39. Indonesia/Irian Jaya, 1963-present

Crisis Phase (May 1, 1963-July 25, 1965):  The territory of Irian Jaya (West Papua) was formally transferred from the Netherlands to Indonesia on May 1, 1963.

Conflict Phase (July 26, 1965-present):  The Free Papua Movement (Organisasa Papua Mendeka – OPM), which was established in 1964, initiated an insurgency against the government beginning on July 26, 1965. Government troops launched a military offensive (Operation Annihilation) against OPM insurgents in January 1967, resulting in  the deaths of some 3,500 individuals.  The United Nations (UN) supervised a plebiscite held from July 14 to August 2, 1969.  On September 17, 1969, the Indonesian government formally declared Irian Jaya as the country’s 17th province.  On July 1, 1971, the OPM proclaimed the independence of West Papua.  Government troops launched a military offensive (Operation Tumpas) against OPM insurgents in May 1977, resulting in the deaths of hundreds of individuals. Government troops and Papua New Guinean troops launched a joint military offensive against OPM insurgents in the border region in June-July 1978. In June 1981, government troops launched Operation Sapu Bersih (Operation Clean Sweep) against OPM insurgents, resulting in the deaths of more than 15,000 individuals through the end of 1984.   In August 1986, government troops launched a military offensive (Operation Skewered Meat), resulting in another 4,000 refugees fleeing into Papua New Guinea.  Members of the OPM abducted and held 12 individuals (six Indonesian, four British, and two Dutch nationals) as hostages in Irian Jaya beginning on January 8, 1996. Five representatives of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) facilitated negotiations between the government and OPM between February 7 and May 9, 1996. One of the hostages was released by the OPM on March 26-27, 1996. Government troops conducted a rescue mission on May 9-15, 1996, resulting in the deaths of two of the hostages and release of nine of the hostages. The ICRC provided emergency humanitarian assistance to some 15,000 civilians in the Mimika District in Irian Jaya between November 19, 1997 and June 30, 1998.  Government soldiers massacred some 150 individuals in the town of Biak on July 6, 1998.  Some 8,000 Irianese remained as refugees in Papua New Guinea in December 1998.  OPM insurgents attacked villagers in Arso in Irian Jaya on May 5, 1999, resulting in the deaths of four individuals.  On January 1, 2000, Indonesian President Abdurrahman Wahid apologized to the people of Irian Jaya for past human rights abuses.  Irian Jaya nationalists declared the province’s independence from Indonesia on June 4, 2000. Government police and OPM insurgents clashed on October 6-7, 2000, resulting in the deaths of 30 individuals. Government troops and OPM insurgents clashed near Betaf on February 3, 2001, resulting in the deaths of four government soldiers and one insurgent.  OPM insurgents killed five government police in western Irian Jaya on June 12, 2001.  Theys Eluay, Chairman of the Papua Presidium Council, was kidnapped and murdered near Jayapura on November 11, 2001.  OPM insurgents attacked and killed six civilians in Puncak Jaya on October 12, 2004.  Government troops and OPM insurgents clashed on October 22, 2004, resulting in the death of one insurgent.  Four government police and a solider were killed during clashes with demonstrators on March 16, 2006.  Some 5,000 individuals were displaced during government counter-insurgency operations in Irian Jaya in December 2006.  At least 16,000 individuals were displaced during government counter-insurgency operations in Puncak Jaya (Irian Jaya) in 2007.  OPM insurgents attacked and killed one government soldier in Tingginambut on March 14, 2009.  Several hundred Papuans demonstrated in support of a referendum on independence in Jayapura on March 24, 2009.  Five individuals were killed in a bomb attack in Jayapura on April 9, 2009.  Government troops and OPM insurgents clashed on April 11-12, 2009, resulting in the deaths of eleven individuals.  OPM insurgents attacked a police convoy in Tingginambut on April 15, 2009, resulting in the death of one police officer.  Three individuals, including a mining expert, security guard, and government policeman, were killed by suspected OPM insurgents in separate ambushes near the town of Tembagapura on July 11-12, 2009.  Kelly Kwalik, an OPM leader, was shot and killed by government police in Timika on December 16, 2009.  Government troops attacked an OPM base on May 17, 2010, resulting in the death of one OPM insurgent.  OPM insurgents  attacked and killed one government soldier in an ambush in Puncak Jaya District on July 20, 2011.  Seventeen individuals were killed in clashes between rival political factions in the Puncak Jaya District on July 30-31, 2011.  OPM insurgents attacked and killed four individuals in Abepura District on August 1, 2011.  OPM insurgents attacked and killed two government policemen in Puncak Jaya district on December 5, 2011.  Government police attacked an OPM base on December 12, 2011, resulting in the deaths of some 15 OPM insurgents.  OPM insurgents attacked a public bus on January 8, 2012, resulting in the deaths of four individuals.  Mako Tabuni, a Papuan separatist leader, was killed by government police in Jayapura on June 14, 2012.  OPM insurgents attacked and killed three individuals in the town on Paniai on July 9, 2012.  OPM insurgents attacked a police station in the town on Wamena in Jayawija District on November 27, 2012, resulting in the deaths of three police officers.  OPM insurgents attacked government troops in Puncak Jaya District on February 21, 2013, resulting in the deaths of eight soldiers.  Some 100,000 individuals have been displaced during the conflict (including 20,000 individuals displaced between 2001 and 2007), and some 13,500 Papuan refugees were in neighboring Papua New Guinea in 2010.  More than 150,000 individuals have been killed during the conflict.

[Sources:  ABC Radio Australia, November 27, 2012; Agence France-Presse (AFP), November 27, 2012, February 22, 2013; Al Jazeera, July 13, 2009; Arnold et al., 1991, 144-145; Associated Press (AP), May 7, 1999, February 4, 2001; Bercovitch and Jackson, 1997, 123-124; British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC), January 1, 2000, October 9, 2000, February 4, 2001, June 13, 2001, September 1, 2002, April 20, 2006, March 13, 2009, August 1, 2011, June 14, 2012, November 27, 2012, February 21, 2013, February 22, 2013; Degenhardt, 1988, 161-162; Far Eastern Economic Review (FEER), July 11, 1991, 23-25; International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), February 28, 1996, February 29, 1996, May 9, 1996, November 27, 1997, January 9, 1998, February 18, 1998, March 25, 1998, August 27, 1999; Le Monde Diplomatique, June 14, 2010; Reuters, May 6, 1999, June 5, 2000, October 7, 2000, March 24, 2009; Tillema, 1991, 273-274.]


Selected Bibliography

Nyamekye, Kwasi and Ralph R. Premdas. 1979. “Papua New Guinea-Indonesian Relations Over Irian Jaya.” Asian Survey
91: 927-945.