Diversity, Belonging, Inclusion, & Equity Scholarly Activities

Scholarly & Creative Works | External Grants | Conference Presentations | Student Diversity Activities



Chen, J.M., Tao, K., Norman, J.B., Nam, Y., Neufeld, B., & Geerling, D.M. (in press). Survive and thrive: Unpacking women’s experiences in STEM doctoral programs. Journal of Women and Minorities in Science and Engineering.

Gatewood, K.N. (2024). Recruiting and hiring teachers of diversity: An exploration of the practices of K-12 public school human resources directors and principals. Dissertation. University of Central Arkansas.

George, E. (2024). A piece of you on my eye: A memoir conveying intersectional identity. Honors Thesis. University of Central Arkansas.

Spencer, L.R. (2024). Prioritizing equity as a core component of organizational culture in healthcare: A study of black women as transformational leaders. DissertationUniversity of Central Arkansas.


Lee, S. & Park, J. (2023). A pioneer Korean woman psychologist in America: Dr. Tong-He Koh. Early Psychological Research Contributions from Women of Color, Vol. 1. Oxford, UK: Taylor & Francis.


Cangelosi, J. D. (2022). Preventive health care information and social media: A comparison of Baby Boomer and Generation X health care consumers. International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Health Care Marketing. Emerald Publishing Limited.

Chen, A. J. (2022). Attitudes and behaviors of Egyptians towards e-payment services. Journal of Organizational Psychology.

Chen, A. X. (2022). Influencing factors of e-payment behavior: An empirical study in Macau’s Y and Z generations. International Journal of Mobile Communications.

Couture, V. & Bangs, N. M. (2022). LGBTQ+ students in higher education. In Stephanie P. Huffman, Denise D. Cunningham, Marjorie Shavers and Reesha Adamson (Eds.), The Handbook of Research on Opening Pathways for Marginalized Individuals in Higher Education, (pp 171-191). Hershey, PA: IGI Global.

Duan, H. K. (2022). Education reforms and convergence in student performance: Evidence from Arkansas. eJournal of Education Policy.

Fricks, V. M. (2022). Capabilities approach: An examination of the value judgment, decision-making, and program quality of a foster care agency (Publication No. 29162710) [Doctoral dissertation, University of Central Arkansas]. ProQuest Dissertations Publishing.

Gallavan, N. P. (2022). Delving into expectations, experiences, exploitations, and erosion of tenure-track faculty: Disenfranchisement attributed to dysconsciousness. In Stephanie P. Huffman, Denise D. Cunningham, Marjorie Shavers and Reesha Adamson (Eds.), The Handbook of Research on Opening Pathways for Marginalized Individuals in Higher Education, (pp 330-352). Hershey, PA: IGI Global.

Maxwell, C. D. (2022). Shatter the system: Equity leadership and social justice advocacy in education. Rowman & Littlefield: Lanham, MD.

Nguemeni Tiako, M. J., Wages, J. E., III, & Perry, S. P. (2022). Black medical students’ sense of belonging and confidence in scholastic abilities at Historically Black vs Predominantly White medical schools: A prospective study. Journal of General Internal Medicine. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11606-022-07716-w

Nichols, S. S. (2022). Does one’s sex impact pay – business colleges? Quarterly Review of Business Disciplines.

Parham, C. R., Wake, D., West, S. & Maxwell, C. D. (2022). Influence faculty members’ thinking to promote social justice and equity. In Stephanie P. Huffman, Denise D. Cunningham, Marjorie Shavers and Reesha Adamson (Eds.), The Handbook of Research on Opening Pathways for Marginalized Individuals in Higher Education, (pp 288-309). Hershey, PA: IGI Global.

Price-Blackshear, M. A., & Bettencourt, B. A. (2022). Trait mindfulness decouples the association between system justification and racial outgroup attitudes. Race and Social Problems. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12552-022-09377-0

Rolf, S. T. (2022). Predictors of nonprofit ethno-racial diversity: Examining local community demographics & political ideology. NonProfit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly.

