Thanks to the Hot Springs Sentinel-Record for a great story on the State Science and Engineering Fair held at UCA March 31 and April 1.
ASMSA: Record Number of students make international science fair
Thanks to the Hot Springs Sentinel-Record for a great story on the State Science and Engineering Fair held at UCA March 31 and April 1.
ASMSA: Record Number of students make international science fair
Thanks to the Log Cabin Democrat for a great story on the UCA Cheerleading and Dance Team, who are heading to nationals in Daytona Beach!
UCA Cheer Dance Teams Head Nationals
Thanks to River Valley & Ozark for a great story on former UCA Torreyson Library librarian Carol Powers!
Former librarian stays involved through Friends group
Thanks to KARK and 501 Life for featuring UCA’s Night of Distinction in their 501 Life Segment!
501 Life April Issue, Featuring UCA’s Night of Distinction