Dr. Gizachew Tiruneh
Associate Professor and Director of the International Studies Program
Irby Hall, Suite #217
(501) 450-3412
Ph.D., Political Science, Binghamton University, SUNY, 2001
M.B.A., Computer Information Systems, Baruch College, CUNY, 1993
B.A., Finance and Investments, Baruch College, CUNY, 1988
Introduction to Political Science
Introduction to International Relations
Statistical Methods for Political Analysis
Governments & Politics of Africa
Governments & Politics of the Middle East
Dynamics of Democratization
International Political Economy & Globalization
1. Tiruneh, Gizachew. (2022). “Political Stability in Africa: A Cross-National Analysis,” Journal of Asian and African Studies. 57 (7): 1376-1400. DOI: 10.1177/00219096211054401.
2.Tiruneh, Gizachew with Feleke Asrat, Brooks Pearson, and Matthew Connelly, and Gizachew Tiruneh. (2022). “Spatial Analysis of Climate Driver Impacts on Tanzania Migration Patterns.” In GIS and Spatial Analysis, Jorge Rocha, Eduardo Gomes, Ines Boavida-Portugal, and Claudia M. Viana Jorge, eds. London: InTech Open. PP. 1-21.
3. Tiruneh, Gizachew with T. Price Dooley and Joe Howard. (2021). “What Determines the Political Orientations of College Students: A Comparative Study of Two Universities?” Midsouth Political Science Review. 21: 23-55.
4. Tiruneh, Gizachew. 2015. The Rise and Fall of the Solomonic Dynasty of Ethiopia: Is the Kebra Nagast a Time-Bound Document? Los Angeles: Tsehai Publishers.
5. Tiruneh, Gizachew. 2014. “Social Revolutions: Their Causes, Types, and Phases.” Sage Open. 4: 1-12. DOI: 10.1177/2158244014548845.
6. Tiruneh, Gizachew. 2014. “The Kebra Nagast: Can Its Secrets Be Revealed?” International Journal of Ethiopian Studies. 8: 51-72.
7. Tiruneh, Gizachew. 2013. “Does Social Background Influence Political Science Grades.” Current Issues in Education, vol. 16 (2): 1-13.
8. Tiruneh, Gizachew. 2009. “Determinants of Adult HIV/AIDS Prevalence in Africa: Do Cultural Variations Matter?” Midsouth Political Science Review, vol. 10: pp. 103-124.
9. Tiruneh, Gizachew. 2008. When is Democracy Normal? The Relation to Demography, Market Economy, and Globalization. Lewiston, NY: The Edwin Mellen Press.
10. Tiruneh, Gizachew. 2008. “Can Africa Tap the Benefits of Economic Development?” Current Politics and Economics of Africa, vol. 1 (1), pp. 47-60.
11. Tiruneh, Gizachew. 2008. “Democracy,” In International Encyclopedia of Social Sciences, 2nd edition. William A. Darity, editor-in-chief. Macmillan. pp. 272-276.
12. Tiruneh, Gizachew. 2008. “Political Power,” In International Encyclopedia of Social Sciences, 2nd edition. William A. Darity, editor-in-chief. Macmillan. pp. 415-417.
13. Tiruneh, Gizachew. 2007. “Does Attendance Enhance Political Science Grades?” Journal of Political Science Education, vol. 3(3): pp. 265-276.
14. Tiruneh, Gizachew. 2006. “Regime Type and Economic Growth in Africa: A Cross-National Analysis,” Social Science Journal, vol. 43 (1): pp. 3-18.
15. Tiruneh, Gizachew. 2004. “Towards Normal Democracy: Theory and Prediction,” Journal of Social, Political, and Economic Studies, vol. 29 (4): pp. 470-489.
16. Tiruneh, Gizachew. 2004. “Democratic Development in Botswana and Tunisia,” Journal of Contemporary African Studies, vol. 22 (1): pp. 13-28.