Wages, J. E., III, Perry, S. P., Skinner-Dorkenoo, A. L., & Bodenhausen, G. V. (2022). Reckless gambles and responsible ventures: Racialized prototypes of risk-taking. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 122(2), 202–221. https://psycnet.apa.org/doi/10.1037/pspa0000287

Walker, A. (2022). Physics for medical professionals. Dubuque, IA: Kendall Hunt Publishing.

Wang, J. W. (2022). Can legal status help unauthorized immigrants achieve the American dream? Evidence from the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program. Regional Science and Urban Economics.

Webster, A. (2022). Reflections and actions for colleagues of African American women in the academy. In Stephanie P. Huffman, Denise D. Cunningham, Marjorie Shavers and Reesha Adamson (Eds.), The Handbook of Research on Opening Pathways for Marginalized Individuals in Higher Education, (pp 366-386). Hershey, PA: IGI Global.

Williamson, R. M. (2022). Empowerment through mentoring. In M. B. Wallace (Ed.), First-generation professionals in higher education: Strategies for the world of work (pp. 135-148).    NASPA-Student Affairs Administrators in Higher Education.


Banda, P. & Kithinji, M. (2021). Pan-Africanism: Global origins, major developments and its impact on Africana people. In Michael Mwenda Kithinji and Ogechi Emmanuel Anyanwu (Eds.), Africana World in Perspective: An Introduction to Africa and the African Diaspora (2nd ed.), (pp.159-174). Dubuque, IA: Kendall Hunt Publishing.

Bundrick, J. S. (2021). Pandering politicians? Targeted economic development incentives and voter response. Public Finance Review.

Carter, K.D. (2021). Nevertheless, she persisted: Women of Color Business Owners and Entrepreneurs. Women’s Foundation of Arkansas. https://womensfoundationarkansas.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/UCA_RESEARCH_REPORT.pdf

Chen, J. H. (2021). Long-term debt in water utilities: Does ownership matter? Evidence from West Virginia’s utilities. Applied Economic Letters.

Ellis, M. D. (2021). Why Taiwanese seniors use technology. Asia Pacific Management Review.

Ellis, M. O. (2021). Digital divide of perceptions, usage, and purchase items in Japanese e-payment adoption. Journal of International Technology and Information Management.

Horpedahl, J. (2021). Bootleggers, Baptists, and ballots: spending on alcohol legalization elections in Arkansas. Public Choice.

Huyck J.J., Anbuhl K.L., Buran B.N., Adler H.J., Atcherson S.R., Cakmak O., Dwyer R.T., Eddolls M., El May F., Fraenzer J.T., Funkhouser R., Gagliardini M., Gallun F.J., Goldsworthy R.L., Gouin S., Heng J., Hight A.E., Jawadi Z., Kovacic D., Kumar R., Kumar S., Lim S.R., Mo C., Nolan L.S., Parbery-Clark A., Pisano D.V., Rao V.R., Raphael R.M., Reiss L.A.J., Spencer N.J., Tang S.J., Tejani V.D., Tran E.D., Valli M., Watkins G.D., Wayne R.V., Wheeler L.R., White S.L., Wong V., Yuk M.C., Ratnanather J.T., & Steyger P.S. (2021). Supporting equity and inclusion of deaf and hard-of-hearing individuals in professional organizations.  Frontiers in Education, 6.  https://doi.org/10.3389/feduc.2021.755457

Kithinji, M. (2021). Apartheid in South Africa. In Michael Mwenda Kithinji and Ogechi Emmanuel Anyanwu (Eds.), Africana World in Perspective: An Introduction to Africa and the African Diaspora (2nd ed.), (pp.175-193). Dubuque, IA: Kendall Hunt Publishing.

Kossonou, K. M. (2021). Supply chain management and offshoring in the US. American Journal of Management.

