UCA professor Dr. Michael Mills was recently named 2014 College Teacher of the Year by the Arkansas Council of Teachers of English and Language Arts (ACTELA). Dr. Mills received this award at the annual Arkansas Curriculum Conference held November 6-7, 2014 in Little Rock, Arkansas. Nominees for the award must show evidence of outstanding teaching, professionalism, and service in English/Language Arts (emphasis on recent achievements), must currently be employed as a full-time teacher, must have at least five years of service teaching in Arkansas schools, and must be available to accept the award at the Fall luncheon. Nominees are judged on their teaching (innovations, successes, honors), professionalism (research study, publication, membership and participation in professional organizations, honors), and service (school, community, state, nation). Award winners received a plaque and gift.
Dr. Mills currently serves as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Teaching and Learning (College of Education). He holds a BA in English Language and Literature/Letters, a MEd in English/Language Arts Teacher Education, and an EdD in Educational Leadership and Administration. Dr. Mills has been at UCA since 2011 and has had numerous publications and accolades related to his expertise in instructional technology, curriculum and assessment, and classroom management.