Hollywood producer to speak to UCA filmmaking students

Rusty Lemorande, a Hollywood writer and director who produced the films Yentl, Caddyshack and Captain Eo, will visit UCA today to give presentations in front of three classes in UCA’s Digital Filmmaking program.

Lemorande is from the Midwest, where he studied film in college and graduate school. From there he went on to Hollywood, where he has worked for nearly 30 years. Today he will talk about his initial start and adventures within the Hollywood system as a recent film school graduate in the late 1970s, and his current perceptions — as a continuing film student and part-time film teacher — on the world’s often obsessive love affair with Hollywood and Hollywood films.

He will speak on “Professional Issues in Producing” at 9:25 a.m. in SRH 112, “Screenwriting” at 10:50 a.m. in SRH 108, and “An Old School Film Fanatic on the New School Fanaticism with Film” at 7 p.m. in SRH 103.