Dr. Catherine Acre of the UCA Occupational Therapy Department was officially named a Fellow of the American Occupational Therapy Association at its annual conference in St. Louis last weekend.
Other UCA faculty making presentations at the conference included: Dr. Letha Mosley, Ms. Elizabeth LeQuieu and LaTeasha D. Gaither (Short Course entitled “Bridging Occupation, Obesity, and Motivation from an Occupational Therapy Perspective”); Dr. Letha Mosley and Dr. Janet Jedlicka [U. North Dakota] (Short Course entitled “Case Study Analysis of Cultural Competency Training: Implications for Occupational Therapy Education”); Dr. Tina Mankey (Research paper entitled “Occupational Therapy Educators’ Involvement with College Students with Disabilities”); Dr. Catherine Acre and Dr. Tina Mankey (Poster presentation entitled “Hope in Uniting Generations (HUG) as a Project-based Learning Experience”); and Dr. Marc Willey (Poster presentation entitled “The Effect of Keyboard Modifications on Wrist Position During Keyboard Use”). Also, Dr. Linda Musselman convened the 1-1/2 day meeting of the Program Directors Education Council (PRODEC).