Department News

Department holds the 2014 Pi Sigma Alpha induction ceremony

The 2014 induction ceremony for the UCA Chapter of Pi Sigma Alpha, the national Political Science Honors Society,  was held in the Mirror Room in McAlister Hall on April 17, 2014.  Dr. Joseph Howard, Associate Professor of Political Science, served as Faculty Adviser for the UCA Chapter of Pi Sigma Alpha.  Eleven UCA students were formally inducted during the ceremony, including Bryan Altman, Bethany Bell, Tess Bradford, Seth Bradley, Jill Carlson, Melissa Cornwell, Katie Farely, Felipe Fernandez, Julius Gerard, Stephanie Gray, and Juan Mayen.  During the ceremony, Tab Townsell, Mayor of the City of Conway, was presented the UCA Department of Political Science’s Distinguished Alumnus award.  Tab Townsell graduated with a bachelors degree in political science from UCA in 1983.  Blake Brizzolara (Political Science) and Bethany Bell (International Studies) were honored as the Department of Political Science “Outstanding Student” award winners for 2013-2014.

PSA 2014 (19)PSA 2014 (22)


Department faculty attend the 41st Arkansas Political Science Association (ArkPSA) annual meeting at Harding University

The 41st Annual Meeting of the Arkansas Political Science Association (ArkPSA) was held at the American Heritage Center at Harding University in Searcy, Arkansas on February 28-March 1, 2014.  Dr. Kim Hoffman of the UCA Department of Political Science served as President (2013-2014).  Dr. Kevin Brennan of Ouachita Baptist University served as Vice-President (2013-2014).  Dr. Mark Mullenbach of the UCA Department of Political Science served as Secretary-Treasurer (2013-2014).  Dr. Steven Breezeel of Harding University served as Program Chair for the 2014 annual meeting.

Dr. Shawn Fisher, Professor of History at Harding University, gave the keynote address, “The Battle of Little Rock” (1957 Little Rock Desegregation Crisis), during the Friday evening dinner, and State Representative Ann Clemmer addressed the conference participants during the Saturday luncheon.  Erika Bowsher’s (UA-Little Rock) research paper, “Twenty Years of International Justice: An Evaluation of the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia,” was chosen as the Best Undergraduate Student Paper presented at the 2014 annual meeting.  John C. Davis’ (University of Missouri) research paper, “The Natural State in a Time of Change: A Survey-Based Analysis of State Party Organizations in Arkansas, 1999-2013,” was chosen as the Best Graduate Student Paper presented at the 2014 annual meeting.  Mike Yawn’s (Sam Houston State University) research paper, “Teaching Local: Civic Engagement & Local Government,” was chosen as the Best Faculty Paper presented at the 2014 annual meeting.

Steven Breezeel - 2014Ann Clemmer - 2014

UCA students participate in the 54th Midwest Model United Nations (MMUN) Conference in St. Louis

Thirteen members of the UCA Model UN student organization participated in the 54th Annual Midwest Model United Nations (MMUN) Conference in St. Louis, Missouri on February 19-22, 2014.  Dr. Mark Mullenbach, Associate Professor of Political Science, served as Faculty Adviser for the UCA delegations to the conference.  The UCA delegates included Brittaney Williams (World Food Programme, Spain), Helena Burrow (Commission on the Status of Women, Spain), Juan Mayen & Lorenzo Bridgewater (Economic & Social Council, Spain), Katelyn Wilkins & Jesus Torres (1st Committee, Spain), Kate Lloyd (2nd Committee, Spain), Kayla Close (3rd Committee, Spain), Stephanie Gray (4th Committee, Spain), Jordan Kemp (1st Committee, Nigeria), Breanna Wilbanks (2nd Committee, Nigeria), Mallory Walker (3rd Committee, Nigeria), and Logan Spurlock (4th Committee, Nigeria).  During the Closing Session on February 22nd, UCA’s delegation representing Spain was presented “Outstanding Delegation” awards for performance in the Plenary Session of the General Assembly and in the Plenary Session of the Economic & Social Council.

2014 MMUN photo (1)2014 MMUN photo (2)

Department hosts the 48th Arkansas Model United Nations (AMUN) conference at UCA

The Department of Political Science sponsored the 48th Arkansas Model United Nations (AMUN) conference at the University of Central Arkansas on November 22-23, 2013.  Some 410 delegates representing 72 countries from 24 high schools in Arkansas, Tennessee, and Oklahoma participated in the conference.  Logan Spurlock, a student majoring in International Studies, served as AMUN Secretary-General, and Dr. Mark Mullenbach served as Coordinator of the AMUN conference.

UCA President Tom Courtway gave the welcoming address to the delegates during the Opening Session in Ida Waldran Auditorium on Friday, November 22nd.  Brett Newcomb gave the keynote address during the Opening Session.  Brett Newcomb served as President of the General Assembly during the first AMUN conference held in 1967, and he served as AMUN Secretary-General for the second and third AMUN conferences held in 1968.

Committee chairs included Willis Arnold (Special Political Committee), Juan Mayen (Social & Humanitarian Committee), Miguel Lopez (Economic & Finance Committee), Alic Brown (Legal Committee), Stephanie Gray (Security Council), Breanna Wilbanks (Economic & Social Council), and Kate Loyd (Human Rights Council).  During the Closing Session, the “Outstanding Delegation” award was presented to the Argentinian delegation (Conway High School), and the “Outstanding Delegation Runner-Up” award was presented to the United States delegation (Pulaski Academy).

