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[1] Courses in French (FREN)

1111, 1211 BASIC FRENCH COMMUNICATION Oral practice in basic French communication for social and travel situations. Laboratory or classroom setting.

1301 FRENCH FOR READING KNOWLEDGE Designed to enable students with no prior knowledge of French to acquire a basic reading competency. Includes an overview of the principles of French grammar and the study of texts related to students’ fields of study. Of special interest to students preparing for graduate school. FREN 1301 does not count toward the BA requirement. On demand.

1310 ELEMENTARY FRENCH I Beginning study of French. Basic communication skills are emphasized. Discussion/lecture. Prerequisite: no previous experience in French or placement examination score. Students with 3 or more years of high school French should take either FREN 1320 or 2310 based on placement process. Fall, spring. ACTS: FREN1013 ]

1320 ELEMENTARY FRENCH II Continued study of the basic elements of French and practice in communication skills. Discussion/lecture. Prerequisite: C grade or better in FREN 1310 or appropriate placement examination score, or consent of chair. Fall, spring. ACTS: FREN1023 ]

2112, 2212 COMMUNICATING IN FRENCH I AND II Oral practice of French in social, travel, and business situations. Do not fulfill B.A. foreign language requirement. On demand.

2310 INTERMEDIATE FRENCH I Review and broadening of basic skills in realistic contexts. The first course in the minor or major. Study of cultural and literary texts. Discussion/lecture. Prerequisite: C grade or better in FREN 1320 or appropriate placement examination score, or consent of chair. Fall, spring. ACTS: FREN2013 ]

2320 INTERMEDIATE FRENCH II Further review with special emphasis on reading and writing. Also fulfills Critical Inquiry Humanities elective in UCA CORE. Discussion/lecture. Prerequisite: FREN 2310 or appropriate placement examination score and consent of chair. Fall, spring. ACTS: FREN2023 ]

2330 INTRODUCTION TO BUSINESS FRENCH Special applications of French to the business environment. Emphasis on a broad range of topics related to the needs of people working with or living in the French business community. Discussion/lecture. Prerequisite: FREN 2310 or consent of chair. On demand.

2340 INTENSIVE ORAL PRACTICE ABROAD IN FRENCH Intensive practice in speaking French. Student must receive a minimum of 45 hours of classroom instruction, which may be supplemented by field experiences. Students must study in a program approved by the chair of the Department of World Languages, Literatures, and Cultures. French 2340 cannot be counted toward the major or minor in French, nor can it be used to fulfill the three credit hours required at the intermediate level for the B.A. foreign language requirement. Prerequisite: FREN 1320. On demand.

3160, 3260 PRACTICUM IN FRENCH Designed to enhance communication skills and cultural knowledge through participation in authentic language experiences. May be repeated once, but a maximum of 3 hours may be applied to the major or minor program. Prerequisite: FREN 2320 or consent of chair. On demand.

3300 ADVANCED GRAMMAR AND COMPOSITION I In-depth study of grammar and practice in communication skills including increased writing in French. Discussion/lecture. Prerequisite: FREN 2320 and passing scores on proficiency tests in FREN 2320, or departmental placement, or consent of chair. On demand.

3303 ADVANCED GRAMMAR AND COMPOSITION II In-depth study of the French language and introduction to textual analysis/explication de texte with an emphasis on stylistics and rhetoric. Discussion/lecture. Prerequisite: FREN 2320 or consent of chair. On demand.

3312 FRENCH CIVILIZATION Survey of historical, political, and social elements of French society with an analysis of modern French customs and social problems. Discussion/lecture. Prerequisite: FREN 2320 or consent of chair. On demand.

3315 ISSUES OF CULTURAL IDENTITY IN THE FRANCOPHONE WORLD Topics course in issues of cultural identity in the French-speaking world. Areas of study may include the literature and culture of French-speaking North America, Africa, Indochina, and the French Antilles. With approval by the Department Chair, French 3315 may count as either a literature course or a culture course to fulfill major area requirements. Discussion/lecture. Prerequisite: French 2320 or consent of Chair. On demand.

