppers (PhD), L. Warren (PhD)

Lecturer II: R. Wainwright (MHSA)

Lecturer I: K. Hurley (MS), C. Little (MS), A. Smith (MEd)

[1] Purposes

Knowledge of biology relates directly to understanding contemporary human life and the natural world. The biology program aims to contribute this vital element to the liberal education of all students through required and elective courses in general education. Majors in biology are provided the basic foundation for pursuing careers in biological sciences. Majors can go into research, teaching, or professional positions in medicine, veterinary medicine, dentistry, optometry, environmental science, and various other applied and technical fields. Courses cover both the concepts and processes of biology as well as various groups of organisms. Advanced courses and individual research opportunities are available in numerous sub-disciplines. Students in related degree programs, such as applied health sciences and education, obtain the biological component of their programs from fundamental and applied courses offered in the Department of Biology.

[2] Honors in Biology

Students who major in Biology and who demonstrate exceptional ability may be invited to enter the Honors in the Major Program. For details, see Honors in the Major Program.

To jump directly to a particular program of study, use these links:

Degree programs: BS, Biology | BSE, Science and Technology, Biology Track
Minor program: Biology

[3] Bachelor of Science

The Bachelor of Science in Biology requires successful completion of a minimum of 120 hours, including (1) the UCA Core: complete 38 hours to meet lower-division UCA Core requirements (see the lower-division UCA Core requirements) and complete upper-division UCA Core requirements using designated courses; and (2) requirements in biological science, physical science, and mathematics as described below. Completion of a minor approved by both the major and the minor advisors is optional (see specific requirements below).

Mathematics Pathways: First-time, first-year students majoring in Biology enter the College Algebra Mathematics Pathway and must enroll in MATH 1390 during their first year of study, unless they have been awarded credit for MATH 1390.

Please note: Students must earn a C or higher grade in a biology core course before enrolling in a subsequent biology core course or biology elective that lists that core course as a prerequisite. Similar prerequisite requirements also exist for courses in other departments offering courses required for a BS degree in Biology.

Abbreviation Key – UCA Core Program

[3.1] Major in Biology (40-48 hours)

Biology Core Requirements:

BIOL 1440 Principles of Biology I
BIOL 1441 Principles of Biology II
BIOL 2490 Genetics
BIOL 3402 Cell Biology [UD UCA Core: C, I]
BIOL 3403 General Ecology [UD UCA Core: I]

Other Required Courses:

CHEM 1450 College Chemistry I
CHEM 1451 College Chemistry II
CHEM 2401 Organic Chemistry I
CHEM 3411 Organic Chemistry II
PHYS 1410 College Physics I
PHYS 1420 College Physics II
MATH 1491 Calculus for the Life Sciences
MATH 1496 Calculus I
MATH 2311 Elementary Statistics (or another approved elementary statistics course)

Biology Elective Requirements:

Major without a minor: 28 hours of electives chosen from the following courses, including a minimum of four (4) laboratory courses
Major with a minor or another major: 20 hours of electives chosen from the following courses, including a minimum of four (4) laboratory courses
BIOL 3190 Economic Botany Lab
BIOL 3305 Molecular Biology: Techniques and Controversies
BIOL 3310 Neuroethology: The Neural Basis of Natural Behavior
BIOL 3315 Women and Minorities in STEM [UD UCA Core: D]
BIOL 3360 Introduction to Marine Biology
BIOL 3370 Principles of Neuroscience
BIOL 3390 Economic Botany
BIOL 3410 Vertebrate Zoology
BIOL 3420 General Microbiology
BIOL 3470 Plant Biology
BIOL 4195 Biology Capstone [UD UCA Core: Z]
BIOL 4250 Scanning Electron Microscopy and Microanalysis
BIOL 4311 Pathophysiology [Note 1]
BIOL 4320 Human Neuroscience Methods
BIOL 4330/5330 Cardiovascular Physiology
BIOL 4340 Immunology
BIOL 4443 Freshwater Ecology
BIOL 4350 Current Topics in Cell Biology
BIOL 4351 General Pharmacology [Note 1]
BIOL 4360 Endocrinology
BIOL 4370 Current Topics in Physiology
BIOL 4400 Histology
BIOL 4401 Invertebrate Zoology
BIOL 4404 Plant Biodiversity
BIOL 4405 Developmental Biology
BIOL 4406/5406 Mammalogy
BIOL 4407/5407 Ornithology
BIOL 4410 Biology of Lower Plants and Fungi
BIOL 4414 Molecular Mechanisms of Aging
BIOL 4415 Mechanisms of Evolution
BIOL 4418 Biology of Reptiles
BIOL 4421 Pathogenic Microbiology
BIOL 4425 Experimental Neurobiology
BIOL 4430 Comparative Vertebrate Anatomy
BIOL 4435 Animal Behavior
BIOL 4440 Entomology
BIOL 4442/5442 Restoration Ecology
BIOL 4445 Biometry
BIOL 4450 Plant Ecophysiology
BIOL 4455 Ichthyology (Biology of Fishes)
BIOL 4460 Animal Physiology
BIOL 4461 Parasitology
BIOL/ENVR 4465 Environmental Toxicology
BIOL 4480 History of Life
BIOL 4530 Experimental Molecular Biology
BIOL 3V45 (1–4 credit hours) Internship [Note 2]
BIOL 4V00 Field Studies in Biology
BIOL 4V85 (1-3 credit hours) Undergraduate Research [UD UCA Core: Z] [Note 2] [Note 3]
BIOL 4V90 (1-4 credit hours) Special Topics in Biology
CHEM 4320/CHEM 4121 Biochemistry I and Lab
ENVR 3410 Environmental Theory and Application [UD UCA Core: D, C]
PHYS 3412 Introduction to Biophysics

Note 1

These courses require prerequisites not normally taken by UCA Biology majors.

