AMUN Country Preferences Form

AMUN Country Preferences Form

  • If you were assigned a lottery number and you know the lottery number, please indicate the number above.
  • Please indicate above the name and location (city) of your high school.
  • Please indicate above the name(s) of the Model UN faculty advisors or sponsors at the high school.
  • Please indicate above the email address(es) of the faculty advisors or sponsors.
  • Please indicate above the number of country assignments that you would like to request for the next AMUN conference.
  • Please provide above your list of country preferences in the order of your preference (1-first preference, 2-second preference, 3-third preference, etc.). Please provide at least five preferences for every country assignment requested. For example, if you are requesting a total of three country assignments for the next AMUN conference, please provide a list of at least 15 country preferences above. Please remember that high schools are limited to one country with a Security Council seat and no more than two countries with Historical Security Council (HSC) and Model International Court of Justice (MICJ) seats.