The UCA Honors College will host Benito Benedicto as he presents ?Transforming the Way Americans Think About Africa? during the Honors Hightable at 3 p.m. on Wednesday, Sept. 14 in the Honors College Forum, McAlister 302.By and large, the news media in the United States portray Africa in a negative light. In his presentation Benedicto will dispel myths and misconceptions associated with the continent. He hopes to bring about a greater awareness of Africa and its people and build bridges of understanding and partnership between Americans and the people of Africa.
Benito Benedicto is an Honors College Alumni and holds a Bachelor of Business Administration degree. He is the CEO and Marketing Consultant for Joint Venture Enterprises and Ben Enterprises in Little Rock. He serves as Executive Director of Focus on New Africa, an organization that is committed to the promotion of economic and social development in Africa. In 2004 he was recognized with the Most Promising Minority Business of the Year award in the state of Arkansas.