Click here to learn more about IDEAL.
What is IDEAL?
IDEAL is a group of Freshman students who are interested in expanding their leadership qualities and making an impact on UCA’s campus. We would love to see you at one of interest meetings in the Fall.
Applications are open now and will close on Tuesday, September 24th. Applicants will participate in a short interview process that will take place the last week of September. Students will be notified of their selection into IDEAL by September 30. Students selected will meet weekly on Thursday’s from 5:00-7:00pm starting October 3 through the rest of the academic year.
Program Requirements:
- Graduated with a 2.5 cumulative high school GPA or higher (or GED)
- Earn a 2.5 UCA cumulative college GPA
- Enrolled in and complete 12 hours at UCA both fall and spring semesters
- Maintain good standing with the university
- Attend 90% of meetings each semester
- Attend on campus retreat Saturday, October 5 – Sunday, October 6