Oliver, C. (2021). The role of school leaders in addressing discipline and developing an equitable organizational culture (Publication No. 2572616199) [Doctoral Dissertation, University of Central Arkansas]. ProQuest Dissertations Publishing.

Perry, S. P., Skinner-Dorkenoo, A. L., Wages, J. E., III, & Abaied, J. L. (2021). Systemic considerations in child development and the pursuit of racial equality in the United States. Psychological Inquiry, 32(3), 180–186. https://doi.org/10.1080/1047840X.2021.1971453

Smith, K. D. (2021). iGen user (over) attachment to social media: Reframing the policy intervention conversation. Information Systems Frontiers.

Webster, A. (2021). Education and the Black experience. In Michael Mwenda Kithinji and Ogechi Emmanuel Anyanwu (Eds.), Africana World in Perspective: An Introduction to Africa and the African Diaspora (2nd ed.), (pp.233-251). Dubuque, IA: Kendall Hunt Publishing.


Lee, S. (Ed.) (2020). Exploring the opportunities and challenges of college students. Hauppauge, NY: Nova Science Publishers, Inc.

Story, K. & Gallagher, M. (2020, January/February). Beyond our own understanding of inclusion. ACSM’s Health & Fitness Journal. 24(1):26–31.

Wallace, C.  (2020). I am shuh-KY-uh: The (mis)pronunciation of individuals’ first names. Honors Thesis. University of Central Arkansas.

Webster, A. & Burke, M. (2020, Spring). How Arkansas teachers grapple with cultural diversity. Arkansas Association of Teacher Educators Electronic Journal, 10, 1, 62-78.

Williams, S. D. (2020). Relationships and influences of racial identity development and leadership identity development on Black men’s undergraduate college persistence. (Publication No. 28026407) [Doctoral Dissertation, University of Central Arkansas]. ProQuest Dissertations Publishing.


Burke, M. (2019). Beauty in diversity: An exploration of the Arkansas teacher experience. Honors Thesis. University of Central Arkansas.


Gallavan, N. P., & Loring, G. (2018). Discovering the benefits of the 3CO approach to writing instruction with third-graders in an urban setting. In B. Purdum-Cassidy, & L. Scott (Eds.), Teaching Literacy in Urban Schools: Lessons from the Field (pp. 77-90). Landham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield.

Gallavan, N. P. & Webster, A. (2018, May). Exploring cross-cultural responsiveness and critical consciousness in social studies education with the Barnga simulation in C. Wright-Maley (Ed.), More Like Life Itself: Simulations as Powerful and Purposeful Social Studies (pp. 243-264). Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing, Inc.

Payne, E. & Smith, M. J.  (2018). Refusing relevance: School administrator resistance to offering professional development addressing LGBTQ issues in school. Educational Administration Quarterly, 54(2), 183-215.

Smith, M. J. (2018).  I accept all students: The tolerance discourse and ally work in U.S. Public Schools.  Equity and Excellent in Education, 51(3-4), 301-315.

Webster, A. (2018). A five-point model to attract, affirm, and advance African American academics. In Sherwood Thompson (Ed.), Valley of Hope: Campus Diversity Triumphs in the United States, Volume 20, (pp. 11-26). United Kingdom: Emerald Group Publishing Limited.

Webster, A. (2018). Hope buster or hope muster. In L. G. Putney and N. P. Gallavan (Eds.), Teacher Education Yearbook XXVI, Building Upon Inspirations and Aspirations with Hope, Courage and Strength: Tomorrow’s Leaders in Classrooms and Schools, Volume 2,( pp 299-313). Lanham, MD: Rowman and Littlefield.


Cooper, C. (2017). Inside the lived experiences of successful African American women college student leaders. (Publication No. 2101403160) [Doctoral Dissertation, University of Central Arkansas]. ProQuest Dissertations Publishing.