Note 2

Up to four (4) hours may count as biology elective credit with departmental approval. For BIOL 4V85, up to three (3) hours can be earned during one semester (not all four); therefore, to earn all four hours, multiple semesters must be taken.

Note 3

At least two (2) hours of BIOL 4V85 are required to count for one (1) of the lab course requirements.

[3.2] Minor in Biology (24 hours)

Minimum Requirements:

BIOL 1440 Principles of Biology I
BIOL 1441 Principles of Biology II
BIOL 2490 Genetics
BIOL 3402 Cell Biology [UD UCA Core: C, I]
BIOL 3403 General Ecology [UD UCA Core: I]

Four elective hours chosen from the following:

BIOL 2405 Human Anatomy and Physiology
BIOL 2411 Microbiology in Human Affairs
BIOL 2420 Histology for Health Sciences
BIOL 3406 Structure and Function of the Human Body
BIOL 3407 Structure and Function of the Human Body II
BIOL 3370 Principles of Neuroscience
and all courses listed as electives for the major

Additional requirements include:

CHEM 1450 College Chemistry I
CHEM 1451 College Chemistry I
CHEM 2401 Organic Chemistry I
PHYS 1410 College Physics I
PHYS 1420 College Physics II

[4] Bachelor of Science Education in Science and Technology, Biology Track

The BSE in Science and Technology is awaiting approval by the Arkansas Division of Higher Education and is not yet accepting students.

A BSE degree with a concentration in biology requires the successful completion of 120 hours including (1) the UCA Core: complete the lower-division and upper-division UCA Core requirements using major, minor, or elective courses (see the UCA Core requirements); (2) biology requirements; (3) and related requirements in physics, chemistry, math and education listed below. Students completing this degree will be prepared to teach biology, anatomy & physiology, and environmental science in a high school setting.

Biology course requirements (32 hours)

BIOL 1440 Principles of Biology I
BIOL 1441 Principles of Biology II
BIOL 2490 Genetics
BIOL 2405 Anatomy & Physiology
BIOL 3403 Ecology [UD UCA Core: I]
BIOL 4415 Mechanisms of Evolution
And 8 upper-division hours of a diversity of organisms (animal or plant) class – as approved by the department chair

Related Physics course requirements (8 hours)

PHYS 1410 College Physics I
PHYS 1420 College Physics II

Related Chemistry course requirements (8 hours)

CHEM 1450 College Chemistry I
CHEM 1451 College Chemistry II

Related Mathematics course requirements (8 hours)

MATH 1390 College Algebra
MATH 2311 Statistical Methods or equivalent
MATH 4200 Introduction to Educational Testing and Assessment in STEM (or MSIT 4321 may be substituted for MATH 4200)

Related Education course requirements (32 hours)

EDUC 1300 Education as a Profession
EDUC 3322 Diverse Learners in Inclusive Settings
EDUC 4210 Integration of Technology in Teaching
MSIT 3310 Learning and Development [UD UCA Core: D, R]
MSIT 4305 Classroom Management
SCI 4360 Internship I
SCI 4300 Secondary Science Methods & Materials
SCI 4T90 Internship II [UD UCA Core: Z]

Completion of the biology and related courses will only partially satisfy the upper-division (UD) UCA Core. Students are encouraged to take the opportunity to explore other areas more deeply by completing courses designed as “C” in areas outside of the sciences.

Required Biology Hours (32):
Additional Related Hours (56):

Physics: 8
Chemistry: 8
Math: 8
Education: 32

Total: 88

[5] Master’s Degree

See Graduate Bulletin.

[6] Course Links

[6.1] Courses in Biology (BIOL)

Follow this link for BIOL course descriptions: course link.

[6.2] Courses at the Gulf Coast Research Laboratory

The University of Central Arkansas is affiliated with the Gulf Coast Research Laboratory (GCRL) at Ocean Springs, Mississippi. Students may take GCRL courses and receive credit at UCA.

UCA advisor: Dr. Noyes

Prerequisite for all courses: BIOL 2490 and consent of Department.

The following courses offered at GCRL can be used to satisfy up to 4 semester hours of the biology elective credit requirement at UCA. Special Problems in Marine Science (course #490) may satisfy up to 4 additional hours of the biology elective credit requirement upon approval of the Biology Department Independent Study Committee.

301Marine Science II: Marine Biology3
301LMarine Science II: Marine Biology Lab2
403/503Marine Invertebrate Zoology3
403L/503LMarine Invertebrate Zoology Lab3
405/505Marine Ecology3
405L/505LMarine Ecology Lab2
407/507Marine Aquaculture3
407L/507LMarine Aquaculture Lab3
408/508Marine Ichthyology3
408L/508LMarine Ichthyology Lab3
421/521Coastal Vegetation2
421L/521LCoastal Vegetation Lab1
423/523Marine Mammals3
423L/523LMarine Mammals Lab3
490/590Special Problems in Marine ScienceTBA