Rotaract Club to host World AIDS Day activities

The Rotaract Club of the University of Central Arkansas will host World?s AIDS Day activities on Thursday, Dec. 1.Members of Rotaract will distribute red ribbons and other awareness materials on campus throughout the day. Activities will continue at 6 p.m. in Brewer-Hegeman Conference Center Rooms 4A and 4B where speakers will address this year?s theme, ?Keep the Promise,? which addresses the United Nation?s millennium goal. A panel discussion will follow, and refreshments will be served.

The Rotaract Club of UCA is a nonprofit, nonpolitical, international service organization for young adults sponsored by the Conway Morning and Noon Rotary clubs. It is designed to provide an avenue for college students to fulfill Rotary International’s motto, “Service above Self.” There are over 163,000 members in some 7,088 Rotaract clubs in 151 countries. Rotaract clubs around the world work in their communities to provide needed humanitarian services and to increase international understanding.

For more information about World AIDS Day, contacts Philip Bailey at or Patrick O?Connell at