Presentations and Publications

The following presentations, publications and accomplishments were submitted by UCA faculty and staff: Julia Winden-Fey, Undergraduate Studies, and Chris Charlton, Housing, will present “Live Well! Lead Well! in the Sophomore Year” on Nov. 7 in Costa Mesa, Calif., at the 12th National Conference on Students in Transition.

Mike Allen, Donna Bowman, Phil Frana and Rick Scott, Honors College, presented a session titled “Rewiring Plato’s Cave: Exploring the Digital Depths of an Honors Education” on Oct. 29 at the annual meeting of the National Collegiate Honors Council in St. Louis.

Dr. Twala Maresh, Department of Physical Therapy, had an article titled, “Use of Motorized Bicycle Exercise Trainer to Normalize Frequency-Dependent Habituation of the H-reflex in Spinal Cord Injury” published in the latest Journal of Spinal Cord Medicine.

Dr. Twala Maresh and Margaret McGee, Department of Physical Therapy, presented a poster at the 2005 annual Conference of American Physical Therapy Association in Boston, Mass. The title of the poster was “Gait with an Individual with Incomplete SCI (Stance Control Orthosis vs. No Orthosis): A Case Report.?

Dr. Melissa Shock, Department of Nutrition and Dr. Twala Maresh presented a poster at the 2005 American Spinal Injury Association Conference in Dallas. The title of this poster was “Case Study: Dietary Soy Protein and Bone Density in SCI”.

Dr. Harry Readnour, Department of History, was selected to receive the Arkansas Council for Social Studies University Educator of the Year award.