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[1] Courses in Environmental Science (ENVR)
3410 ENVIRONMENTAL THEORY AND APPLICATION A core course for environmental science majors, and an elective course for biology majors. This course provides an introduction to the environmental problems facing mankind, the scientific, economic, and social bases of these problems, potential solutions, and methodologies of environmental assessment. Prerequisites: BIOL 1441, CHEM 1451, and GEOG 1400 or SCI 3410. [UD UCA Core: D, C]
4V45 INTERNSHIP IN ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE An elective course for Environmental Science majors who have completed 60 hours of course work with a GPA of at least 2.5. An internship is an opportunity to apply classroom experience in Environmental Science to an employment situation. Prerequisite: approval of Internship Proposal by the Faculty Mentor, Track Advisor, and Director of Environmental Science. Up to four semester hours may count as Environmental Science elective credit with approval of Director. Additional hours may be granted for students in the Planning and Administration Track.
4V55 INDEPENDENT STUDY IN ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE An elective course for Environmental Science majors who have completed 60 hours of course work with a GPA of al least 2.5. An Independent Study course will involve work with a faculty member in study related to Environmental Science or a supervised study involving an outside entity. Prerequisite: approval of instructor and Director of Environmental Science.
4V85 UNDERGRADUATE RESEARCH IN ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE This course provides research experience under faculty supervision designed to supplement regularly organized courses related to Environmental Science. Students must have a minimum GPA of 2.5. Students taking two or more hours of Undergraduate Research are encouraged to complete Honors in the Major. Prerequisite: consent of instructor and Director of Environmental Science. Up to four semester hours may count as Environmental Science elective credit with approval of Director.
4410 ENVIRONMENTAL PRACTICUM A core course for environmental science majors. This course involves supervised research on environmental problems using modern field collection techniques and methods of data analysis and interpretation. This course requires cooperative research with other students to fully investigate an environmental topic. Prerequisites: Junior standing (or higher) and ENVR 3410. [UD UCA Core: Z]
4465 ENVIRONMENTAL TOXICOLOGY provides an introduction to the fate, toxicity, and effects of contaminants in ecological systems. This course will focus on the impacts of toxic substances on ecological structures across various levels of biological organization, from individuals to the community and ecosystem level. Students will receive a basic knowledge of both short- and long-term effects of pollution on aquatic and terrestrial organisms and environments. Upon completion of the course, students will have an understanding of the properties and behavior of major classes of chemicals, toxicity testing procedures, concepts and application of ecological risk assessment for regulation, and current issues in the field. Prerequisites: CHEM 1451; MATH 2311, PSCI 3312 OR PSYC 2330; BIOL 2490, or permission of instructor.