Gallavan, N. P., Huffman, S., & Shaw, E. C. (2017). Ensuring ethics and equity with classroom assessments via mobile technology to enhance efficacy of online education.  In M. Mills & D. Wake (Eds.), Empowering Learners with Mobile Open-Access Learning Initiatives (pp. 220-241). Hersey, PA: IGI Global.

Story, A. (2017). Understanding perceived barriers and current practices for transgender needs within the fitness industry. Masters Thesis. University of Central Arkansas.

Webster, A. (2017).  Enhancing efficacy with the disposition of CARE: Commitment, Attention, Reflection, and Empathy. In Freddie A. Bowles and Cathy J. Pearman (Eds.), Self-Efficacy in Action: Tales from the Classroom for Teaching, Learning, and Professional Development (pp. 13-25). Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield.


Gallavan, N. P., Webster, A., Petty, B. & Mercado, S. (2016). Establishing a comprehensive sense of place to experience success in classrooms and schools through authentic leadership. In L. G. Putney and N. P. Gallavan (Eds.),  ATE Yearbook XXIV: Establishing a Sense of Place for All Learners in 21st Century Classrooms and Schools (pp. 96-112). Landham, MD: Roman and Littlefield.

McMullen, A. L. (2016). The impact of recent employment-discrimination decisions: A guide for the small business owner. Journal of Entrepreneurship and Public Policy, 5(1), 113-120.

Michael M. Kithinji, Mickie Mwanzia Koster, and Jerono P. Rotich. (Eds.).  (2016). Kenya after 50: Reconfiguring historical, political, and policy milestones. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.

Putney, L. G., &, Gallavan, N. P. (Eds.), (2016). Establishing a sense of place for all learners in 21st century classrooms and schools. ATE Yearbook XXIV. Landham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield.

Smith, M. J. & Payne, E. (2016). Binaries and biology:  Conversations with elementary education professionals after transgender professional development. Educational Forum 80 (1), 34-47.


Gallavan, N. P. (2015). The sum of all the moments in our lives through lived experiences and cultural literacy: Foreword in L. Scott & B. Purdum-Cassidy (Eds.), Lessons from the Field: Culturally Affirming Literacy Practices for Urban Elementary Students (pp. vii-xi). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

Petty, B. (2015). Factors that contribute to the completion of programs of study at Arkansas institutions of higher education for African American males. (Publication No. 1826530274) [Doctoral Dissertation, University of Central Arkansas]. ProQuest Dissertations Publishing.

Webster, A. (2015). Racial identity. In S. Thompson (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Diversity and Social Justice. (pp. 592-596). Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield.


Gallavan, N. P. (2014). Annual editions: Multicultural education (17th ed.). Introductions. New York: NY: McGraw-Hill.

Gallavan, N. P. (2014). Follow the multicolored brick road to cultural competence. In K. Cushman & J. K. Dowdy (Eds.), From the Margins Toward the Mainstream: Activities to Enhance Social Justice Awareness in Social Studies and the Social Foundations of Education (pp. 131-138). Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield.

Gallavan, N. P. & Webster, A. (2014). Advancing cultural competence and intercultural consciousness through a cross-cultural simulation with teacher candidates. Annual Editions in Multicultural Education (17th ed.) (chapter 8.2). New York, NY: Dushkin/McGraw-Hill.

Webster, A. (2014). Scaling the pyramid of self-reflection: A model for teachers to contest demographic destiny. In E. G. Pultorak (Ed.), Reflectivity and Cultivating Student Learning: Critical Elements for Enhancing a Global Community of Learners and Educators.  (pp. 29-51).  Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield.

Webster, A. (2014). Status of the dream: A study of  Dr. King in Little Rock and Memphis classrooms. In N. P. Gallavan, (Ed.), Annual Editions in Multicultural Education (17th ed.) (chapter 7.3). New York, NY: Dushkin/McGraw-Hill.


Webster, A. (2013, September). Rethinking the recruitment of African American teacher education candidates. Arkansas Association of Teacher Educators Electronic Journal, 4, 2. 29-41.


