Dr. Duncan P. McKinnon
Associate Professor of Anthropology & Director of the Jamie C. Brandon Center for Archaeological Research
Irby 120E
(501) 450-5477
Office Hours: By appointment
Educational Background
Ph.D. University of Arkansas
M.A. University of Arkansas
B.A. Texas State University-San Marcos
Specialty Fields
Landscape Archaeology
Archaeogeophysics/Terrestrial Remote Sensing
Southeastern Native American Archaeology and Culture
Caddo Archaeology and Culture
Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
Research Interests
Landscape and Settlement Patterning
Environmental and Humanistic Geography
GIS-based Geospatial Analyses
Native American Ritual and Religion
Southeastern Iconography and Cosmology
Visual and Public Archaeology
Early Arkansas and Ozark Euro-History
Scottish Ancestry and Genealogy
Current Projects
Distributional Characteristics of Caddo Material Culture and Iconography
Woodland Period Occupations in the Lower Illinois River Valley
Faulkner County Survey Project (Historical and Archaeological Resources)
Select Publications
McKinnon, Duncan P. |
2021a | Ceramic Variation as an Indicator of Interregional Interaction and Community. In Ancestral Caddo Ceramic Traditions, edited by Duncan P. McKinnon, Jeffery S. Girard, and Timothy K. Perttula. Louisiana State University Press. |
2021b | The Battle Mound Community: Interaction along the Red River and Throughout the Caddo Homeland. In Reconsidering Mississippian Households and Communities, edited by Liz Watts Malouchos and Alleen Betzenhauser. University of Alabama Press. |
2017 | The Battle Mound Landscape: Exploring Space, Place, and History of a Red River Caddo Community in Southwest Arkansas. Research Series No. 68. Arkansas Archeological Society, Fayetteville. |
2015a | Zoomorphic Effigy Pendants: An Examination of Style, Medium, and Distribution in the Caddo Homeland. Southeastern Archaeology 34(2):116-135. |
2015b | A Symbolic and Sacred Landscape: The Confederate Cemetery in Fayetteville, Arkansas. In The Hidden Diversity: Historical Archaeology in Arkansas, edited by Carl G. Drexler, pp. 45-56. University of Tennessee Press. |
2011 | Foster Trailed-Incised: A GIS-Based Analysis of Caddo Ceramic Distribution. Caddo Archeology Journal 21:67-84. |
2010a | Continuing the Research: Archaeogeophysical Investigations at the Battle Mound Site (3LA1) in Lafayette County, Arkansas. Southeastern Archaeology 29(2):250-260. |
2010b | Summer 1948: A Summary of Excavations at Battle Mound (3LA1), a Premier Caddo Mound Site in the Great Bend Region of the Red River. Arkansas Archeologist 49:1-16. |
2009 | Exploring Settlement Patterning at a Premier Caddo Mound Site in the Red River Great Bend Region. Southeastern Archaeology 28(2):248-258. |
McKinnon, Duncan P., and Bryan S. Haley (editors) |
2017 | Archaeological Remote Sensing in North America: Innovative Techniques for Anthropological Applications, edited by Duncan P. McKinnon and Bryan S. Haley. University of Alabama Press. |
McKinnon, Duncan P., Jason L. King, Jane E. Buikstra, Taylor H. Thornton, and Jason T. Herrmann |
2016 | Returning to Kamp Mounds (11C12): Results from Geomagnetic Survey and High-Density Topographic Mapping in Calhoun County, Illinois. Midcontinental Journal of Archaeology 41(3):231-254. |
McKinnon, Duncan P., Jeffrey S. Girard, and Timothy K. Perttula (editors) |
2021 | Ancestral Caddo Ceramic Traditions. Louisiana State University Press. |
Website: www.duncanmckinnon.com