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[1] Courses in Theatre (THEA)
1122-4122 THEATRE PRODUCTION AND PERFORMANCE A required course for theatre majors. Practical experience in theatre production and performance. Each level may be repeated for a total of 2 hours credit each. Fall, spring, summer.
1300 ACTING FOR NON-MAJORS An elective course for non-majors and non-minors. Requires no previous acting experience. Through readings and classroom performance, students will experience the basic principles of acting including relaxation, concentration, improvisation, use of imagination, actions, objectives, initial monologue and scene work, and other basic terms and concepts of process work for the actor. This course does not satisfy any of the acting requirements for the Theatre major or minor. On demand.
1360 TEXT ANALYSIS FOR THE THEATRE An required course for theatre majors. An introduction to textual analysis for the theatre student and artist that studies the dramatic text as a foundation for production. Students will learn to analyze play progression from moment to moment, observe how character and action are conveyed, understand how structure reveals content, and how stage directions stimulate the dramatic imagination. Spring.
1370 VOICE AND MOVEMENT A required course for theatre majors and minors. Study of processes of vocal and physical performance, and recognition of controllable elements in speech and the body. Drill work for improvement of flexibility, strength, physical and vocal expression, pronunciation, and articulation. Fall.
2300 THEATRE APPRECIATION A UCA Core course that satisfies 3 hours of the Inquiry and Analysis requirement as a fine arts elective. Awareness and appreciation of theatre art and its place in contemporary human culture.Incorporates study of theatrical styles, history, theory, and practice using live and recorded performances. May not be credited toward a major or minor in theatre. Fall, spring, summer. [ ACTS: DRAM1003 ]
2310 COSTUME CONSTRUCTION An elective course for theatre majors. Introduces the student to the practical skills necessary to work efficiently in a theatrical costume shop, including hand and machine sewing, commercial pattern construction, alterations, fabric dyeing, and costume crafts.Fall, odd years.
2320 STAGE MAKE-UP An elective course for theatre majors. Techniques and principles of makeup for the theatre. Emphasis is on character makeup and the effects of light, shade, and color on the face. Opportunities for realization of designs in UCA theatre productions. Spring.
2325 FUNDAMENTALS OF THEATRICAL DESIGN A required course for theatre majors. Introduction to critical methodology in the conception, creation and presentation of scenic, lighting and costume design. Fall.
2330 STAGE MANAGEMENT An elective course for the theatre major or minor. Introduces the duties of the stage manager from rehearsal to performance. Areas of instruction include responsibilities and duties of the stage manager during periods of pre-production, rehearsal, performance, and post-production. Collaboration with director, actor, and technicians, and other appropriate topics. Spring even years.
2331 STAGECRAFT A required course for theatre majors. Basic elements of the theatrical setting leading to competency in the procedures involved in the construction, painting and dressing of scenery, and the use of the theatre building. Fall.
2390 ACTING I A required course for theatre majors. An introduction to the physical, intellectual, and emotional aspects of acting, including basic movement, script analysis, and characterization techniques. Spring.
3150/3250/3350 DIRECTED STUDY IN THEATRE Concentrated study of a topic or topics to be determined through instructor/student interaction. Does not count toward course requirements in the theatre major or minor. May be repeated for credit. May be used for honors studies with the consent of the department chair. Prerequisite: junior standing, minimum 3.0 GPA, or consent of the instructor. Fall, spring, summers on demand.
3310 COSTUME DESIGN A required or elective course for theatre majors. Applied theory and principles of design, specifically related to stage costume design. Emphasis is on the communicative and collaborative nature of costume design within the process of theatrical production. Prerequisite: THEA 2325 or consent of instructor. Fall.
3320 DIGITAL DESIGN An elective course for theatre majors. The study of digital image design and multimedia manipulation for the theatre artist. Through lecture and lab work, students learn to use diverse software applications integrating text, sound, images, animation, and video to complete a theatre project and create an individualized acting, directing, or theatrical design portfolio for the internet. Prerequisite: THEA 2325 or by consent of instructor. On demand.
