Dr. Dixie Keyes and Dr. Ryan Kelly from Arkansas State University, Dr. Kay Walter from UA Monticello, Sunny Styles-Foster and Dr. Jeff Whittingham from UCA, Dr. Janine Chitty from UA Fort Smith, and Cindy Green (College of Education graduate) from Virtual Arkansas presented a session at the National Council for Teachers of English Annual Conference in Minneapolis during November of 2015.
The session was entitled “State Affiliate Inquiry Teams and Building Capacity on the Literacy and Learning Exchange” and it allowed these six university professors and teachers to partner in sharing a collaborative inquiry project housed on the National Center for Literacy Education’s (NCLE) “Literacy and Learning Exchange.”
This forum is available and free to educators and provides valuable resources and help to teacher or organization teams who want to develop an inquiry to enhance capacity building for their groups.
All of these educators are executive board members of the Arkansas Council of Teachers of ELA (ACTELA), a key literacy/teacher organization in the state and a state affiliate of the National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE).
The ACTELA CIT (collaborative inquiry team) began in 2012 and is currently featured in an NCLE “Portrait of Change,” written by Keyes and narrated by Keyes, ACTELA’s president and Cindy Green, ACTELA’s vice-president.
The link to this “Portrait of Change” can be found at: http://www.literacyinlearningexchange.org/vignette/finding-the-time-and-space .