Academic Affairs Committee
The purpose of the Academic Affairs Committee is to foster academic success and achievement through enriching the learning community, promoting scholastic resources, and supporting academic accessibility. The committee shall consider the academic suggestions and concerns of students within their respective academic colleges.
Bear Advocacy Group
The purpose of the Bear Advocacy Group is to foster an inclusive and respectful environment for civic engagement among all students, educate students on civic engagement, and to advocate for UCA and its students.
Diversity Committee
The purpose of the Diversity Committee is to better represent and address the needs of underrepresented students, including but not limited to international, non-traditional, and transfer students of UCA. The committee shall consider the suggestions and concerns of these students and make decisions that will enhance their college experience. The committee shall be composed of five (5) senators and at least (5) non-SGA members to be nominated and elected yearly by the SGA. The non-SGA members must be deemed appropriate representatives of their constituents and must uphold the charge of the committee. The Chair of the Diversity Committee shall be selected by the SGA Executive Board Officers.
Finance Committee
The Finance Committee shall propose a budget for the SGA at the beginning of each semester and assist the Vice-President of Finance with the control and handling of all SGA monies. The Finance Committee shall hear the funding request(s) of registered student organizations and make recommendations to the SGA. It shall have the power to request reports from all organizations and activities that request funds from the SGA.
Housing and Food Service
The Housing and Food Service Committee shall improve and benefit the lives of students in the areas of housing and food and recognizes the extensive efforts of those staff members involved in housing and food service. This committee shall consider the suggestions and concerns of students impacted by housing and food service and present these concerns to the staff leaders of these areas.
Internal Affairs Committee
The purpose of the Internal Affairs Committee is to amend and enhance the governing documents of the SGA through frequent review of the constitution and bylaws. The committee shall consider amendments to the constitution and bylaws to better reflect the practices of the SGA.
Public Relations Committee
The Public Relations committee shall publicize and promote the activities of the SGA and take an active role promoting the community relations of SGA.
Student Activity Fee Allocation Committee
To insure accountability of all student activity fee funding, to teach budget planning, to encourage organizations to plan ahead, to encourage organizations to justify their expenses, and to encourage a greater diversity of activities funded through the student activity fee.
Student Fee Advisory Committee
The purpose of the Student Fee Advisory Committee is to ensure openness and transparency in the distribution and spending of student fees by university officials. The Student Fee Advisory Committee shall review funding and distribution of all student fees. The Committee shall meet at designated periods throughout the year with the directors of departments and university institutions that receive student fees.
Ways and Means Committee
The purpose of the Ways and Means Committee is to keep and preserve the future for the SGA. The committee’s duties shall be to review RSO constitutions, resolutions, fill vacant senate positions, and appeal demerits. This committee is the ruling body on constitutionality, policy, elections, and ethics arising in SGA.