Wendy Lucas
Chair & Professor
Irby 105B
(501) 450-5624
By Appointment
Dr. Lucas is a southern California native with degrees from the University of California at Riverside (PhD & MA) and Whittier College (BA). An early Americanist by training, Dr. Lucas’s main interests are material culture; identity; women, gender, and sexuality; and Native American-European relations. She has published articles in Early American Studies, Quaker History, Essays in Economic & Business History, the Massachusetts Historical Quarterly, and The Journal of Early American History. She has also published datasets in the Magazine for Early American Datasets and has a co-authored chapter in Cultural Economies of the Atlantic World: Objects and Capital in the Transatlantic Imagination. Dr. Lucas is currently working on an article which uses quantitative analysis to examine testimonials and depositions during the Salem Witch Trials and a larger project for a non-academic audience about letter writing in early America. Dr. Lucas teaches HIST 2301: The Making of America; HIST 4302: History of Witchcraft; HIST 4305: Gender in American History; HIST 4311: Colonial & Revolutionary America; HIST 6300: Historiography and Methods; HIST 6303: Topics in American History, and is currently creating an online class on History Through Material Culture. When she isn’t teaching, in meetings, or deciphering eighteenth-century hand writing, she’s with her pack of rescue dogs probably baking something.