3320 FRENCH LITERATURE I Survey of French literature before 1800. Discussion/lecture. Prerequisite: FREN 3300 or consent of chair. On demand.

3321 FRENCH LITERATURE II Survey of major French literary movements since 1800, including romanticism, realism, symbolism, surrealism and existentialism. Thematic focus on the self in society in 19th- and 20th-century French literature. Discussion/lecture. Prerequisite: FREN 3300 or consent of chair. On demand.

3330 ADVANCED BUSINESS FRENCH An upper-division elective designed to help students transition from intermediate-high to advanced level proficiency in listening, speaking, reading and writing skills as they study business related vocabulary, concepts, and cultural differences. Review of grammatical structures as needed. Students will read articles related to conducting business in France, the state and structure of France’s economy and will explore current topics in global economics and trade, especially as they pertain to French and Canadian firms doing business in the U.S. and Arkansas. Discussion/lecture. Prerequisite: one FREN 3000-level class or consent of chair. On demand.

3340 INTENSIVE ORAL PRACTICE ABROAD IN FRENCH Intensive practice in speaking French. Student must receive a minimum of 45 hours of classroom instruction, which may be supplemented by field experiences. Students must study in a program approved by the Chair of the Department of World Languages, Literatures, and Cultures. Students may only count three credits of Intensive Oral French Abroad (3340) toward the major in French. Prerequisite: FREN 2320. On demand.

3350 FRENCH CINEMA Overview of French cinema from its invention to the present. Students will explore cinematic trends and movements such as early documentary and narrative film shorts, silent classics, avant-garde films, poetic realism, golden-era sound films, popular cinema, the New Wave, post-68 cinema feminist films, cinéma du look, neo-realism, gay cinema, la mode rétro, heritage films, cinéma de banlieue, postmodern films, African cinema, immigration cinema, and post-national cinema. Prerequisite: FREN 2320. Discussion/lecture. On demand.

3370 FRENCH TRANSLATION An upper-division elective designed to help students improve their proficiency in French through a traditional thème-version approach. That is, students will translate both from English to French and from French to English. Students will begin at the sentence level before moving on to translate texts of increasing length on a variety of topics. Review of grammatical structures as needed. Discussion/lecture. Prerequisite: one FREN 3000-level class or consent of chair. On demand.

3398 INTENSIVE FRENCH ABROAD Intensive study abroad. Classes in French conversation and or study of topics related to French history, culture, and literature. Prerequisite: French 2320 or consent of chair. On demand.

4110 SENIOR CAPSTONE PROJECT Capstone course required of all French majors completing the program. Students must complete a series of comprehensive assessments including proficiency examinations, self-assessments, essays and a final paper asking students to integrate their linguistic, cultural, and literary knowledge. Teacher candidates completing the course will be required to complete an official ACTFL Oral Proficiency Interview. Discussion/lecture. Prerequisite: Completion of 24 hours in the major. Fall, spring.

4310 UNDERGRADUATE SCHOLARS THESIS Tutorial taken in the senior year by a student who is invited to enter the undergraduate scholars program in French. A reading list will provide the foundation for a thesis to be written by the honors candidate. To qualify, the student must earn a grade of A or B on the thesis. Prerequisite: Departmental invitation.

4350 ADVANCED CONVERSATION AND PHONETICS Development of advanced oral proficiency including a study of French pronunciation habits. Discussion/lecture. Prerequisite: FREN 2320 or consent of chair. On demand.
4395 ADVANCED FRENCH LITERATURE Theme course. Special studies in various genres, literary movements, or authors. May be repeated for credit under different topics. Seminar format. Prerequisite: Two 3000-level courses or consent of chair. On demand.

4100, 4200, 4300 INDEPENDENT STUDY IN FRENCH Prerequisite: Consent of instructor and chair. On demand.