Engineering (ENGR)

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[1] Courses in Engineering (ENGR)

1301 INTRODUCTION TO ENGINEERING  This course will introduce students to their choice of engineering majors at UCA and elsewhere. It will provide students a broad picture of what it means to be in engineering. It will introduce students to the essential tools for further study in engineering. Students will be introduced to the ethical application of engineering principles throughout this course.

2311 STATICS Study of stresses, strains, and equilibrium in a plane and in space; analysis of structures, frictions, centroids, and moments of inertia. Problems oriented with applications emphasized. Prerequisite: PHYS 1441. Co-or Prerequisite: MATH 1497.

2447 ELECTRONICS A basic study of electronic principles, devices, and circuits, both analog and digital. Prerequisites: PHYS 1420 or 1442, MATH 1496.

3301 SIGNALS AND SYSTEMS An introduction to linear systems, the analysis of systems using integral transforms, the use of integral transforms in the solution of difference and differential equations, and an introduction to feedback. A required course for computer engineering majors. Prerequisite: MATH 3331.

3311 ENGINEERING DYNAMICS This course is an introduction to the dynamics and vibrations of lumped-parameter models of mechanical systems. Topics covered include kinematics, force-momentum formulation for systems of particles and rigid bodies in planar motion, work-energy concepts, virtual displacements and virtual work. Students will also become familiar with the following topics: Lagrange’s equations for systems of particles and rigid bodies in planar motion, and linearization of equations of motion. After this course, students will be able to evaluate free and forced vibration of linear multi-degree of freedom models of mechanical systems and matrix eigenvalue problems. Prerequisite: ENGR 2311.

3321 INTRODUCTION TO DEEP LEARNING FOR ROBOTICS An elective course for engineering majors, this course introduces students to a special field of modern artificial intelligence: deep learning. Students will learn the backbones of the most popular AI products. Students will be introduced to the general functionalities and modules that power artificial neural networks. The course will progressively build students’ understanding of deep learning from building the simple logistic regression model to generating contents using more advanced deep neural network architectures. The students will apply and implement knowledge for an autonomous driving vehicle.

3340 AN INTRODUCTION TO DIGITAL IMAGE PROCESSING This course is an introduction to handling images in electronic media using basic principles. Course contents: the nature of vision and the relationship of human eye imaging to 2-D and 3-D sensing of image signals, digital image representation, digital image characterizations, image sampling and reconstruction, digital image mathematical forms, image quantization, 2-D image transformations, image improvements, and image analysis methods. An elective course for computer engineering majors. Prerequisite: At least Junior standing.

3342 MECHANICS General principles of classical mechanics with an introduction to Hamilton’s principle, Lagrange’s equation, and the Hamilton-Jacobi equation. Lecture. Prerequisites: PHYS 1441 or 1410 and MATH 2471, 3331.

3343 THERMAL PHYSICS The fundamental principles of thermodynamics and statistical physics. Lecture. Prerequisites: PHYS 2443 or 2430 and MATH 2471.

3360 ELECTROMAGNETISM 1 The fundamental principles of electricity and magnetism are presented through the theory of fields. Electric and magnetic fields, their interaction with matter, and their behavior as expressed by Maxwell’s equations are explored. Lecture. Prerequisites: PHYS 1442 or 1420 and MATH 2471.

3361 ELECTROMAGNETISM 2 Continuation of ENGR 3360. Propagation, reflection, refraction, and radiation of electromagnetic waves. Lecture. Prerequisite: ENGR 3360.

3410 MICROCONTROLLERS A required course for physics majors in the Engineering Physics track majors and an elective course for other physics majors. This course covers the fundamental digital electronics and programming necessary to communicate with microcontroller computers and analog/digital sensors/components and interfacing between microcontroller and sensor(s). Topics include (but are not limited to) analog to digital integrated circuits (ICs), digital to analog ICs, data logging, analog sensors (temperature, pressure, etc.), digital sensors (accelerometers), pulse-width modulation, and process control circuits. Prerequisite: PHYS 1420 or PHYS 1442.

