Dr. Alicia Cotabish, an assistant professor in the Department of Teaching and Learning in UCA’s College of Education, has been selected to receive the National Association for Gifted Children (NAGC) Early Leader Award. The Early Leader Award is given to "an individual who has exhibited the highest and most consistent degree of leadership in the gifted education field since receiving his or her … [Read more...]
UCA Officials Complete Emergency Response Training
The University of Central Arkansas recently completed training to prepare for possible natural and man-made disasters that may impact the campus. More than 200 UCA staff, faculty and administrators took part in National Incident Management System training. The National Incident Management System (NIMS) is a structured framework used nationwide by governmental and non-governmental agencies to … [Read more...]
Jackson Receives Southern Regional Education Board Fellowship Award
Damond Jackson, a graduate student in the Interdisciplinary PhD in Leadership program at UCA, has been selected as an Arkansas Scholar for the Southern Regional Education Board (SREB) Fellowship Award. The fellowship assists minority graduate students interested in pursuing careers in academia. The grant from the National Science Foundation (NSF) provides support services from the SREB-State … [Read more...]
UCA to Host Amigo Cup Soccer Challenge
The third annual UCA Amigo Cup Soccer Challenge is scheduled for Sunday, Sept. 30 on the campus of the University of Central Arkansas. The tournament will begin at 9 a.m. at the Bill Stephens Track and Soccer Complex located at the corner of Donaghey Avenue and Dave Ward Drive. There will be campus tours, Mexican food vendors and Latino music during the event. The tournament is free and open to … [Read more...]
Taipei Official Visits UCA
CONWAY — Daniel Liao, director general of the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Houston, visited the University of Central Arkansas on Wednesday, updating the campus and community on the relationship of Taiwan and the United States and Taiwan and Arkansas. “We had a good discussion about a lot of things — educationally, culturally and economically,” UCA President Tom Courtway … [Read more...]
UCA Honors Students to Attend National Conventions
Two students from the University of Central Arkansas will be attending the National Party Conventions in August and September as part of The Washington Center’s Campaign 2012: Academic Seminar Series. Each presidential election year, The Washington Center for Internships and Academic Seminars provides students an opportunity to study and volunteer to work at the Republican and Democratic … [Read more...]
Summer Commencement Set for Aug. 10
Summer Commencement for the University of Central Arkansas will be held Friday, August 10 at 7 p.m. at the Farris Center. More than 430 degrees will be conferred during the ceremony. UCA President Tom Courtway will deliver a challenge to the graduates and present the President's Medallion to “Outstanding Students of the University." SGA President Spencer Sims and Dr. Kevin Browne, president … [Read more...]
Durff Joins UCA as New Registrar
Beth Durff has joined the University of Central Arkansas as the new registrar. Durff has more than 18 years of higher education student registration and records experience, with specialization in technology and training. She replaces Tony Sitz, who retired after 30 years. Durff began the position July 16. Durff served as the associate registrar at Texas A&M University-Commerce in … [Read more...]
AMC/Fairmont Pledges $100,000
AMC/Fairmont has pledged $100,000 to become the lead donor and strategic partner in the advancement of the Insurance and Risk Management program by creating the Dr. John Bratton Endowed Professorship at the University of Central Arkansas. The growth and strength of the curriculum of UCA's program is directly attributable to the leadership of Dr. John Bratton, stated Stephen L. Strange, … [Read more...]
Reese Appointed SPARC Chair
The University of Central Arkansas is pleased to announce the appointment of Dr. Nancy Reese as chair of UCA's Strategic Planning and Resource Council (SPARC). She will replace Dr. Mike Schaefer as his two-year term concludes. SPARC is charged with the continued examination of our mission, vision, and core values. SPARC's membership includes representatives from all areas of campus. “I would … [Read more...]