“Anthropology is the most humanistic of the sciences and the most scientific of the humanities.” Alfred Kroeber
Major or Minor in Anthropology
Anthropology is the cross-cultural and comparative study of human species and all of our immediate ancestors. With a broad scope, it relates to all aspects that define what it means to be human, such as behavior, culture, interaction, and the relationship between humans and the environment. Anthropologists examine these attributes as they exist in all times and all places from our evolutionary beginnings some 6 million years ago to our present worldwide cultural and biological diversity.
The anthropology faculty offices and labratory are located in Irby Hall 120 (first floor).
The department chair and administrative specialist are located in Irby Hall 306 (third floor). 501.450.3178
Charlie Grant cgrant2@uca.edu is the administrative specialist for the department; they can answer or direct your questions.
Degree Requirements
The Bachelor of Science in Anthropology requires the completion of 120 hours, including the general education component, major requirements listed below, a minor worked out with a minor advisor, 40 upper division hours, and a minimum 2.0 GPA overall, in the major, and in the minor. Students may declare a major in anthropology after they have completed ANTH 1302 with a grade of C or better.
There are six required courses for the Minor in Anthropology, totaling 18 hours; nine of these hours must be upper division. All Anthropology minors are required to take ANTH 1302, Introduction to Anthropology. Anthropology minors must then choose and complete two courses from the Anthropology Core, which will ensure that students are trained from an anthropological perspective. Students then must complete three additional courses from the Anthropology Core or from the designated electives.
Student Engagement
Anthropology students have opportunities to present research at professional conferences, to meet experts in their fields of study, to hear alumni speak about careers, and to exchange ideas with faculty and classmates. Club participation can offer experiential learning opportunities, encourage community involvement, and help students build social networks. Majors and minors who exhibit exemplary academic performance will be invited to join an honor society. Junior or Senior year internships with local agencies are encouraged. Internships give students hands-on experiences to help them set their career goals.
Students are encouraged to participate in activities that promote the understanding and application of their classroom learning. Students may earn course credits while working with faculty on independent study projects or research, and present their work at the annual Arkansas Sociological Anthropological Undergraduate Symposium and the CAHSS Student Research Symposium. Students who complete quality research might also be encouraged to submit their papers for publication in a student journal. Students are encouraged to visit the Journal of Undergraduate Research in Anthropology (JURA).
Internship Opportunities
The sociology, criminology, and anthropology internship program is designed to provide juniors and seniors with an opportunity to obtain valuable job-related experience and future employment contacts while still a student. For this directed field experience, students enroll in SOC 4370 and are assigned to an agency of their choice for a volunteer period of 150 hours. Past internship opportunities have included such locations as a mayor’s office; police and sheriff departments; the United States Marshals Service headquarters in Washington, D.C.; hospitals; the Department of Human Services; Arkansas Educational Television Network; the Faulkner County Museum; Toltec Mounds; and numerous human services agencies. Please contact Internship Coordinator Dr. Janet Wilson for additional information on internship opportunities (jwilson@uca.edu, 450-5580).
Anthropology Club
The University of Central Arkansas’s Department of Sociology, Criminology, and Anthropology is proud to sponsor the undergraduate Anthropology Club. As a Recognized Student Organization (RSO), Anthropology Club provides students interested in anthropology, the study of humans through time and space, an opportunity to apply such interest locally. Anthropology Club members engage in volunteer work, host film nights and group celebrations, visit interesting historical and archaeological sites, and participate in anthropological field trips. Students may request to join the club through Cub Connect, after which you will begin receiving emails about meetings and important events. For additional information, please contact Faculty Advisor Dr. Eric Bowne (ebowne@uca.edu).
Lambda Alpha
Lambda Alpha is the national honors organization for anthropology. The name “Lambda Alpha” derives from the initial letters of the Greek words “Logos anthropou,” meaning “the study of man.” The society was originally founded at Wichita State University in 1968 with the purpose of encouraging and stimulating scholarship and research in anthropology. As an honor society, Lambda Alpha serves to recognize superiority, providing incentive for exceptional performance by granting certificates of accomplishment.
- Maintain the equivalent of a 2.5 overall GPA
- Major, minor, or show an interest in the academic discipline of anthropology
- Complete at least 12 credit hours in anthropology
- Maintain the equivalent of a 3.0 GPA in anthropology courses
If you have any questions or interest, please contact Lambda Alpha advisor Dr. Eric Bowne (ebowne@uca.edu 501.450.5821).
Each semester up to three anthropology students may be recognized for scholarly research or for their exceptional representation of the department.
The Hester A. Davis Outstanding Anthropology Student Award
The Dr. Carl Redden Outstanding Sociology Intern Award
The Gordon and Faye Shepherd Student Research Award
Experiential Learning
Food and Culture, Regional Anthropology, and Field Archaeology are among the anthropology courses that enhance in-class learning by offering off-campus field trips and volunteer opportunities.
Anthropology students are encouraged to become familiar with the Jamie C. Brandon Center for Archaeological Research (JCB Center). JCB Center is an organization affiliated with the Department of Sociology, Criminology, and Anthropology at the University of Central Arkansas. The mission of the Center is to promote and facilitate outreach programs to the community and support student-based opportunities in archaeological fieldwork and research.
Travel Seminars
Cultural immersion is achieved through Travel Seminar classes. These trips provide students with first-hand experience in research and cultural practices. Most recently, students traveled to the Four Corners region of the United States and the Navajo reservation. Students participated in data collection, toured ruins, museums and cultural centers, interacted with Native Americans, and increased their camping and hiking skills.