UCA Students Assist Tornado Victims

UCA students, faculty and staff have been assisting with clean-up efforts for victims of tornadoes that struck Arkansas on February 5. An initial group of 20 individuals went to Clinton, Arkansas on February 9 to assist with clean-up. The following Saturday, February 16, another 50 to 60 individuals went to Clinton to work in a relief center. These efforts were coordinated by Wendy Holbrook, … [Read more...]

UCA Offers Well-Rounded Campus Life

UCA is concerned about student success, which is reflected in our graduation rate … [Read more...]

Making Dreams Come True

The launch of UCA's first-ever comprehensive fundraising campaign has offered the campus community, alumni and friends a chance to reflect on the importance of making an investment in UCA. Several years ago fundraisers in the UCA Foundation set out to define some opportunities where alumni and friends could make an investment in the university, so they began asking, all across campus: "What do … [Read more...]

First Item

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