2023 Council Topics

Joint Defense Council

1. Proposing a standardized, League-wide policy on nuclear technology, including weapons and other forms such as energy.
2. Resolving the territorial disputes caused by climate change, such as water and food insecurity.
3. Assessing the likelihood of artificial intelligence creating cybersecurity threats as the technology for it progresses.
4. Promoting joint military exercises with the African Union to further the League’s multilateral relationships.

Council on Palestinian Affairs

1. Taking measures to protect and preserve Palestinian cultural heritage sites.
2. Exploring methods to combat environmental degradation and biodiversity loss in Palestine.
3.Considering ways to protect journalists from violence and unjust imprisonment in Palestine.
4. Devising strategies to combat food insecurity in Palestine, bearing in mind the challenges posed by ongoing international conflicts in major wheat producing countries.

Council on Political Affairs

1. Discussing the relationship between international and local regulators as a means of addressing corruption throughout the Arab League.
2. Exploring the benefits of demilitarized zones throughout the Arab world and additional means of implementing demilitarized zones.
3. Exploring avenues to resettle and reintegrate ex-combatants and their affiliates.
4. Examining the impacts of global shortages on Arab League states.

Council of Arab Social Affairs Ministers

1. Evaluating methods of mitigating water insecurity in the Middle East & North Africa (MENA) region, with special attention to women and refugees.
2. Discussing possible changes that could be made on an individual state and league-wide basis to better achieve equality as outlined in the 2004 Arab Charter on Human Rights.
3. Exploring the relationship between minority populations in the region and their access to education as an aid to social mobility.
4. Discussing the rising rates of Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) and ways to implement protections for both IDPs and stateless persons throughout the region.

Council of Arab Environmental Affairs Ministers

1. Evaluating the effects of droughts and how they relate to food production and food access in the Middle East & North Africa (MENA) region.
2. Analyzing the effects of deforestation on natural resources and biodiversity across the region.
3. Assessing the waste management infrastructure in the Arab region and devising means to make it more efficient and sustainable.
4. Examining the effect of extreme heat and devising strategies to combat wildfires and resource loss.

Council of Arab Economic Affairs Ministers

1. Looking to the future by forming a strong, digital economy in the region.
2. Connecting and assessing advancements in the Middle East & North Africa (MENA) region  to the diversification of the economy and sustainable practice opportunities of the region.
3. Finding short-term and long-term economic solutions for food insecurity caused by internal and external conflicts.
4. Analyzing ways to increase the safety of working conditions as a League in order to improve worker retention.