What is the SETF at UCA?

The Syrian Emergency Task Force (SETF) is a nonprofit organization established in 2011 to aid the individuals affected by the ongoing unrest in Syria. UCA functions as a service-learning partner with SETF and is the organization’s first collegiate affiliate, connecting students with activists and impacted individuals in an international grassroots effort since its formation in 2022.

Today, the SETF-UCA chapter comprises UCA faculty and staff, led by Dr. Riva Brown.

Background Information

The Syrian Revolution began in 2011.  After hearing of effective protests against dictators in nearby Egypt and Tunisia, four seventh-graders in Daraa, Syria scrawled a message in spray paint: “Your turn next, Doc,” referring to Bashar al-Assad, president of Syria. The Syrian police began to detain and torture students protesting. As escalation continued, the Syrian Revolution began.

The unrest has displaced more than half of the population of Syria and has killed more than 500,000 people. The conflict remains one of the world’s worst humanitarian crises. According to the United Nations, 6.6 million Syrians have left the country since 2011, and 6.7 million are internally displaced.

Here, filmmaker and humanitarian M. Night Shyamalan gives a more detailed summary of the Syrian Revolution:


How do I get involved?

The SETF works tirelessly to bring an end to the killing in Syria through the following four strategies:

To participate in humanitarian work, students can tell the stories of the program beneficiaries and connect to them directly, write a Letter of Hope, volunteer, or fundraise for a specific need like new uniforms for the Kindergarteners at the Wisdom House.

To assist in advocacy and accountability, host an event like a Caesar Exhibit or create a project involving Syria. We recommend students write to their representatives and senators. To find the contact information for your members of Congress, please visit this page.

To raise awareness, students can create a variety of media such as social media posts, articles, and graphics informing people about Syria and how they can help, as well as share existing works of journalism. 

To help SETF continue its work, anyone can donate at

Click here to view Moustafa’s TED Talk.



2024 – UCA Service-Learning Community Partner of the Year Award


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Syrian Emergency Task Force homepage