Gallavan, N. &. Webster, A.  (2012). Agency: Voice, choice, ownership, and change. In Ryan Flessner, Grant R. Miller, Kami, and Julie Horwitz (Eds.), Agency Through Teacher Education: Reflection, Community, and Learning (pp 51-55). Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield.

Gallavan, N. &. Webster, A.  (2012). Cultural competence and the recursive nature of conscientization. In Cheryl J. Craig and Nancy P. Gallavan (Eds.), Teacher Education Yearbook XX1 (Part 1). Issues in Education: Examining the Perspectives of Student Candidates, Teachers, and Teacher Educators.

Gallavan, N., Webster, A. & Dean, S. (2012). Connecting content, context, and communication in a sixth-grade social studies class through political cartoons, The Social Studies, 10,5, 188-191.

McMullen, A. L. (2012, Winter). A brief summary of decisions from the Arkansas Supreme Court affecting gays and lesbians. University of Arkansas at Little Rock Law Review, 34(2), 337-81.


Bowles, F. A., & Gallavan, N. P. (2011). RESPECTing language and culture with all learners. Social Studies Research and Practice, 6(3), 112-118.

Gallavan, N. P. (2011). Annual editions: Multicultural education (15th ed.). (Ed.). New York: NY: McGraw-Hill.

Gallavan, N. P. (2011). Navigating cultural competence in grades k-5: A compass for teachers. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press.

Gallavan, N. P. (2011). Navigating cultural competence in grades 6-12: A compass for teachers. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press.

Gallavan, N. P., & Craig, C. E. (Eds.). (2011). Valuing diversity that is honest, natural, authentic, and holistic: Cultural competence in P-12 classrooms, schools, and higher education. ATE Yearbook XX. Philadelphia, PA: Taylor & Francis.

Webster, A. (2011, January-March). Scaling the pyramid of self-reflection: A model and an assignment for the preparation of inclusive leaders. International Journal of Educational Leadership Preparation, 6,1.

Webster, A. (2011, March). Status of the dream: A study of Dr. King in Little Rock and Memphis classrooms. ArATE Electronic Journal, 1, 2, 2-16.


Gallavan, N. P., & Webster, A. (2010). Navigating teachers’ reactions, responses, and reflections in self-assessment and decision-making.  In E. G. Pultorak (Ed.), The Purposes, Practices, and Professionalism of Teacher Reflectivity; Insights for Twenty-First-Century Teachers and Students (pp. 191-209).  Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield.

McMullen, A. L. (2010). Employers cannot discriminate to remedy possible discrimination: Fire-fighter examination generates plenty of heat. Human Resource Management International Digest, 18(2), 45-47.

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Scholarly & Creative Works | External Grants | Conference Presentations | Student Diversity Activities


2023: The Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues awarded Dr. Mollie Price-Blackshear a $2,000 external grant through their Grants-In-Aid award. The purpose of this project is to explore the effects of self-affirmation and racial affirmation on resilience, perceived discrimination, well-being, and racial identity among online samples of African Americans. This work will also explore whether neutral vs. active control conditions influence these results.

2022: Kathryn Armstrong received the 2022 Arkansas Minority Healthcare Workforce Diversity Scholarship. This award is offered by the Arkansas Minority Health Commission to college students of a minority race who plan to pursue careers in the field of health. The goal of the scholarship is to help increase diversity in the state’s healthcare workforce, which could have positive effects on both the health of minority populations and the quality of care in Arkansas. Full-time scholarship recipients will be awarded $1,000 per academic year and part-time recipients, $500 per academic year.

2022: The National Science Foundation’s Improving Undergraduate STEM Education initiative awarded UCA’s College of Health and Behavioral Sciences $50,000 to integrate data science into undergraduate psychology education. This grant will help develop a data science workshop for undergraduates at the Southwestern Psychological Association’s (SWPA) annual meeting. The grant will also help to increase diversity in data science by funding SWPA conference attendance for 25 students from underrepresented backgrounds.  Principle Investigator, Dr. Darshon Reed.

