UCA to Host 26th Annual Community Development Institute

Over 100 community leaders from Arkansas and surrounding states will meet at the University of Central Arkansas campus on Aug. 6-10 to participate in the annual Community Development Institute (CDI).

The event will take place in the Brewer-Hegeman Conference Center. It promises to be a unique educational experience for participants.

“Our curriculum is focused on educating participants on the complex issues facing communities,” said Amy Whitehead, CDI assistant director. “Every year, we try to innovate to keep up with the emerging trends in community and economic development. This year we are offering new courses on leadership, community health issues, arts development and a course on cultivating positive change.”

Aside from classroom instruction, participants will be traveling off campus to tour North Little Rock’s thriving Argenta District. Additionally, Heifer International is providing a special tour of its energy efficient headquarters. While at Heifer International, participants will hear a presentation on how elements of Heifer International’s community and economic development work can be applied in local communities.

The Community Development Institute Central, established in 1987 at the University of Central Arkansas, trains community and economic development professionals in Arkansas and surrounding states. The complete CDI experience is a three year training program, with one week of training per year. Participants move through the program curriculum in cohorts, and are exposed to a comprehensive, applied approach to the field of community and economic development.

For more information about CDI or to register for CDI, visit uca.edu/cdi, or contact Amy Whitehead at 501-852-2930 or cdi@uca.edu.