3324 THEATRE HISTORY I A required course for theatre majors. The first part of a two semester series offering an historical and critical survey of theatre and drama from origins to 1700. The course includes study of architecture, theatrical conventions, design styles, acting styles, dramatic literature, and noted theatrical artists. The course will also cover major arguments in dramatic theory. Fall, odd years.
3325 THEATRE HISTORY II A required course for theatre majors. The second part of a two semester series offering an historical and critical survey of theatre and drama from 1700 to the present. The course includes study of architecture, theatrical conventions, design styles, acting styles, dramatic literature, and noted theatrical artists. The course will also cover major arguments in dramatic theory Spring, even years.
3331 STAGECRAFT II Advanced study of stagecraft through the use of production project assignments. Projects and topics covered will include technical problem solving, advanced tool use, alternative materials and rigging methods. An elective for theatre majors and minors. Prerequisite: THEA 2331 or consent of instructor. Spring of odd years.
3332 STAGE LIGHTING A required or elective course for theatre majors. Stage lighting design and its role in theatre, film, and TV production is examined, including types of instruments, lamps, color media, control devices, and history. Laboratory work in UCA theatre productions is offered. Prerequisite: THEA 2325 or consent of instructor. Spring, even years.
3390 ACTING STYLES: FARCE, COMMEDIA, COMEDY OF MANNERS An elective course for theatre majors and minors. Student actors will explore techniques of performing in the comedic styles of farce, commedia dell’arte, and comedy of manners. Prerequisites: THEA 2390 or consent of the instructor. Spring.
3391 ACTING STYLES: SHAKESPEARE, GREEK An elective course for theatre majors and minors. Using performance material written in verse, students will explore the techniques of performing Shakespeare and Greek theatre. Prerequisite: THEA 2390 or consent of the instructor. Fall.
4100 PROFESSIONAL ISSUES An elective course for theatre majors and minors. This is a seminar class for seniors to prepare the student for auditions/interviews for professional work, internships, or graduate school. Fall.
4305 ACTING FOR THE CAMERA Building on the actor’s knowledge of stage acting, students will be given on-camera experience in the fundamental techniques that are particular to acting for the camera. Topics covered will include listening and reacting, distance and relationship, shot size and the actor, and on-camera auditions. Prerequisites: THEA 2390 and/or permission of instructor. Fall.
4315 TOPICS IN THEATRE PERFORMANCE An elective course for theatre majors and minors. In-depth studies in selected theories and methods of performance such as musical theatre, Elizabethan theatre, children’s theatre, and experimental theatre. May be repeated for credit up to 6 hours. Content changes on demand. See semester schedules for description of content. Prerequisite: THEA 1360 and 2390. On demand.
4320 PLAY DIRECTING A required course for theatre majors. Selection, casting, and rehearsal of plays. Students will be required to direct one-act plays. Prerequisites: THEA 1360 and THEA 2390 or consent of instructor. Spring.
4321 TOPICS IN TECHNICAL THEATRE An elective course for theatre majors and minors. In-depth studies in selected theory and practice of technical theatre such as sound reinforcement and design, advanced make-up design, costume design, and scenic painting and decoration. May be repeated up to 6 hours. Content changes on demand. See semester schedules for description of content. Prerequisite: THEA 2331 or consent of instructor. On demand.
4322 THEATRE WORKSHOP An elective course for theatre majors. Advanced training in directorial methods and organization, performance techniques, and experimental theatre practices. Summer only.
4326 COSTUME HISTORY An elective course for theatre majors and minors. This course examines the history and fabrication of western clothing, as well as its aesthetic, cultural, political and economic influences from Antiquity to 1990. Fall, even years.
4340 SCENE DESIGN A required or elective course for theatre majors. Theories and styles of scenic design and their application to the individual play. Prerequisite: THEA 2325 and 2331 or consent of instructor. Spring, odd years.