2022: The University Research Council (URC) at UCA awarded Dr. Christina Jeffrey $2,200 to fund a research study that will gather a working understanding of professors’ experiences of integrated multicultural instruction in their past higher education, as well as their own feelings of preparedness in incorporating multiculturalism into their own classes. Additionally, the focus group study will provide a platform for professors to share personal insights on the means of improving or better integrating multicultural instruction in Western higher education. Ideally, this study can serve as a progenitor for future large-scale studies on multicultural instruction in higher education.  Within the budget includes funding for three graduate assistants, who will be doctoral students from our Counseling Psychology program.

2022: The University Research Council (URC) at UCA awarded Dr. Mollie Price-Blackshear $8,550 to conduct research examining the effects of self-affirmation and racial-affirmation among African American samples. The purpose of these research studies are to examine whether self-affirmation and racial-affirmation affects self-relevant outcomes (psychological well-being; resilience) and race-relevant outcomes (perceived discrimination; racial identity) among online samples of African Americans.

2021 & 2020: The Woods Family Foundation, Trustee Bunny Adcock, and the UCA Board of Trustees provided the Office of Institutional Diversity and Inclusion a total of $18,000 for the Community and Race Oral History Project, which provided internship scholarships to five undergraduate students to conduct and record interviews of African American leaders telling their stories and lived experiences in Conway, Arkansas. Project Director, Dr. Angela Webster.

2020: The National Science Foundation (NSF) awarded UCA’s Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry a grant to establish the Arkansas Talented, Optimistic, Motivated (ATOM) Scholars program, which provides underserved students with a $10,000 annual scholarship. Recipients also have access to the Mentorship Circle program, which meets monthly to offer career advice and preparation, discuss research opportunities, and tour local and regional facilities. Project Directors included Dr. Marsha Massey and Dr. Faith Yarberry.

2020: The Women’s Foundation of Arkansas awarded UCA’s Minority Vendor Partnership Initiative $15,000 for the Businesswomen of Color Study in Arkansas and the Women of Color Business Owners and Entrepreneurs in Arkansas Report. Investigators included Dr. Kristy Carter, Dr. Riva Brown, Dr. Julia Chears-Young, Dr. Shaneil Ealy, Mildred Franco, Victoria Mays, Fredricka Sharkey, Karen Walker, Dr. Angela Webster, Adena J. White, & Kara Wilkins.

2019, 2018, 2017 & 2016: The Winthrop Rockefeller Foundation awarded Institutional Diversity and Inclusion $137,000.00 for Project X, an early arrival program for marginalized men of color and mindset interventions in partnership with the College Transition Collaborative, a national coalition of over 20 higher education institutions led by Stanford University. Project Directors included Dr. Angela Webster, Dr. Kurt Boniecki, and Kaylon Bradford.

2018: Institutional Diversity and Inclusion received $10,000 for the Richard J. and Nancy P. Gallavan, Ph.D. Endowed Grant for Faculty Diversity. Project Director, Dr. Angela Webster.

2017, 2016, & 2015: The Arkansas Minority Health Commission awarded a total of $7,000 to Institutional Diversity and Inclusion for the Amigo Fest Health Fair. Project Directors included Dr. Angela Webster, Angela Jackson, and Manny Sepulveda.

2016: The Arkansas Chapter of the Association of Energy Engineers awarded $1,000.00 to Institutional Diversity and Inclusion to host a Careers in Energy Engineering Symposium for historically underrepresented students. Project Director, Dr. Angela Webster.

2016: CDI Contractors awarded $1,500.00 to Institutional Diversity and Inclusion to host a High-Tech Careers Symposium for historically underrepresented students. Project Director, Dr. Angela Webster.