3415 AN INTRODUCTION TO DIGITAL LOGIC An introduction to logic, logic design, algorithms, computer organization, assembly language programming, and the technology associated with the implementation of these ideas. A required course for computer engineering majors. This course includes a laboratory component. Prerequisite: CSCI 2330.

3416 MICROPROCESSOR SYSTEMS Microprocessor architecture, microprocessor assemblers, assembly and C language programming, software development, memory and I/0 interface, interrupts, microprocessor system design and microprocessor applications. A required course for computer engineering majors. This course includes a laboratory component. Prerequisite: ENGR 3415.

3421 ROBOTICS 1 A required course for physics majors in the engineering physics track, this course introduces students to the field of robotics. Students will build a simple robot from scratch that will be used to complete a team project. Students will be introduced to robotic hardware and software. The course will culminate with a team design project. Prerequisite: C or better in ENGR 2447.

3447 MICROELECTRONICS A laboratory course providing an introduction to microelectronic systems and signal processing. Transistor amplifier design, frequency response, feedback principles, stability, analog integrated circuits, electronics circuit design, and applications will be explored. Students will design and test circuits useful in data acquisition and process control. A required course for physics majors in the Engineering Physics track and an elective course for all other physics majors. Prerequisites: C or better in ENGR 2447.

4V03 TOPICS IN ENGINEERING DESIGN (Variable credit: 1-3 credit hours) Content will vary, depending on interests of faculty and students. Examples: physical acoustics, dynamics, antenna design, fluid mechanics, materials, signal processing. This course may be offered in association with a section of ENGR 4350 Topics in Theoretical Engineering. Students may register for up to 4 hours per semester. A maximum of 12 hours may be used for a degree. May be repeated with different content. Laboratory. Prerequisite: Consent of instructor. Possible Co-requisite: ENGR 4350.

4311 SENIOR DESIGN 1 Part of the Engineering Physics core. A course that offers diverse experiences in problem analysis and system design similar to professional engineering practice, and an opportunity to practice and perfect the skills of technical writing and oral presentation. Part of a two-semester sequence, this course combined with ENGR 4312 provides the capstone experience for engineering students. Prerequisites: 2.75 GPA or higher in ENGR and PHYS courses and consent of instructor.

4312 SENIOR DESIGN 2 Part of the Engineering Physics core. A course that offers diverse experiences in problem analysis and system design similar to professional engineering practice, and an opportunity to practice and perfect the skills of technical writing and oral presentation. Part two of a two-semester sequence, this course combined with ENGR 4311 provides the capstone experience for engineering students. Prerequisites: C or better in ENGR 4311 during the previous semester and consent of instructor. [UD UCA Core: Z]

4315 AN INTRODUCTION TO SIGNAL PROCESSING An introduction to the basic tools of signal processing. Students will learn about the role played by Fourier transforms and spectral analysis in signal processing. The use of windowing and filtering will be emphasized. Students will focus on filter design. An elective course for majors in computer engineering. Prerequisite: ENGR 3301.

4350 TOPICS IN THEORETICAL ENGINEERING Content will vary, depending on interests of faculty and students. Examples: physical acoustics, dynamics, antenna design, fluid mechanics, materials, signal processing. This course may be offered in the association with an ENGR 4103 Topics in Engineering Design. May be repeated with different content. Lecture. Prerequisite: Consent of instructor. Possible Co-requisite: ENGR 4103.

4411 INTRODUCTION TO PHYSICAL ACOUSTICS An elective course for engineering or physics majors. This course covers fundamental acoustics topics such as vibrating strings, membranes, structures, acoustic wave generation, propagation and radiation, wave transmission and reflection phenomena, in addition to applications such as bioacoustics, architectural acoustics, and transducers. Prerequisite: Consent of instructor.

4421 ROBOTICS 2 A required course for physics majors in the Engineering Physics track, this course will expand on the knowledge students gained in ENGR 3421 Robotics 1. Students will build an autonomous robot that will be used to complete a team project. The course will culminate with a team design project. Prerequisite: C or better in ENGR 3421.

4450 AN INTRODUCTION TO EMBEDDED SYSTEMS An introduction to the design and use of embedded computer systems. Programming of embedded computer systems using the C and/or assembly languages. A required course for computer engineering majors. Prerequisite: ENGR 3416.