David Welky

David Welky, professor in the University of Central Arkansas Department of History, has been published in the Washington Post.

The piece, titled “Roosevelt lied about his health during the 1944 election — with stark consequences,” appeared in the newspaper’s online version on Oct. 13.

Welky is the author of “A Wretched and Precarious Situation: In Search of the Last Arctic Frontier.” He is currently writing a book about FDR’s family during World War II.

Welky has been at UCA since 2002. During this time, he has been named as the outstanding faculty member in the former College of Liberal Arts. He also has won UCA’s Research, Scholarship, and Creative Activity Award.

His teaching interests cover a variety of fields within 20th-century American history. He has offered courses in recent American history, the United States during the Great Depression and World War II, the United States and the Middle East, the History of American Film and the History of the American Western.