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Scholarly & Creative Works | External Grants | Conference Presentations | Student Diversity Activities


Brown, R., Hawkins, A., McLemore, D., Lockings, J. & Tennison, T. (2020, March). Stakeholder prioritization and student activism: How silencing inclusive campus speech propelled students to action. Midwinter Conference of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC). University of Oklahoma.

Jackson, N., Wake, D. & Webster, A. (2019, November). Recruiting teachers from underrepresented populations. Mid-South Educational Research Association, New Orleans, LA.

Rolf, S.J., Schlachter, S.D., & Tuggle, C. (2019, November). Board of director diversity: Comparing the composition of nonprofit & for-profit boards. ARNOVA 2019 Conference, San Diego, CA.

England, K., Schlachter, S.D., & Linenberger, S. (2018, October). Out of the shadows: LGBT employee resource group leaders embracing their identity. International Leadership Association Conference, West Palm Beach, FL.

Schlachter, S.D., Rolf, S.J., & Welbourne, T.M. (2016, August). Dynamics of employee resource groups: Investigating the experiences of their leaders. Academy of Management 2016 Meeting, Anaheim, CA.

Schlachter, S.D., Welbourne, T.M., & Rolf, S.J. (2015, August). Employee resource groups: Systems of change. Academy of Management 2015 Meeting, Vancouver, Canada Conference Presentations.

Gallavan, N.P., Webster, A. & Petty, B. (2015, February). Obtaining a baccalaureate degree: How high school GPAs and ACT scores affect African American males. Association of Teacher Educators. Phoenix, AZ.

Webster, A. (2015, March). A six-point model of diversity and inclusive excellence for academic human resources. National Association of Diversity Officers in Higher Education. Washington, D.C.

For conference presentations co-sponsored by the IDI Grant Program, visit, https://uca.edu/diversity/grant-program-awards/

Scholarly & Creative Works | External Grants | Conference Presentations | Student Diversity Activities


​The CAHSS Research & Creative Activity Conference​ Poster

During Spring 2023, French students of the UCA Griotte Project presented at the ​CAHSS Research & Creative Activity Conference​ and won an award for their groundbreaking collaborative work building the first oral history repository of African immigration experience in French in the US.

During Fall 2022, Moncrief Game Changers, Inc., a nonprofit organization led by former Razorback and NBA all-star Sidney Moncrief, hosted “30 for 30 Shadow a CEO.” The event brought together 60 college students and 30 CEOs for a day of entrepreneurship-focused activities and on-site job shadowing. The goal of this CEO Shadowing experience was to increase  exposure to different career opportunities for the students. The students also had a chance for face-to-face engagement with these successful CEOs. 7 UCA students attended.

In April, 2022, UCA’s Sociology Club and AKD Honors Society hosted Love Fest to promote harmony, mindfulness, and radical self-care.

During Spring 2020, Pi Sigma Alpha Political Science Honor Society hosted their Pizza and Politics Speaker Series on the topic, Diversity in the Room: Nuances of the American Black Experience

During Spring 2019, UCA’s Office of Institutional Diversity and Inclusion hosted the Alley Scholars Summit. Troy and Unnice Alley convened a group of minority students from colleges and universities across the nation for a day of leadership development workshops and networking activities. The theme of the event was “How to merge entrepreneurship and technology into success: Thinking outside the box in the New Age.”

During Fall 2015, students from RELG 1320 World Religions classes visited Little Rock to meet with members of the Central Arkansas Hindu community at the Shri Swaminarayan Mandir (temple). Members explained the customs surrounding the Hindu festival of Diwali and discussed the temple’s many community activities and functions. Dr. Jim Deitrick and Dr. Julia Winden-Fey accompanied the students. Funding for travel and for the Indian cuisine sampled in class was provided by a “Deep Learning” grant from UCA’s Residential Colleges. For more information on the mandir, please see http://www.baps.org/Global-Network/North-America/LittleRock.aspx.

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