Department faculty attend the 40th Arkansas Political Science Association (ArkPSA) annual meeting at OBU

The 40th Annual Meeting of the Arkansas Political Science Association (ArkPSA) was held at Ouachita Baptist University (OBU) in Arkadelphia on March 1-2, 2013.  Dr. Joseph Giammo of the University of Arkansas at Little Rock served as President (2012-2013).  Dr. Kim Hoffman of the UCA Department of Political Science served as Vice-President (2012-2013).  Dr. Mark Mullenbach of the UCA Department of Political Science served as Secretary-Treasurer (2012-2013).  Dr. Kevin Brennan of Ouachita Baptist University served as Program Chair for the 2013 annual meeting.

Dr. Ronald Keith Gaddie, Professor of Political Science at the University of Oklahoma, was the guest speaker during the Friday evening dinner.  Kay C. Goss, President and CEO, World Disaster Management, was the guest speaker during the Saturday luncheon.  Jacob Porter’s (Hendrix College) research paper, “Fiscal Decentralization and Economic Innovation in Spain’s Autonomous Communities,” was chosen as the Best Undergraduate Student Paper presented at the 2013 annual meeting.  John C. Davis’ (University of Missouri) research paper, “A Study of U.S. Senators with Presidential Aspirations,” was chosen as the Best Graduate Student Paper presented at the 2013 annual meeting.

Rev. Jesse Jackson speaks at UCA

The Rev. Jesse Jackson, president and founder of the Rainbow/PUSH Coalition, spoke to faculty, staff, students, and members of the community in the Donald W. Reynolds Performance Hall on UCA campus on February 23, 2012.  The speech was part of UCA’s Log Cabin Democrat Lecture Series.  Several faculty members and students from the Department of Political Science, including Dr. Tom McInnis, met with Rev. Jackson during his visit to UCA.


James Carville speaks at UCA

James Carville, a well-known political consultant for several Democratic Party candidates including Arkansas Governor Bill Clinton in 1992, spoke to faculty, staff, students, and members of the community at the Donald W. Reynolds Performance Hall on the campus of UCA on Monday, November 21, 2011.  The speech was part of UCA’s  Log Cabin Democrat Lecture Series.  Several faculty members, including Dr. Gary Wekkin, and students from the Department of Political Science met with James Carville during his visit to UCA.


Department announces Outstanding Students for 2012-2013

The UCA Department of Political Science announced its “Outstanding Students” for 2012-2013:  Jennifer Blansett (Political Science program), Benjamin Lykins (Public Administration program), and Jake Logan & Emily O’Neal (International Studies program).  Each of the students was honored at the UCA College of Liberal Arts’ Academic Honors Convocation in Doyne Health Science Center held on Sunday, April 21, 2013.

 Emily O'Neal and Jake Logan 2013International Studies “Outstanding Students”, Emily O’Neal (left) and Jake Logan (right), were honored during the College of Liberal Arts (CLA) Academic Honors Convocation at UCA on April 21, 2013.

Department holds the 2013 Pi Sigma Alpha induction ceremony

The 2013 induction ceremony for the UCA Chapter of Pi Sigma Alpha, the national Political Science Honors Society,  was held in the Mirror Room in McAlister Hall on April 18, 2013.  Dr. Joseph Howard, Associate Professor of Political Science, served as Faculty Adviser for the UCA Chapter of Pi Sigma Alpha.  Eight UCA students were formally inducted during the ceremony, including Blake Brizzolara (Political Science), Andrew Harris (International Studies), Benjamin Lykins (Public Administration), Derrick Moses (International Studies), Cory Nelson (Public Administration), Timothy Scott (International Studies), Forrest Stobaugh (Political Science), and Shastady Williams (Political Science).


PSA Inductees - 2013Pi Sigma Alpha inductees (l to r):  Forrest Stobaugh, Cory Nelson, Benjamin Lykins, Andrew Harris, Blake Brizzolara, Derrick Moses, and Timothy Scott.  Not Pictured: Shastady Williams.

Department faculty present and publish research papers in 2012-2013

Several faculty and undergraduate students from the UCA Department of Political Science published or presented research during the 2012-2013 academic year.  Dr. Joseph Howard‘s co-authored manuscript (with Dr. Keith Nitta), “Helping Students Become Civically Engaged through Service Learning,” was published in the Midsouth Political Science Review (MPSR).  Dr. Mary Beth Sullivan‘s manuscript, “The Polybian Moment: The Transformation of Republican Thought from Ptolemy of Lucca to Machiavelli,” was published in the international journal The European Legacy.  Dr. Joseph Howard and Dr. Kim Hoffman presented “Raising the Funds: The Use of Voluntary Taxes by Local Governments” at the annual meeting of the American Society for Public Administration (ASPA).  Dr. Mark Mullenbach and Willis Arnold, International Studies student, presented “Elections, Election Monitoring, and Political Stability in Developing Countries, 1990-2010″ at the annual meeting of the Arkansas Political Science Association (ArkPSA), Arkadelphia, Arkansas on March 1-2, 2013.  Blake Brizzolara, Political Science student, presented “Voter Identification Laws and Voter Turnout in the 2010 Mid-term Election” at the annual meeting of the Arkansas Political Science Association (ArkPSA), Arkadelphia, Arkansas on March 1-2, 2013.  Dr. Gary Wekkin presented “Gender Trap: Elite Frames of Power and the Foreign Policy Presidency,” at the annual meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association (MPSA) in Chicago, Illinois.